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Guilty Pleasures Organic eLiquid – A Review – This Review Is Spread Over 3 Pages
Read the Interview with Judy Henry Here
Judy Henry, owner and mixologist of Guilty Pleasures Organics, has been a full time Vaper for three years now. Knowing that electronic cigarettes are supremely superior, and safer, than tobacco cigarettes Judy was able to leave behind tobacco cigarettes and never look back when she began vaping.
Still, she wasn’t always satisfied with the quality of the eLiquids she was consuming. Judy was also disappointed and frustrated by how many small eJuice vendors there were that took on cavalier attitudes about purity, labeling, ingredients, and even shelf life for the eJuice they made and sold to the public. To this day there are still far too many eLiquid vendors doing as little as possible to make sure their product is a safe product, or as safe as possible, and this drove Judy to create her own line of eJuice, Guilty Pleasures Organics.
The five eLiquid flavors Judy has produced so far are radically different than anything we’ve seen or tasted before. As you will soon see, a whole new approach to eJuice is taking place at Guilty Pleasures Organics.
PG Free
Guilty Pleasures Organics eLiquids are Propylene Glycol free, but that is the least of it. Judy’s recipes include natural and organic ingredients, including palm glycerin and natural herbs. Judy tells us that she uses only the highest quality ingredients, and has spent months and months perfecting each flavor in order to obtain the most accurate, authentic, and healthy liquids for vaping.

At first Judy made these eLiquids for herself because she wanted to vape something she could trust, something that she knew wouldn’t damage her lungs, while still achieving flavor and vapor that will have people coming back time after time wanting more.
The results are five flavors that were made without using the standard ‘best practices’ method to get them there. No PG, no artificial flavors, no sweeteners, and no fillers. Working with experts in the fields of herbal and naturopathic medicine Judy is well on the way to creating a viable new company offering not just organic eLiquids, but eLiquids that, she believes, will be better for the Vaper’s lungs then eJuice containing PG and artificial ingredients. It is a statement she has committed her company to, and we are convinced Judy will do everything she can to succeed in creating a wide variety of these unique eLiquids over the next several months.
PG Concerns
There are plenty of people who insist Propylene Glycol isn’t harmful, and we count ourselves among them, but there are also plenty of people who, when given a choice, would rather vape eLiquid that is presumed to be safer than eLiquids made with PG (what we call the standard ‘best practices’).
Because each recipe is unique we’ve decided to forego the usual format for our review and get straight to looking at each eLiquid presented. We’ll discuss the finer points of the flavors while we describe our thoughts about them.
A Caveat
Over the past 2 years the crew here at Spinfuel eMagazine have reviewed and vaped hundreds of eLiquids from dozens of vendors. Guilty Pleasures Organics is, I believe, the second or maybe third “organic” vendor we have reviewed.
On the whole, we spend very little of our vaping time using organic eLiquids. The reason is simple; our reviews make up more than 90% of our vaping time. When you spend 9 hours out of 10 vaping eLiquids for the purpose of reviewing them, and the submissions we continue to get are not organic eLiquids, the opportunity to vape organically just isn’t there.
So, why is this then a ‘caveat’? While we consider ourselves true connoisseurs of eLiquids (not experts) we don’t feel like we have enough experience to inform you about every element or nuance that goes into the complicated methods of creating organic eLiquid. The most we can offer when it comes to reviewing organic eLiquids is to inform you about what we think of the flavor, the vapor output, and the throat hit. We can tell you if we enjoyed it or if we didn’t. But we cannot tell you with certainty that vaping natural herbs and palm glycerin is better for you than other eLiquids.
We can also tell you that as far as comparing the vapor output and flavor intensity against the majority of vendors that choose to use PG/VG, artificial flavors, sweeteners and other ingredients Judy Henry steers clear of, organic eJuice is subtler than the others, more natural, and definitely different.
The customer base for Guilty Pleasures Organics are fiercely loyal, and for that reason Judy’s company is continuing to grow like crazy.
Organic eLiquids, real organic eLiquids, like these flavors below, vape somewhat differently than non-organic eLiquids. There is a distinct flavor signature to these organics, the vapor production is slightly altered, and most of all, they are most definitely natural tasting.
Over these past two years we have heard from many Vapers that prefer organic eLiquids, and they rave about certain vendors that produce them. Comparing Guilty Pleasures Organics to any other vendor we’ve reviewed before, even the ‘organic flavored’ vendors we review, just cannot be done.
Guilty Pleasures is the first vendor we’ve reviewed who relies on natural herbs, palm glycerin, and naturally extracted flavors. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to gauge this brand against others, we can only tell you about them from the experience of Vapers who have spent their time with non-organic eJuice. Is it enough to recommend to you, with confidence, any sort of ‘Buying Advice’? Perhaps not…
Guilty Pleasures Organics Giveaway
We are giving away several bottles of Guilty Pleasures Organics, to get your feedback by way of asking you to come back here to this review after you’ve spent some time with these eLiquids and have you tell us, and your fellow readers, what you think of these authentic, organic eLiquids made with natural herbs and palm glycerin.
With all that out of the way, we present our review.
Guilty Pleasures Organics
The Qualifying Vape
Judy Henry informed us that in order to quickly find the sweet spot for vaping this unique eLiquid that we should vape them with a 2.1-2.2ohm coils. And that is exactly what we did. However, once the ‘taste testing’ part of the review was completed some of us went back and vaped some of them with a standard 2.6ohm coil and found them to be every bit as good as vaping them with the 2.1ohm coils. Our time with these eLiquids showed us that they have a bit more latitude than we thought. Having said that, our advice to you would be to stay within the 2.1-2.2ohm range until you know the flavor profile and want to tweak it a little.
Using various hardware and various cartomizers, clearomizers, and tank systems, (all using 2.0-2.1ohm coils) we spent more than 72 hours with the line. Below we present our impressions of each the flavors.
The Review
Organic eLiquids
When you read our impressions below keep in mind that all organic eLiquids have a different flavor signature than eJuice made with PG and VG, artificial flavors, and sweeteners. Guilty Pleasures Organics flavors are subtler than non-organic eJuice, the vapor output isn’t as heavy as some others, but you cannot deny their own kind of deliciousness. If you are already a fan of organic-flavored eLiquids you’ll understand what we mean.
Organic Chocolate & Caramel Tango – $12.99 15ML – $20.79 30ML – Nicotine choice is simply “With or Without” (please read our interview to learn more about this topic)
“Made with a proprietary blend of organic herbs, palm glycerin, distilled water, extracted organic chocolate and organic caramel flavoring. Enjoy the lively dance of these two fabulous flavors together.” – GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS
Julia: Judy uses zero alcohol in her recipes, so you’ll never smell or taste any kind of alcohol. What you do taste is real chocolate and real caramel.
However, if you Vape, or have tried vaping organic eLiquids before you already know that all organic eLiquids taste somewhat different than PG/VG/Artificial Flavors juices. I don’t believe that will ever neither change nor do I believe that people that love organic eJuice would ever want that to change. This flavor is delicious, and it has that organic profile you would expect. Using a new X.Jet clearomizer with a 2.2ohm coil produced the best flavor and vapor combination. – 4.5 Stars
Tom: GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS (Guilty Pleasures Organics – ed.) isn’t using an artificial flavoring here, the chocolate and caramel are both 100% organic flavored. This makes a big difference in the flavor notes. All organic eLiquids are identifiable by that organic note, and this was no different.
The chocolate and caramel flavors were very real, deep, and clean tasting. Organic Vapers who worship chocolate will worship at the alter of GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS, of that I am certain. I don’t make it a habit to vape organic juice, but if I did I would have no qualms about vaping GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS. 4.5 Stars
Keira: I’ve never heard of palm glycerin, but I have to tell you, as a vapor producer it isn’t bad at all. Makes me wonder why more vendors aren’t using it. You know what surprised me most about Chocolate and Caramel Tango? Without the flavor carrier, which is the job for Propylene Glycol, and with the cloud-chaser ingredient that is Vegetable Glycerin, this eLiquid still tasted and performed like a champ. I do vape organic juice more than I used to, and now I’ll enjoy it even more. 4.75 Stars
Jason: I’ve enjoyed many chocolate and caramel juices before, but this here GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS recipe is unlike any of them. I’m not saying that GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS’s is better tasting, though it does taste great, what I am saying is that as a real, natural palm glycerin and herb recipe, GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS has done a magnificent job producing a natural chocolate and caramel juice. People that have wanted to go all-natural will find this one indispensible in their organic lineup. 4 Stars
Seductive Brew Coffee – A 2013 Spinfuel Choice Award Winner – $12.99 – 15ML $20.79 – 30ML
Nicotine choice is simply “With or Without” (please read our interview to learn more about this topic)
“Made with a proprietary of organic herbs, palm glycerin, distilled water and organic coffee flavoring extracted from beans from the Brazilian rain forest.” – GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS
Julia: One of the deepest coffee flavors I’ve ever vaped…and without an ounce of coffee bitterness. You can tell in an instant that this recipe used real flavor extracted from real coffee beans. Authentic, rich, intensely satisfying, Seductive Coffee Brew is certainly seductive. Good throat hit, good vapor from this one. I found it difficult to tell that it was an organic eLiquid. Bravo! – 5 Stars
Tom: You guys know how I love my coffee flavored juices, and now I’ve found another one to add to my rotation. Although this is a great, deeply realized coffee blend, it won’t replace all my other coffee eLiquids in my rotation, but it will become one of them. No coffee bitterness, not too sweet, with a flavor profile of actual coffee. Delightful! 5 Stars
Keira: I really enjoyed Seductive Coffee Brew because I was able to taste real coffee without that coffee bitterness that is in so many other “strong” coffee vapes. I wish it were a little sweeter, but other than that, the throat hit, the vapor clouds, and the intense flavor makes this one a real winner. 5 Stars
Jason: GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS managed to minimize the organic profile with this one, and left behind only the flavors or real coffee. I would love to see a coffee flavor from them that included cream, sugar, and maybe even cinnamon for an organic latte flavor, but until that time comes, Seductive Coffee is terrific. Good throat hit and clouds of vapor, this is one is keeper. 5 Stars
Peppermint Passion – $12.99 – 15ML – $20.79 30ML
Nicotine choice is simply “With or Without” (please read our interview to learn more about this topic)
“Made with a proprietary blend of organic herbs, palm glycerin, distilled water and extracted organic peppermint extract. Peppermint lovers…we promise this will not disappoint. Tastes like freshly cut peppermint from the garden.” – GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS
Julia: Now, this was the epitome of peppermint! Not a hint of menthol in this one, just pure, garden fresh peppermint. Ideally refreshing, with tons and tons of vapor, and a fantastic throat hit. GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS could have easily gone overboard with peppermint, but instead they hit it with the same intensity of real, fresh picked peppermint. How do I know this? Growing up we used to have a lot of peppermint plants/bushes around the neighborhood and we would eat the leaves all the time. This is a natural tasting organic peppermint. Delicious. If you vape organic, you’ll want this one. 5 Stars
Tom: I was very surprised by Peppermint Passion. I expected a heavyweight peppermint and what I got was a more mild, but naturally flavored peppermint. I like that they (GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS) didn’t jack up the flavor to artificial levels and instead offered it as the real thing. Extra vapor clouds with Peppermint Passion, and a decent throat hit to boot. Nice. 4 Stars
Keira: I know my lovely Julia loved Peppermint Passion, and I understand her reasons. I guess I just wanted something more passion maybe. I wanted more peppermint, stronger, deeper, with power behind it. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it, especially the vapor it produced, but it just wasn’t powerful enough for me. 4 Stars
Jason: You have to admire the restraint, and the commitment to ‘authentic’ with GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS. They could have created a powerful peppermint vape and instead opted for real peppermint, which isn’t nearly as strong as peppermint candies and many other intense peppermint eLiquids made with artificial flavoring. Very subtle ‘organic’ flavor notes in this recipe. With vapor output to ‘beat the band’, and a good solid throat hit, the flavor rounds out to be a very good organic peppermint creation. 4.75 Stars
Sweet Orange Kisses – $12.99 – 15ML -$20.70 30ML
Nicotine choice is simply “With or Without” (please read our interview to learn more about this topic)
“Made with a propriety blend of organic herbs, palm glycerin, distilled water and extracted organic orange juice. Just shake it up, close your eyes and smell a fresh squeezed orange at its peak of freshness.” – GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS
Julia: When it comes to talking about orange as a flavor used in eLiquids, I think we will always have to start off any ‘orange flavored’ review by saying that orange is one of the hardest flavors to get right… Because it is.
Go too far and you wind up with a real bitter orange eJuice on your hands, hold back too much and your orange flavor gets lost. Add to much sweetener and your orange turns into an orange flavored ice cream, which is one of my favorites, but that’s beside the point.
However, when you get ‘orange’ exactly right it tastes as though you’ve taken a glass of Orange Juice and vaporized it. GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS did that, they created a glass of OJ that you inhale and exhale.
While I really liked the authentic orange flavor I was a little disappointed in the vapor production. It was good, but out of the five it was the weakest. I have no idea why that would be unless it is the nature of the organic orange. Best way to vape this one? Fill your clearomizer and let it sit overnight. Doing that gives the orange a little more body. 3.75 Stars
Tom: I enjoy a sweet orange vape and that is what this organic orange eJuice is all about. Very hard to tell that you’re vaping an organic eLiquid, which is a plus for many people. Julia is right about a little less vapor production, but not enough for most people to care or even notice. And a decent throat hit rounds it out this unique blend. A real nicely done recipe, x. 4.5 Stars
Keira: I had to laugh every time Julia and discussed this one. It seems that Julia’s English accent she picked up spending her childhood outside of London kicks back in whenever she says certain words, like orange. Cute, sexy, and all that, but I had to keep asking her to repeat what she said. Ah, who am I kidding, I didn’t ‘have to’, I just did. LOL. Anyway, Sweet Orange Kisses is a naturally sweet vaporized OJ. I like that description! I enjoyed my time with it, but to be frank, I won’t add this to my collection because I’m just not that into orange flavors of any kind.
Using my new Cool Fire 1 with the iClear 30B, running it at 8.5w I noticed no difference in vapor production, and the throat hit was ample to me. For people who always look for a good orange vape, you’ll enjoy it. The ‘organic’ profile was very small. 4.25 Stars
Jason: This is the way to do an organic orange. The official description includes talk of a glass of orange juice, and I can vouch for that, there is a definite orange juice flavor profile to it. I loved it, and I just might add it to my rotation, in 30ML bottles though, for the better price break. I didn’t have any problems with vapor or throat hit, so I’m thinking that for the ones that did it must be a hardware issue, not a juice issue. If you were looking for a sweet organic orange profile you would do well to try this one. 4.25 Stars
Provocative Pomegranate Acai – $12.99 -15ML, $20.79 – 30ML
Nicotine choice is simply “With or Without” (please read our interview to learn more about this topic)
“Made with a proprietary blend of organic herbs, palm glycerin, distilled water, extracted organic acai berry and pomegranate juices. Enjoy the tart taste of pomegranate with the sweetness of the acai berry…a winning combination full of antioxidants.” – GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS
Julia: This eJuice may be full of healthy properties but for me, this just doesn’t cut it. It’s not the vapor or the throat hit; it’s just the flavor of pomegranate that gets to me. For Vapers that love the real taste of real pomegranate will go for this one in a big way, but it’s just not my idea of a good tasting fruit. For expertise though, I’m giving it 4.5 Stars
Tom: Not my favorite one of the bunch, but certainly not a bad tasting eLiquid. Pomegranate is an acquired taste, and if you drink enough ‘Pom Pom’ juice you’ll learn to appreciate the intense flavor. This had a pleasant and authentic pomegranate with the overpowering ‘Pom Pom’ intensity, with lots of vapor. Not too sure about the throat hit though, it was lighter than I expected. 4 Stars
Keira: I agree, of the six flavors this one was the one that was hardest to spend time with. Pomegranate is in the minority of good tasting berries, or fruit or whatever it is, and I agree with Tom that you can’t come into pomegranate without developing a taste for it. A terrific eLiquid for Vapers looking for the ultimate healthy vape with the taste of pomegranate, but not one I’ll buy. 3.75 Stars
Jason: I don’t mind pomegranate, when I want something really tart and edgy. But that’s not often. Luckily I was in the mood for it, so I enjoyed it quite a bit. Good vapor, average throat hit for an organic juice, a good choice for organic Vapers. 4 Stars
Enchanting Cherry – $12.99 – 15ML – $20.79 – 30ML
Nicotine choice is simply “With or Without” (please read our interview to learn more about this topic)
Made with a propriety blend of organic herbs, palm glycerin, distilled water and extracted organic cherry juice. Tastes just like biting into a dark, juicy bing cherry right off the tree. Full of antioxidants! – GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS
Julia: I’ve had a hundred cherry vapes before, and this one would go right about in the middle of them. Not great, but not bad. You don’t taste much of an organic flavor, which will attract non-organic fans, but it could have been sweeter for my taste. But then again, this is organic, without fake sugar or sweeteners, so it’s probably the most accurate. Not my favorite, but certainly a good organic eLiquid. 3.75 Stars
Tom: I expected a stronger flavor than what I got. Enchanting Cherry didn’t have enough cherry flavor for me, although it was fine in the vapor department. A light throat hit, and the lack of a strong flavor disappointed me. 3 Stars
Keira: I liked this one, this Enchanting Cherry. It doesn’t hit you over the head, and using a 2.1ohm coil gave it a precise cherry flavor without the organic profile. Organic Vapers will want to try this one. Good vapor, a light throat hit (16mg nicotine), it’s a nice vape. 4 Stars
Jason: Tons of cherry flavors out there, some better than this one and some are not. This one is about as authentic as you can get though. Considering that real cherries don’t have added sugar this is spot-on accurate. Not overly ripe cherries, which are naturally sweeter, but a good, firm cherry in vapor form. Organics will love it. 4.25 Stars
Guilty Pleasures Organics is real and authentic organic lines in a different vein than other organic vendors we’ve reviewed. They are as much about lung health as they are about flavor and vapor, so you cannot doubt the rich and fresh ingredients in each one. The commitment shows in everything, from the packaging to the tamper-proof bottles, to the purity of their ingredients. GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS does what they say they’re going to do, make clean, healthy, and pure eLiquids.
Buying Advice
$12.99 for 15ML is more than we pay for the most eLiquids, so recommending that you take the plunge is not as easy as saying that about eLiquids that cost much less to produce. It all depends on how much you care about all-natural products, including eJuice. Producing an eLiquid that is made from expensive ingredients, pure natural herbs, and all the rest, is far higher than eJuice made with artificial flavors and PG/VG formulations.
So, what to do? If you’re interested in vaping an all-natural eLiquid then choose a couple that are close to other flavors that you’ve enjoyed by other vendors, and see if the all-natural way of vaping is for you. You may never want to vape anything else again. It is worth it, for the benefits alone. All natural herbs and palm glycerin may be the best eJuice you’ve ever had, or maybe it won’t. But it is definitely worth trying them out.
Guilty Pleasures Organics is having a sale right now on their larger, 30ML size. For $20.79 you can pick up the larger size and save quite a bit on the ‘per milliliter’ cost. If you already enjoy organic flavored eJuice then by all means take the next step. But remember, there is quite a difference between organic flavored and organically extracted flavors. If you’ve never vaped all-natural eLiquid before, this is an opportunity to see what others are raving about.
We’ve arranged with Judy to give away some of her truly organic eJuice. How it’s going to work is this: Using the comment section below, tell us why you prefer organic eJuice.
Tell us what your favorite flavors are in the organic venue, but leave out the vendor just this once. Tell us why you want to try GUILTY PLEASURES ORGANICS. Once the comments begin coming in we’ll choose people that have written the best comments and contact them. You can choose the flavor you want, and the “nic or no nic” option, and we’ll send it off to Judy to fulfill. We have a certain number of bottles to giveaway, and we don’t plan on telling you how many. Just keep posting and when the last bottle is given away we’ll post in the comments, so check there first, when you see our comment then the giveaway is over.
If you win a bottle, please come back here and post your thoughts about it. Did you like it? Will you buy it again? We want to know. So, let’s go, let’s start commenting!
Julia-Hartley-Barnes, Keira-Hartley-Barnes, Tom McBride and Jason Little
January 1st, 2014