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Vaping With Vapinski – Variety Vivacious Victory (huh?)
“These are some of my favorite things…”
This week I wanted to highlight a few eLiquids that I simply cannot live without! When we all begin vaping, we want that ONE flavor that will get us to quit smoking. Some of us simply vape electronic cigarettes to quit while most of us become all about the flavor of our favorite eLiquids in those electronic cigarettes. I was a smoker for over 20 years and developed the hand-to-mouth habit, which to most smokers is the habit that is harder to break than smoking itself!! I need to make sure I always have a select few eLiquids around that are my ‘go-to’ juice…my regulars…my juices that I can vape for days and NOT get bored. The versatility of these eLiquids is amazing too! I can drip them, throw them in a tank, or build my Kayfun’s and enjoy them in there as well. I can use them on an unregulated mod or a device with wattage, some even taste great at a high wattage. I love that!! I am limiting this article to highlight just three super talented vendors for now. Let’s start with the one I’ve raved about before:
Cream Brulee by Earth’s Bounty
“A vanilla custard with caramel-aged in an oak barrel for 6-8 weeks that had Spiced Rum in it.”
Earth’s Bounty Cream Brulee is simply the best Brulee I have tried out on the market to date. Gordon Tinsley just knows what he is doing when it comes to mixing eLiquid. His house juice is some of the best out on the market and the Barrel Aged Line is superior to most premium eLiquids I have tasted. The Cream Brulee is aged in a barrel that had spiced rum in it for six to eight weeks and it just adds this lovely undertone to the ejuice that sets it apart from any other Brulee. It makes you want MORE. The vanilla custard and caramel that I savor on the inhale mix into the creaminess and aged rum undertone of the exhale and make it one divine blend. I even get a touch of the burnt sugar you get from a typical Brulee to add a touch of sweetness to the mix. This 50vg/50pg blend also gives off a great amount of vapor and has a very mild throat hit at 3mg. Trust me when I say it’s a MUST try.
The bottles are 40ml decorative glass bottles with droppers and come with a sweet Eiffel tower charm. They retail at most B&M stores for $27.99 a bottle and are well worth the $.70/ml. Cream Brulee is available in 0,3,6,12,18, and 24mg of nicotine.
Zuro’s Milk by Todd Zuro
“A decadent mix of cream and custard infused with fresh strawberry.”
Zuro’s Milk by Todd Zuro is one of those eLiquids that you better just grab two of right off the bat. I believe that I’ve have tried every type of “Milk” ejuice out there and this one is just plain ‘ol addictive in a super way!! On the inhale, I get a lovely strawberry flavor that mellows into the creamy custard as I am exhaling. The creaminess of this particular ejuice is just unreal. This has just been available around the Pittsburgh area for quite some time as Todd is from around the area and wanted to keep it small and simple in the beginning. He didn’t realize how big of a hit he had, but vapers keep wanting more. People from out of town that visit want more. It is just simply that good. Todd is another vendor that simply knows flavors and how to mix them. There will be more from this talented vendor in the near future!! Zuro’s Milk is a 70vg/30pg blend and has a great vapor production and very mild throat hit at 3mg.
The glass bottles with droppers come in two sizes. Most B&M stores sell the 15ml bottle for $12 or 2 for $20 and the 60ml size for $35-so for $.58/ml you should just go for the big one! Zuro’s Milk comes in 0, 3, and 6mg of nicotine in the 15ml and 3 and 6mg nicotine in the 60ml size.
Whirling Dervish by Vape Orenda
“Forget everything you know about vanilla custard e-liquids. Whirling Dervish by Vape Orenda takes a vanilla cream enriched custard, blends it with exotic spices, then gently tucks notes of honey, fruits, and other aromas into its folds.”
Whirling Dervish by Vape Orenda is yet another superb flavor handcrafted by a man (Lincoln Meredith) who knows what he is doing when it comes to mixing eLiquid. This layered ejuice presents itself in different ways depending on what device you use. I’m currently running it in an Arctic Tank at 55 watts. I have also dripped it, and used a Kayfun, but this is my FAVORITE way to vape it. On the inhale, I get a nice note of spice that isn’t overpowering. So often any vape that includes a spice note overpowers the entire vape—not the case with Whirling Dervish. The sweetness from the honey and creaminess from the custard mixes in on the exhale. There is a slight berry undertone as that hits every so often, but I don’t notice it all the time. It is a masterful blend that I find hard to put down!! Whirling Dervish is a 60vg/40pg blend and also has a good vapor production and just a mild throat hit at 3mg.
The 30ml glass bottles with droppers’ retail at most B&M stores for $22.99. At $.77/ml, this complex blend is also well worth the price. Whirling Dervish is available in 0,3,6,12, and 18mg of nicotine.
You can follow all three vendors on Facebook: Earth’s Bounty Ejuice, Zuro’s Milk, and Vape Orenda.They are also on Instagram: @earthsbountyejuice, @zurosmilk, and @vapeorenda.
For ordering, see their respective pages or message the Sweet Home Vapor Co PA’s Facebook page. They sell all three eLiquids!!
There are a few more vendors I carry around regularly and I’ll highlight them at another time. These three, in my opinion, just have it down. I look forward to each release and to writing more about them in the future!!