The Vapor Chef eLiquid Review

This is our first foray into the eLiquids of The Vapor Chef, and boy was it ever a fun ‘four day vape fest through the diversity of flavor’. Eleven bottles of eJuice, all of them not just different, but a different vape experience as well… Some sweet, some fruity, some heavy, some light…a good representation of The Vapor Chef lineup. So let’s get to it.

Our Interview with The Vapor Chef himself is available right here, make sure you pop over and read it, either before or after reading this review.

2013 has been a banner year for the vape community, from Vapers to the people making products for Vapers; it has grown so much larger, so much faster that every official financial ‘forecaster’ ever thought it would. In fact, Spinfuel was the only publication that believed 2013 would be a multi-billion dollar year for the industry, and we were right (we said that in mid-2012). And… it’s only just begun. 2013 is the year people will remember as the year history was made. The year Vaping went mainstream.

The Vapor Chef Company

Opening its virtual doors in January of this year The Vapor Chef offers a unique take on eJuice. The owner, and head flavorist (the person who crafted the overall flavor of the eJuice), comes from a fine-dining background. Aras was, or rather ‘is’, a fine dining chef, a profession that not only knows ‘flavor’ but also knows more about individual palates then any other profession.  Aras brings that level of sophistication and talent to the art of making eJuice.

The Individual

Of course, even the best chef’s can create a recipe that doesn’t go over well with his patrons. Just because a person understands ‘flavor’, understands how a person’s palate interprets certain tastes, it doesn’t automatically mean that every item on the menu is going to appeal to every customer that walks into the restaurant. That certainly holds true in the eLiquid business as well.

Four Vapers, all with certain likes and dislikes, and all with their own individual preferences, not to mention individual palates, spent four days vaping only eLiquids from The Vapor Chef. Some flavors were better than others, some on the team were crazy about certain eJuices, and others were not, and vice versa. This is what makes eLiquid reviews so interesting. The Vapor Chef review period was one of the most interesting reviews we’ve done this year.

As an example of how complex and intricate some of the flavors we reviewed: I remember a review awhile back where the defining ingredient, the singular ‘taste experience’ was ‘sweet’. Everyone, just about, loves sweet flavors, it’s in our DNA, it’s a survival thing passed down from the early days of mankind. If you want the best shot at making an eLiquid accessible to the mainstream just make it really sweet. Sure, not everyone will like it, but more people will then won’t. So when a vendor is born who takes a different approach, dares to actually care about flavor instead of sweetness, that vendor creates recipes that some will embrace and others will not. It’s a risk, a good risk, and it’s a lot braver than simply offering customers the choice between sweet and super sweet.

The Menu – Eleven Fully Realized eLiquids

Hobbes Blood
Fluffy Cake
Nutty Caramel Apple
Slartibartfast (say what? –ed)
Black Pompom
Peppermint Pattie
Unicorn Poop
Pina Guavada
Southern Hospitality
Deep Thought
Bloody Mango


The Vapor Chef tests all their eJuices with a multitude of hardware. They also push and pull the voltage, wattage, and ohms, to find out how well a recipe holds up under various conditions. They realize, like we do, that flavors can change somewhat depending on what hardware you use, or at what setting you use.

Admitting that an eLiquid you make will taste one way under one condition and another way under another condition is something to be admired, and something we’ve known as consumers of juice for almost two years, which is the very reason we gather together several people using several different hardware products to review these eLiquids.

How This Review Was Done

The four-team members used their personal batteries, clearomizers, cartomizers, and tanks. Whatever they wanted to use, they used. In addition, we used each other’s hardware so that by the end of review period each eJuice was vaped by each team member using at least four different combinations of hardware. Various voltage, power, and ohms in coils and attys were used to see how far the eJuice could be pushed, in both directions, and to find the personal sweet spot for each team member and each piece of hardware. It was a long process but it was worth the time and effort, and cost. We learned a lot about The Vapor Chef flavor signature, and that is what we will share with you.

We understand our reviews can be overly long, and sometimes quite boring, so we won’t bother to run down the performance of each flavor under each condition by each team member (can you imagine the length of the review if we did?), instead we agreed to discuss where the sweet spot, or best performance (including taste) was found for each of us. Your results could be different…probably will be different, but at least you’ll know what to expect.

Spinfuel Choice Award

For a company to be awarded a Spinfuel Choice Award all team members have to agree that in all areas they grade for the particular eJuice has to earn the maximum rating, 5 stars. The first time we work with a vendor it’s difficult to award any flavor with the Choice award, though it has happened. We’re happy to say that we did award a couple in this review as well.

The Vapor Chef Eleven

Team: Tom McBride, Julia Hartley-Barnes, Keira Hartley-Barnes, and Jason Little

The Vapor Chef Review by Spinfuel eMagazine Black-pompom Black Pompom – “Black currant, pomegranate, a slight hint of lemon.  Pure deliciousness.” – TVC


Tom: Black Pompom has a lot going for it. Tremendous vapor production and a really nice throat hit. A lot of flavor too, and if you like the taste of pomegranate you will love this eJuice. That said, I’m not a pomegranate fan. Still, on the technical side this is a winner. Pomegranate flavor is very true to life. Best vaped warm. 5 Stars

Julia: Pomegranate juice took me a while to like. I wanted to start drinking it as a curative, to make me healthier, so I began drinking 8 ounces a day. At first it was killing me, the taste is so strong, like drinking concentrated grape eJuice that is still in the concentrated form. Then I learned to like it. Black Pompom is a very pomegranate tasting eJuice with lots of vapor and a solid throat hit. Not something I would vape everyday, but a great eJuice regardless. 5 Stars

Keira: I agree with Tom and Jules assessment of Black Pompom except for one thing; there is a distinct ‘floral’ element to it. For that reason I have to give it 4.5 Stars

Jason: Oh man, pomegranate is god-awful stuff, and this is a god-awful tasting eJuice. Which, according to what makes a great eLiquid, Black Pompom gets the title. It tastes like pomegranate, has excellent vapor production, a nice throat hit, and it can be pushed a bit when it comes to ohms and voltage. I might not like it because it tastes like pomegranate, but that’s the point, ya know? It’s an accurate, well made eJuice that delivers the real thing. 4.5 Stars

Bloody Mango – “Fresh, ripe mango and blood orange.  This is a very refreshing vape.  No steeping necessary.” – TVC

Tom: I decided to start reviewing flavors in these ‘team’ reviews in alphabetical order, and now I’m beginning to regret it. The fact is The Vapor Chef makes some great eJuice, and I look forward to a follow-up review in January, but Bloody Mango is just awful. If you’ve read our reviews before you know I like mango vapes, but the blood orange in this blend kills it.

Although the vapor is good, the throat hit is okay, the flavor is just sad. I’m giving this one a higher score than I feel it deserves because my dislike of blood oranges, and their photo illustration shouldn’t dissuade you from trying it. Why? Because this really does taste like a blood orange with hints of mango. Had they named it Mango Blood, calling it a Mango flavor with blood orange I might score it lower, but they admit this is a blood orange with mango. They are right, it is. 4 Stars

Julia: I don’t taste much mango at all in Bloody Mango. I’m not sure what I taste, but I know mango and this is not that. Good vapor, good throat hit, not so good flavor. 3 Stars

Keira: Of the eleven flavors Bloody Mango is my least liked flavor. First of all there is little or no mango flavor that I can detect, and because they say there is no need for steeping means that the flavor is as good as its going to get. Good vapor, an okay throat hit, Bloody Mango might have been better had they added a lot more mango. 3:75 Stars

Jason: Orange, as we have said many times, is difficult to tame. Bloody Mango is proof of that. Maybe if it were sweeter it would be a better vape, but as it is now…not much to like about Bloody Mango. Warm vapor improves this a little but not much. 3.75 Stars

Deep Thought – “Sassafras pipe tobacco.  This is a very deep flavor. Vanilla, sassafras, deep rich pipe tobacco, and a little spice.  Great for an evening vape.” – TVC

Tom: I can really taste the Sassafras, which tastes like a combination of Dr. Pepper and Root Beer with a little cream soda thrown in. And the ‘spice’ is definitely there as well. Big clouds of vapor, a lighter than expected throat hit, and as a pipe tobacco its not as ‘big and bold’ as I would’ve liked, but the Sassafras flavor makes this one an original and great tasting vape. 4.5 Stars

Julia: First, I wonder how many people think Sassafras is the same as sarsaparilla, because I did. Although both are derived from roots, Sassafras is from a tree (, sarsaparilla is from an herb, and that’s where any similarities end.

Sassafras, artificial Sassafras anyway (the real stuff was banned by the FDA back in 1960) is an actual ingredient in Root Beer, so Tom got that right.  Sassafras and spices are the dominant flavors, and this is a very interesting combination. As a pipe tobacco its kinda light on the tobacco, but as something original it works well. The most interesting thing about this eJuice is that the taste gets bigger the more you vape it. That’s a first for me. 4.25 Stars

Keira: Sassafras, vanilla, spice, and a pipe tobacco blend, Deep Thought is a pleasant but edgy vape. An original flavor, but one I am not likely to add to my collection. 4 Stars

Jason: Deep Thoughts is one of my favorites in this lineup of flavors. I enjoyed the Sassafras flavor; it’s something I’ve never tasted before. Deep Thought might have benefitted from less spice and more tobacco, but nevertheless I really liked it. I found the sweet spot at the higher end of the voltage setting, got a really warm, slightly sweeter taste that way. 4.75 Stars

Fluffy Cake – Spinfuel Choice Award Winner – “It tastes like red velvet cake with cream cheese icing, the eJuice isn’t red though.” – TVC


Tom: Between the Slartibartfast and this one, it’s impossible to say which one is better because they are both excellent at their respective flavor portals. Buy cake mix, bake it, take it out and cool it. Smell the cake and that is what Fluffy Cake tastes like. This may very well be the best recipe yet for a cake mix vape. I vaped Fluffy Cake so long I lost my taste buds for a while. If the description sounds good to you then you’ll love it. Don’t wait; buy a big frosted glass bottle if you like this type of eJuice. 5 Stars

Julia: So sweet and cakey that you’ll love The Vapor Chef for creating it. Vapor production is excellent, throat hit is fine, but the flavor of the cake is phenomenal. Not much left to say, just buy this one if you like this kind of eJuice because you’ll never want to stop. 5 Stars

Keira: If you like cake without frosting this is an eJuice you’ll love. Plain and simple, like the flavor, they got this one perfectly. 5 Stars

Jason: Sometimes I too can fall for a sweet vape, and with Fluffy Cake I did. Good vapor production, good throat hit, and man when you vape this one ‘warm’, it is to die for. I would suggest a normal 2.5-3.0ohm coil at 4.3-4.5v, just warm enough to produce heightened flavor and huge vapor. On my rotation now, and it will remain there. 5 Stars

The Vapor Chef Review by Spinfuel eMagazineHobbes Blood – “Watermelon, strawberry and a very light hint of coconut.  Think of the “Tigers Blood” snow cone or shave ice flavor.  Just like that!” – TVC

Tom:  Hobbes Blood’s dominant flavor is watermelon, especially the finish. If there is a hint of coconut the hint isn’t something I can taste. For myself, this was a watermelon and strawberry flavor. Good vapor, good throat hit, and for Vapers who like watermelon flavored eJuice this is pretty good. Not very sweet and a bit of an aftertaste of watermelon round’s out Hobbes Blood. I found this one couldn’t swing very far from the normal settings; a 2.5ohm coil vaped at 3.7v is the best you’re going to get for a balanced vape. 4 Stars

Julia: I’m not fond of watermelon-flavored eJuice. I don’t vape them unless I am reviewing them. Don’t make too much out of that, there are many flavors I don’t vape on a regular basis but can enjoy anyway. Hobbes Blood is a better than average watermelon vape, though the coconut finish they speak of is so light as to be non-existent. Perhaps if they had been a bit heavier on the coconut it would have been unique. A very good level of vapor production and a better than expected throat hit, Hobbes Blood is best vaped a little warm, but under 4v. My favorite was with a 1.8ohm atty at 3.3v, this is where the heaviest flavor was. 4 Stars

Keira: Hobbes Blood is a watermelon and strawberry flavor with just a tiny hint of coconut in the finish. That said, if you blink you’d miss the finish, so concentrate if you want to taste it. Watermelon is definitely the biggest flavor, but the strawberry gives it an edge. I rather liked it. Very good vapor, a nice throat hit, and as everyone else has said, this is an eJuice best vape in the average range, it cannot be pushed much at all. 4 Stars

Jason: Watermelon is, to me, a light flavor. A light flavor that is not very sweet, which is a good combination actually. I like stronger, bolder flavors, but as a watermelon eJuice I’d say it’s pretty darn good. No coconut finish for me, but an authentic, slightly non-sweet strawberry addition gives it a little character. Not great, but not bad either. 4 Stars

The Vapor Chef Review by Spinfuel eMagazineNutty Caramel Apple – “Smooth Caramel, and ripe red apples rolled in peanuts.  Just like the county fair!  Delicious. “ – TVC

Tom: At the supermarket you can sometimes buy caramel apples covered in crushed nuts. They are delicious treats, and a good way to satisfy your sweet tooth and get some fruit in your diet. Nutty Caramel Apple is an eLiquid that tastes just like those apples at the supermarket, except that you won’t get the benefits of real apples, like fiber and vitamins, but what the heck, its still a great eJuice! 5 Stars

Julia: One of the bolder flavors in this particular lineup, Nutty Caramel Apple is fantastic! However, I feel like this recipe should have been called a tobacco blend because, to me, it tastes like a caramel apple tobacco with a nutty finish. Loved it! Vape warm, push it to 4v with a 2ohm atty. 4.75 Stars

Keira: A bold flavor, Nutty Caramel Apple tastes just like its name. In fact, I can’t really tell which is the dominant flavor; it’s just so well blended. And, while several of The Vapor Chef’s flavors are ‘extremely’ original, this one is a normal eJuice concoction, and in this case that is a good thing. Better with warmer vapor, Nutty Caramel Apple is a damn good eJuice. 4.75 Stars

Jason: Oh, now yes, this is a delicious flavor. A terrific combination of all three flavors in the title, it tastes exactly as it should, and delivers fantastic vapor and a ‘lighter than expected but perfectly okay’ throat hit. I would definitely add it to my rotation when I’m feeling a little nutty. 5 Stars

PeppermThe Vapor Chef Review by Spinfuel eMagazineint Pattie – “Rich chocolate and cool, creamy peppermint.  Get the sensation!” – TVC

Tom: I’ve vaped enough peppermint and menthol in my day to know that Peppermint Pattie is more menthol than peppermint. Sure, there are hints of peppermint in it, but I would be willing to bet that most of the ‘coolness’ in this comes from menthol crystals. Excellent vapor and a whopping throat hit, but I just didn’t like the menthol hit. 3.5 Stars

Julia: I wouldn’t bet anyone, like Tom would, but I too sense menthol in big ways rather than peppermint. As a cool, icy vape this one will make fans of that type of eJuice very happy, but I would rather have a strong peppermint flavor than menthol. I didn’t taste the chocolate either, but I think that might be because of the amount of iciness to it. 3.5 Stars

Keira: If you’re looking for a cool vape with a hard icy edge than this is one you might want to try. There may be a chocolate hint in this, but it is so light that I could be tricking my mind into sensing it. Huge clouds of vapor, a very strong throat hit, Peppermint Pattie will please many. If I had tasted a good bit of chocolate I may have scored it higher. Vape it warm and get an even harder hitting eJuice. 3.75 Stars

Jason: I wish Nicole could have been here for this one because she knows menthol more than anyone I know. If you want a cool icy vape experience try this one, it’s a hard-hitting menthol/peppermint vape. Vapor production is big; throat hit is even bigger, but too cold for me. Vape it in the higher end of the voltage settings and be prepared to be hit hard. 4 Stars

The Vapor Chef Review by Spinfuel eMagazinePina Guavada – “Guava, pineapple and a light hint of coconut!  Fresh and very clean.” – TVC

Tom: I saw the name of this one, read the description and thought to myself, this can’t be good. Guava? No thanks. But, as it turns out this is a pretty damn good ‘Pina’ Guavada. I’d love to see what The Vapor Chef could do with a Pina Colada!

Nice pineapple and coconut vape with a Guava overtone, easily an eLiquid pineapple fans will like a lot. Great vapor, a good throat hit, and definitely on my rotation. 5 Stars

Julia: “I’m sorry, did you say Guava?” – LOL, who would ever think I would enjoy a vape that contains the dominate flavor of Guava? I would think that any Vaper who likes any sort of Pina eJuice would love this one. Good vapor, decent throat hit, lots of “Pina” flavors. I liked it! 4.5 Stars

Keira: I want to make it clear that I really liked the taste of this one, but I wonder how many people order it because it says Guava? I mean, usually Vapers order normally accepted flavors, and that would include a Pina Colada, but Pina Guavada? Just not a name you would associate with a delicious vape. Like I said, I like this one. Good pineapple taste, sweet enough, fruity without being the least bit harsh that some strong pineapple flavors can be, and as for Guava, well, what does that taste like anyway? Great vapor, good throat hit, and when vaped higher than usual, a nice thick flavor. 4.75 Stars

Jason: The Vapor Chef must use their coconut flavoring very, very lightly because once again I don’t taste it. Well, maybe I do, maybe that’s the “Pina” of this one, a pineapple and coconut blend? Not sure how to identify guava, but I know that for all of the Pina colada flavor in this one there is something else, something that must be guava. Lots of vapor, a nice throat hit the higher up you go, and very flavorful. I vaped this one in a Spinner with 2.2ohm clearomizer at 3.9v – 4.2v and it held up nicely. 4.75 Stars

The Vapor Chef Review by Spinfuel eMagazineSlartibartfast A Spinfuel Choice Award Winner – “A cherry Cavendish tobacco.  A complex tobacco, notes of oak and cherry with a slight hint of vanilla.  This tastes like the tobacco shops I used to walk into as a child with my father.  The smell of the fresh cherry pipe tobacco, right when they opened that big glass jar to scoop some into a bag, that’s what this tastes like.” – TVC

Tom: Weird name, great eJuice! I’ve added this one to my collection and rotation already. The description by TVC is spot-on, and it’s the best cherry pipe tobacco vape I’ve ever had. Best vaped warm, 2.4ohm at 4.2v-4.4v, tons of vapor, great throat hit, and just amazing flavor. Love it love it love it! – 5 Stars

Julia: I didn’t give this one an award score for being a pipe tobacco; I gave it the score I did because it is such a delicious vape! The cherry notes, the hints of vanilla, the smooth tobacco, just heavenly. A perfect all-day vape. Vape warm, and vape often. Just fantastic! 5 Stars

Keira: I don’t give many tobacco flavors the maximum score because there seems to be something amiss in nearly all the ones I’ve tried. Yet, this one with the funny name is just awesome. If you can only try 2 of them, make one this one and the other one Fluffy Cake. Great vapor, good throat hit, and the flavors never stop. I vaped it for a long time and never got tired of it. Marvelous! 5 Stars

Jason: Sometimes you come across an eLiquid that hits on every mark and you know you’re vaping something special. This is one such eJuice. Absolutely perfect flavors, big clouds of vapor when vaped warm, and a throat hit that feels as good as you’d ever want it to. One of the best, anywhere. I love it. 5 Stars

Southern Hospitality – “A sweet tobacco flavor, with hints of peaches and brown sugar.” – TVC

Tom: This is one of the stronger flavors of the bunch, and you might think I’m a little crazy, but the combination of brown sugar and peaches makes for a slight taste of sweet potatoes. Tons of vapors, a great throat hit, and an original tobacco blend, Southern Hospitality is sort of weird, but in a very good way. Try this one; it could be your next favorite. 4.75 Stars

Julia: With a 4v setting using a 2.5ohm atty Southern Hospitality really popped! Tons of vapor, excellent throat hit, and a strange combination of flavors, this one was both delicious and original. A different sweet tobacco eJuice, but one I think you’ll like. 4.75 Stars

Keira: Southern Hospitality was too different for me. I think it is the combination of peaches and brown sugar, with the brown sugar making itself very apparent. Better as a warm vapor, so push this one some, you’ll get a better vape and better flavor. 4 Stars

Jason: Southern Hospitality is a front-loaded eLiquid. That means there is no ‘finish’, it’s all there in the front end. A very keen brown sugar and peach blend, I was impressed by the originality of this new flavor sensation. And yea, Tom has a point; if you think about sweet potatoes you’ll taste it in this one. Strange…but very good. 4.75 Stars

Unicorn Poop – “Well…  everyone knows Unicorns are made of cupcakes and rainbows!  This tastes like blueberry cupcakes with white chocolate frosting and a raspberry on top!” – TVC

Tom: I really wanted to like this one. Why? Because the name is so strange. Unicorn Poop? Really? So I figured it had to be a good eJuice because unicorns are Keira’s favorite mythical beasts. LOL. But no, this tastes like those candy necklaces girls wore when they were kids. A sweet and sour candy vape just doesn’t sit well with me. Vapor is good but not great, throat hit is kind of light, but I’m betting a lot of people that do like sweet and sour eJuice would love it. 3.75 Stars

Julia: Yep, Tom is right. I know, I ate a million candy necklaces in my childhood and this takes me right back to those days. Sweet and sour candy with good vapor. A light throat hit is disappointing, but not all that much. Vape normally. 4.25 Stars

Keira: I vaped Unicorn Poop at 4.2v with a 2.4ohm coil and it was amazing. The sweet and sour was more sweet than sour, and the candy flavor of this eJuice was just what I wanted when I was vaping it. Not something I would vape everyday, but when I’m in the mood, this will be great. 5 Stars

Jason: I like this one. Sure, it’s not complicated or magical, like real unicorns, but I get it. Sweet and sour, candy tones, makes a fun little vape. Pump up the voltage for a real flavor/vapor treat. Good vapor and throat hit too, at higher voltages anyway. 4.5 Stars

Bonus Flavor

We received another eLiquid flavor in addition to the eleven above. We decided to treat it as a ‘bonus’ flavor because it arrived in a beautiful, frosted, 60ML bottle, the only one to do so, and in our interview we discovered this flavor was one of their favorites. As Aras told Julia, “Honey Pearry is always in someone’s PV.”

Honey Pearry – “Honeydew with hints of strawberry and pear.” – TVC

Tom: I really wanted to like this one too. The huge 60ML bottle, the beautiful frosted glass (oh how I would love to have received Fluffy Cake and Slartibartfast in these frosted beauties!) and the testament about it being a staff favorite. But the first time I tried it I was very disappointed. All three flavors were presented evenly, which made for one confusing blend. Then something happened.

I had filled a clearomizer and vaped about a quarter of it during the first day. I left it alone for a day and came back to it and found it to be 300% better, at least. Now it was smooth, sweet blend that tasted great, with loads of vapor and a nice throat hit. I’m really glad I let the clearomizer sit overnight. 4.25 Stars

Julia: For fruit Vapers who also enjoy honeydew are going to flip for this one. Certainly not overly sweet, this honeydew dominant flavor is a great all day vape that provides a nice, light vape. I enjoyed it a lot but I don’t think its something I would vape daily. Great vapor and a medium throat hit, Honey Pearry is better at warmer vapor settings. 4.5 Stars

Keira: A lovely flavor that anyone looking for an all day vape with honeydew would adore this one. Light, fresh, and clean, plenty of vapor and a light, but fine throat hit. 4.5 Stars

Jason: I was hoping for something bold, strong, and almost overpowering. Love the frosted glass bottle! Anyway, this honeydew and pear eJuice with hints of strawberry is a light vape that would make an ideal all-day vape. Not exactly my style of eJuice, but one that many will find irresistible. Good vapor, light throat hit, plenty of flavors. 4 Stars

The Vapor Chef eLiquid Options


50:50 PG/VG – House Blend – While the house blend is an even 50:50 there are options for other ratios including ‘Max VG’, 30:70 or 70:30 PG/VG and ‘Max PG’. Our review was performed with 50:50 ratios since all reviews are done under ‘House Blend’ rules.

The characteristics of a 50:50 blend are lots of vapor at normal settings used by most Vapers, and a healthy amount of flavor. While throat hits at lower nicotine levels might be affected by a lack of PG, it’s not enough to notice. Most vendors offer a 50:50 blend, or are working towards it.


The handsome black and white labels provide all the information you could possibly want. From the ingredients to the mixing date, it’s all there.


Each bottle is sealed with neckband shrink-wrap, then wrapped in bubble wrap, then inserted into a velveteen tie bag. The box is packed with safe transport as the most important factor. Packaged arrived safe and sound. Some vendors should take notice of how well these items were packed and shipped.

Size & Price

The Vapor Chef offers 6ML ($3.99) 15ML ($9.99), 36ML ($19.99), and 60ML ($29.99).  The 36ML option includes a 30ML bottle and a 6ML plastic bottle. The Vapor Chef includes the 6ML bottle as a bonus, and as a way to carry with you extra eJuice when you’re out and about. The squeezy top allows you to drip in a single drop at a time, something that no one on the team appreciated, but the top is easily removed for filling. It is an extra 6ML of eJuice, or a $3.99 value, so no real complaints here.

Nicotine strengths are 6mg, 12mg, 18mg, and 24mg. For Vapers that do not want or need nicotine they offer a zero-nicotine option as well.


When you think about it eJuice is not cheap. The Vapor Chef falls in the upper range of the premium eJuice price scale, but not the highest priced. Some vendors will charge as much as $36 for a 60ML bottle (59 cents per ML), while others will charge as little as $11.00 for 50ML (22 cents per ML).

The Vapor Chef’s $3.99 price for 6ML or $9.99 for 15ML, both are on the expensive side at 66 cents per ML. For eJuice that satisfies you, keeps you off analogs or provides a delicious vaping experience it can be worth the money. Any way you look at it though, spending $10 for a single flavor, enough to last the average Vaper around 4 days (our average is 10-12ML per day, per person) is a healthy chunk of change. Cheaper than analogs certainly, but vaping is not a great hobby for income-challenged people.

If you try an eLiquid and you like it enough to want to add to your own rotation, or collection, it pays to buy as big a bottle as you can afford because most vendors give you a break on the ‘cost per ML’.

Despite The Vapor Chef’s high scores and mostly delicious flavors, their pricing structure doesn’t offer much of a break to customers buying 15ML bottles. At 36ML the price is better, and 60ML the price comes down quite a bit.

6ML – $4.00 – 66 cents per ML
15ML -$9.99 – 66 cents per ML
36ML -$19.99 – 55 cents per ML
60ML – $29.99 – 49 cents per ML

Buying Advice

There is something we, as a team, always have to keep reminding ourselves about. Our employer supplies all the eJuice we could possibly vape. It is rare indeed for any of us to buy our own eJuice, though we sometimes do. That’s makes it too easy to advise Vapers on what they might like, or what size bottle to buy. We remind ourselves of this so that we can try to ‘feel’ what its like to drop $30 on a 60ML bottle of eJuice, or $3.99 for a tiny sampler. We’ve done it, we do it, but clearly not often enough to know what a real budget would be like, and we should at least try.

It is for that reason we often recommend a first buy to consist of a 3-pack, 5-pack, or even an 8-pack or something before investing too much into a new-to-you vendor, unless we are really confident in the flavor. Luckily then, The Vapor Chef offers each eLiquid in an inexpensive 6ML size. That’s a good way to sample any flavor, but what about larger sizes?

There are a few flavors we’ll add to our rotation, and a few we recommend above. Depending on your budget the size you should buy is up to you. Fluffy Cake, a Spinfuel Choice Award winner, will continue on here in 60ML sizes.

And there you have it. The Vapor Chef is now a part of the Spinfuel eLiquid Team Reviews. We hope you enjoyed it. We welcome your comments below.

Tom McBride, with Julia Hartley-Barnes, Keira Hartley-Barnes, and Jason Little