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777 eCigs Magnum Review
Triple 7 (777 eCigs) is offering two great coupon codes for the new Magnum Kits and the new Tanks. The coupon code spinfuel is a $2.00 discount on the new T3S tanks so the final cost is $3.95 each. The coupon code spinfuel15 will give a 15% discount on all new magnum starter kits.
Fast on the heels of the very successful launch of the Triple 7 Bullet (777 eCigs), the Magnum has arrived in 3 different battery styles and it’s even more powerful than the Bullet. This high-quality, 650mAh 3.7v battery is the best yet from Triple 7 and stands ready to take the company into a whole new level of e-cigarettes… where the big boys are.
I’ve been happily vaping away on all three of these new Magnum’s for a week now and it’s been more than enough for this heavy Vaper. Triple 7 chose the right components for the next step up the ladder.
When Triple 7 launched in 2012 they launched with an excellent, if not very attractive, cig-a-like starter kit that more than proved itself among the legions of other cig-a-likes in the field. It’s 4.2v 180mAh or 230mAh (depending on size) batteries came in several colors and patterns, 808-threading, and manual or automatic functions.
It out performed every other cig-a-like we had reviewed at the time and it became our “walk around” e-Cigarette choice when out in public. Plus, for the first time, we were impressed with the quality of the e-Liquid in their prefilled cartomizers and their e-Liquid bottles and blank cartomizer offerings. 16 flavors that tasted so much better than the standard fare prefilled cartos at the time, these were premium e-Liquids we all enjoyed.
After the success of the Premium Battery cig-a-like Triple 7 came out with the more powerful Bullet battery and T4 clearomizer, which put them on the map for Vapers wanting more power than a cig-a-like but still wanted to maintain a low profile. By that time they had a total of 42 e-Liquid and e-Shisha flavors to offer their customers. Even today there are many Bullet batteries in use here on the Spinfuel campus, both North and South, and they’ve never failed us.
Now it’s time for encore, and what an encore they chose. But first, a little about why we are such big fans of Triple 7.
Honesty – Our first review talked about this, and each subsequent review touched on it as well. Plainly speaking, the people behind Triple 7 are honest, hard-working people who take a lot of pride in the products they sell. You won’t find any false statements on their website about how they are the #1 best-selling e-cigarette, how their prefilled cartomizers last the equivalent of 2-packs of traditional cigarettes, or any other boisterous and false statements so commonly seen in the cig-a-like market. These guys have always told the true, even when it didn’t help them sell more starter kits. That was very impressive, especially after some of the con artists and despicable people we had come to know in the low lands of the cig-a-like rebranding universe.
Integrity – We’ve sent a lot of business their way (and with no affiliate dealings I might add) and not a single one has ever complained to us about the company. These are friends, family, and loved ones that we put into the 777 eCig starter kits, including one of my own doctor’s mother-in-law and two of his office staff. They not only loved the hardware, they loved the e-Liquid flavors as well. On the very rare occasion that a battery lasted less than it was supposed to, or the rare “dud” cartomizer, Triple 7 treated every customer like they were relatives…making good on everything they sold and replacing product quickly.
Fair – This one is bigger than you might think. Consider how many cig-a-like brands there are and how incredibly high the prices are from many of these companies. If the people behind 777 eCigs were different kinds of people they could easily overcharge for their products and get away with it. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard owners of some of these companies tell us that the higher the price the higher the quality in the customers’ mind, and the more they pay the less the owners have to sell. It’s enough to turn your stomach. Yet, Triple 7 (777 eCigs) sells their products lower than most, if not all, others do.
The bottom line is this
Triple 7, or 777 eCigs if you prefer, sell quality products at fair prices and stand behind everything they sell. In all our talks with the owners they have never been anything but fair, polite, and professional. They care about the e-cigarette industry, and Triple 7 is a long-term company for them, not a company being built to be sold once it’s established. We are very careful about who we recommend to our readers, and we’re not afraid to call out the con artists when we find them. As far as Triple 7 goes, they are the good guys.
The Magnum Series
The new Magnum series e-cigarettes are built around quality Kanger products. There are three Magnum battery types, the compact, the digital, and the variable voltage (volt).
The Clearomizers are the T3S, with a clear plastic tube, the soft-texture rubberized finish, or a brushed stainless steel finish. The battery is also Kanger, with power to spare, and LCD readout at the end of the (Digital) battery, and a flush-mount chrome activator button on all three. They are simple to use and the performance is every bit as you expect from a top-shelf company like Kanger and 777 eCigs.
Real World Impressions
I’m going to do things a little different in this review simply because there is a lot of information to get to. As I said, there are 3 different batteries in the Magnum series, and 2 starter kits for each one. In addition, there is information here about the Kanger T3 and T3S tanks, as well as a tank in the ‘beta’ stage. So, rather than throw all the information at you before I get to my own real world impressions, I’ll include them all after my impressions from using them for more than a week, exclusively.
First, all 3 batteries are great performers. Each has its own particular details, with the Variable Voltage model, (the volt) that gives you more control over the “vape” experience and the ability to use different ohms replacement coils being the most different of the three. Stiil, I didn’t have any issues with any of them during the review process or since. (I’m still using the Digital Magnum every day)
I preferred the black soft-texture (rubberized) finish to the stainless steel (brushed) but that’s just a personal preference, the price is same for either finish and the staff seemed to be divided about them. Some like the stainless steel; some liked the rubberized black finish. They are all lighter than I expected, even the Volt was lighter than expected despite being longer and having additional electronics to run the variable voltage.
This isn’t the first time I’ve used an EVOD tank, but I can say that since both the battery and the tank are Kanger made they work very well together. The nice clean taste you get with a bottom coil, short-wick EVOD is spectacular, and the vapor production is remarkable.
I vaped my favorite e-Liquids in all three and the flavor came through exactly as it should. I also vaped some of the Triple 7 e-Shisha and they really shined in the Magnums. Plenty of vapor and flavor in the e-shisha juice. My only issue with e-shisha is they are almost all fruity flavors and I prefer non-fruit flavors. In any case, the e-shisha is very flavorful juice.
In the end, I trust Triple 7 to put together a quality product and they have certainly done that with these components. I enjoyed using them a lot more than I thought I would. I experienced no leaking in any of the tanks I used, the LED light-up tanks were fun, and had the stiffer draw (I go into that more below). I wound up using the Magnum Digital more than the other two, but that was more for size than anything else. The Volt, the Variable Voltage model, did allow me to control my vape a little more, but the 2.4-ohm coils I had on hand didn’t give me that many options to choose from. The Compact will definitely be nice for people with smaller hands or someone who wants the power that a 650mAh battery will allow, but who may want to be able to hide their vaping a little more. I don’t know, it’s a matter of choice really, to be honest it would be nice to have one of each, and I hope Triple 7 will consider putting together a kit that contains one of each.
You can’t beat the price (see below), even without the discount code (above), and with the codes it’s a no-brainer if you’re looking for something with this kind of long-lasting power and 3.7v delivery. All in all, I highly recommend them. The prices range from $45.95 to $79.95, and when you see what comes with each starter kit you’ll see that you won’t find them for less anywhere else.
Below is a lot of detail about the batteries and the tanks; I hope you take the time to read through it. Kanger makes excellent products and with the customizations requested from Triple 7 they are even better. Both companies seem to be a great match up, and considering the customer service that 777 eCigs is known for, I think this type of kit is a better buy than ordering them individually through a vendor.
About the Kanger Batteries and Tanks
The batteries for the Magnum are Kanger made and the (compact) short battery is the new revised battery that is a few mm longer to allow more air space around the battery inside the tube. The LCD and Volt batteries are made only for 777 and are modified EVOD batteries. They are all eGo threaded, not 510. You can use any tank that can be used on any standard eGo battery.
The standard EVOD tanks are made with 3- #8 air intake holes on the threaded tank base and while I feel there is too much air draw in that particular tank, I am also using a new LED light-up tank (very cool!) by Kanger which are custom tanks for 777. They have 3- #6 holes which provide a tighter air draw and 777 will have them available on their website in the next few weeks. Triple 7 (777) is interested getting feedback from their customers on these tanks. Their own internal testing revealed that half the beta testers like the “airy” draw (which isn’t that airy in the first place), while the other half liked the tighter draw that the LED tank provided. I enjoyed using both tanks, but if I had the choice I would go with the tighter draw, it produces about 15-20% more vapor with the same time and intensity of my usual “drags”.
Magnum Digital Battery Details
650mAh lithium-ion
- LCD Digital Screen
- Battery status indicator
- Puff meter
- Manual Battery (Button activated)
- 15 second battery cutoff safety feature
- 5 clicks to turn off the battery for storage and safety
- Charging time about 2 hours
- Sleek, comfortable design with LED button indicator light
- Diameter 14.05mm / 0.55”
- Battery Length 94mm (with tank 158.75mm)
- Color options: Black and stainless
- 90-day warranty included
Magnum Volt Battery
650mAh lithium-ion
- Adjustable voltage dial
- Voltage settings – 3.2v – 3.4v – 3.6v – 3.8v – 4.0v – 4.2v – 4.4v – 4.6v – 4.8v
- Manual Battery (Button activated)
- 15 second battery cutoff safety feature
- 5 clicks to turn off the battery for storage
- Charging time about 2 hours
- Sleek, comfortable design with LED button indicator light
- Diameter 14.05mm / 0.55”
- Battery Length 94mm (with tank 158.75mm)
- Color options available: Black and stainless
- 90-day warranty included
Magnum Compact Battery
650mAh lithium-ion
- Manual Battery (Button activated)
- 15 second battery cutoff safety feature
- 5 clicks to turn off the battery for storage
- Charging time about 2 hours
- Sleek, comfortable design with LED button indicator light
- Diameter 14.05mm / 0.55”
- Battery Length 70.25mm (with tank 135mm)
- Black and stainless colors to choose from
- 90-day warranty included
The body of the Magnum is the battery itself. It is a 3.7-volt lithium-ion battery with a computer chip that controls the operation of the clearomizer. The activator button is an LED indicator light that displays the mode of the battery. The 3.7 volt output is unregulated, so that 3.7v will decrease as used. The activator button will blink when it needs to be recharged. Recharge time is 2 hours and less.
Vapor thickness is controlled by way of the activator button. Pressing the activator button for 1-2 seconds before taking a drag produces maximum vapor. The 15-second cutoff timer gives you plenty of time to take in a huge amount of vapor.
During the week or so that I’ve been using the Magnum the recharge time has never exceeded 2 hours on any of the 3 different batteries. I’m certain they would pass the “SmokenJoey Battery Test”. SmokenJoey will be doing a video review soon and it will appear in Spinfuel first.
The Magnum Tank is the standard Kanger T3S with replaceable coils, also available on the Triple 7 website. (See the explanation above on the tanks)
Magnum Series Prices
Again, Triple 7 comes through with very competitive prices with these high-quality kits. Here’s the breakdown on the 3 different battery types:
The Magnum Compact Essentials Starter Kit includes: $45.99
- 1- 650 mAh Batteries
- 1- Re-Fillable 1.5ml Tanks & Coils
- 1 Smart Wall Charger
- 1 Owner’s Manual
The Magnum Compact Deluxe Starter Kit includes: $59.99
- 2- 650 mAh Batteries
- 2- Re-Fillable 1.5ml Tanks & Coils
- 1 Smart Wall Charger
- 1 Owner’s Manual
The Magnum Digital Essentials Starter Kit includes: $49.95
- 1- 650 mAh Digital LCD Battery
- 1- Re-Fillable 1.5ml Tank & Coil
- 1 Smart Wall Charger
- 1 Owner’s Manual
The Magnum Digital Deluxe Starter Kit includes: $69.95
- 2- 650 mAh Digital LCD Batteries
- 2- Re-Fillable 1.5ml Tanks & Coils
- 1 Smart Wall Charger
- 1 Owner’s Manual
The Magnum Volt Essentials Starter Kit includes: $55.95
- 1- 650 mAh Adjustable Voltage Battery
- 1- Re-Fillable 1.5ml Tank & Coil
- 1 Smart Wall Charger
- 1 Owner’s Manual
The Magnum Volt Deluxe Starter Kit includes: $79.95
- 2- 650 mAh Adjustable Voltage Battery
- 2- Re-Fillable 1.5ml Tanks & Coils
- 1 Smart Wall Charger
- 1 Owner’s Manual
ALL NEW MAGNUM BOTTOM COIL TANK – $6.95 (with coupon code – $3.95)
Magnum Replacement Coils 5 Pack – $8.95
These Magnum Replacement Coils are not for the T3S XL tank, nor for any other tank but the Magnums. These are standard resistance 2.4-ohm coils
And that about wraps up this extensive review of the new Magnum Series by Triple 7. Take the time to pop on over to and check them out personally. If and when you decide to pick up one don’t forget to come back here and let me know what your impressions are.
Triple 7 is a company that is certainly making a name for itself with aggressively releasing newer and better products all the time, and at prices that won’t hurt your wallet.
Tom McBride