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REVIEW: Juggz Juice
By David Desrosiers
Last week Spinfuel and I brought you an interview of two damned fine human beings Named Jana Whetzal and Steve Johnson, creators of Juggz Juice. We highlighted a little of who they are, what they’re doing and why they are doing it. It was a real privilege to spend some time and tell our Spinfuel readers about them and share their innovative vaping venture. It was a bright, very spring like 78 degree February day in the Valley of the Sun and no, I feel no guilt in rubbing that in, when I went to the Juggz Juice production lab facility to conduct the interview and receive the Juggz Juice line for review.
First, we’ll begin with the bottles, which are different than anything I’ve seen e liquid packaged in. They are really neat little clear glass jugs that resemble small maple syrup or cider jugs that hold a rather generous 35 ml of liquid. One of the neat features is the handle on the bottle which can allow you out the bottle on a lanyard and wear it around your neck! I suspect that some of you drippers on the go may like that. The label is a very simple pink and white affair that is easy to read and indicates the nicotine content in milligrams and percentage, which is actually a safety feature to better help physicians or medical personnel in the event of a (extremely rare) nicotine poisoning case.
The lab facility is tucked into small commercial plaza in Glendale on the West side of the Phoenix Metro area in a somewhat residential neighborhood. Juggz Juice is produced in a clean room environment where hygiene, safety and accuracy of ingredients and labeling are of paramount concern to everyone from the facility owners, right down to the “lab monkeys” as they are affectionately known. The atmosphere is a relaxed, informal, but confidently professional one that conveys a sense of “relax, my friend. We’ve got this”.
Now, let’s dive into these unique liquids. I’ll give you my (insert all taste is subjective disclaimer here) impressions of their considerable efforts.
All liquids I sampled were at 6mg, sampled using Kidney Puncher Long Barrel drip atomizers at 2.0 Ohms on a ProVari set at 4 volts.
High Beams
Juggs Juice says: “A cool melon that pokes out and begs for attention.”
Well, now you have my attention!
When held up to the light, the liquid’s appearance is crystal clear and has no color at all even after steeping for over a week.
To the nose, the first impression is definitely melon with perhaps some tropical notes, but also a distinct candy aroma that is very pleasant and brings to mind fresh spring breezes. While I was expecting to smell the typical menthol odor that every cool vape I’ve ever seen has, there was not even a hint of menthol or any cooling ingredient at all. This was a pleasant surprise that kinda made my beams a little high.
In the barrel, wow! Vapor production was satisfying with a light but pleasant throat hit punctuated by the surprisingly well balanced and relatively understated menthol coolness. The melon notes really shine through here in a satisfying and saturated way. Personally, I loathe cool vapes, would never buy one, However, the liquid gods have smiled on me with a cool vape that I not only like, but will buy copious amounts of.
Padded Pushup
Juggz Juice says: “Push ‘em up. Just like your favorite childhood ice cream.”
Oh, man! If your childhood was bereft of the joy of chasing the ice cream truck down the street clutching the purse change mom gave you for your favorite treat, I feel bad for you. This liquid brought that memory back so fast it almost made an audible sound when it clicked into my mind’s eye.
Visually the liquid is perfectly clear with a natural looking orange hue that closely mimics the legendary ice cream treat it is inspired by.
The aroma is a natural smelling orange/tangerine that reminds me of when I was a kid riding my bike through the orange groves when they were in bloom.
Vapor production is outstanding with a satisfying throat hit at the 4.0 volts I tested it at. The liquid is fairly sweet with a flood of orange/tangerine flavor but just a hint of candy that is really very reminiscent of the pushup pops of our youth. I’m definitely a fan that will keep this liquid around.
Second Base
Juggz Juice says: “A unique fruity blend reminiscent of your first time to second base.”
Remember your first time to second base? I sure do! If you’re having trouble recalling your first time, perhaps this liquid will bring that memory back in all of its trembling, awkward wonder and glory.
This liquid is as clear as the vodka in the folks’ liquor cabinet that perhaps smoothed your way to second base triumph.
Immediately it’s guava out in front with other tropical fruits in the mix as well, but aromatically, the guava is the lead dog here.
The vapor is full and satisfying with not a lot of throat hit, so you folks looking for a firmer, more experienced squeeze, *ahem* you may want to look elsewhere. For a tropical fruit blend it is not the typical sticky sweet that is generally found in this flavor category. The guava I got in the aroma is pronounced, however, it by no means runs the show when it’s vaped. The blend of flavors is refreshing and very well proportioned much like that special girl that took me to second base for the first time.
Perky Peaches
Juggz Juice says: “Tasty spiced peaches baked to perk-fection.”
Two of my favorites! Things that are perky and peaches! Put them together and I’m just a school boy with little on the mind but, well, all things perky and sweet!
In the bottle the liquid id a clear canary yellow that makes you think of that short, flirty summer skirt that tortured every young boy’s imagination.
The aroma is a unique and surprising spiced and tangy peach that bears both natural and candied characteristics. I’ve come across a lot of peach liquids but nothing quite like this one. I spent a long time just inhaling the smell of this one.
Vapor production is satisfying with good throat hit that is full, but smooth. The flavor translates verbatim from the aroma. Sweet with mouthwatering tanginess and a subtle but pleasantly complimentary spice note that goes smashingly well with the main flavor of a balanced confectioner’s peach. This is another selection that I am a fan of and will keep heavily in my now getting crowded rotation.
Cup Cakes
Juggz Juice says: “Everyone loves cakes in a cup!”
Ah, yes. Comforting and warm just like gently… *cough* or as George Takei would say, “Oh my!” This one is a velvety vanilla romp that evokes memories of trying to win that special girl’s heart with offerings of mom’s fresh homemade cupcake treats.
In the bottle the liquid is clear and desert sunset orange that is as pleasant to the eye as the delights it is named after are to the tongue.
When I raised it to my nose the smell of baking in the kitchen hits me like a truck. Vanilla floods my sinuses and the memories pour forth so fast I can barely keep up with the torrent.
Vapor production is again full, rich and satisfying with very light throat hit. The vanilla cake in the aroma is right out front of the flavor train with the spice notes more present in the vapor than the aroma of the juice itself. There is a bit of sweetness, but it is neither heavy nor dominating. While this is a somewhat more conventional liquid than the others in the lineup, it still manages to set itself apart from other like it with smart aplomb.
Sweet Assets
Juggz Juice says: “A beautifully rounded creamy citrus custard.”
This liquid struck me as another unique trail to take a stroll down. With the field of custard liquids becoming crowded and having dozens and dozens of choices for vanilla custards, banana custards, strawberry custards etc., the choice of citrus and custard really is intriguing.
When examined, Sweet Assets has a rich orange color that is pleasing and by now familiar to my eyes for this line of liquids as three of them have much the same hue.
I raise the bottle, inhale deeply and I’m greeted by a very creamy citrus scent punctuated by a very noticeable undercurrent of spice that reminds me of homemade gingersnap cookies that were a favirte treat around the home of my youth.
Vapor production is again very good with a moderate throat hit, however, creamy and citrus are definitely in the back of the bus on this one. Out front in front when vaped is the gingersnap I mentioned before. I mean way out front, almost to the point that it buries the citrus and custard. This liquid is one where the aroma and the vape are to my mind, pretty far apart. It is definitely a unique flavor that will appeal strongly to those who like their spicy baked goods type flavors.
The wrap up
Juggz Juice is available in 35 ml bottle only in 0mg, 6mg, 12mg, 18mg and 24mg. All Juggz Juice is a 60/40 VG/PG ratio and at this time there are no custom blend options for the VG/PG ratio.
I personally would like to thank Jana, Steve and the crew at the lab facility for their warm and gracious welcome to their operation and for giving me insight into the who, where, how and why of what they are accomplishing with their endeavors.
These liquids are all top notch creations that obviously a great deal of care and love went into the research, development, testing and finally production of. I personally am going to keep at least four of the six in my daily rotation as all day vapes that will live in their own rebuildable tank atomizers as fairly permanent residents. Looks like I’ll be collecting some more rebuildables!
None of the liquids have any unattractive qualities like chemical aromas or tastes, bitterness or rough throat hit. I have and will continue to heartily recommend these liquids to my fellow vapers because they are stellar liquids that are supporting a fantastic cause, our war on breast cancer.
So, I implore all of you who love unique and delicious vapes to get out here and try a bottle or three. Spinfuelers… vape to save the tatas!
At the site there is also a map of their many brick and mortar partners and that list is expanding!