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“Third Time’s The Charm” With Mt. Baker Vapor
Lead Writer John Manzione, with Tom McBride, Keira Hartley, Jason Little
I’m sure not who made the choices this time out for the 12-eJuice flavors in this review but whoever it was chose well. Very well. The flavors we write about today are truly special. Not that every one came out as 5-Star Spinfuel Choice Award winner, but there wasn’t a bad one in the bunch. I’m not going to speak for everyone (they’ll do that below) but I am impressed at what we were able to enjoy for 96 hours (without vaping any other brand). I think you will be as well.
The eLiquid Choices
A wide variety of eLiquids were chosen this time out. They are, in no particular order…
- Mango E Juice Baker Vapor
- Cinnamon Roll E Juice Baker Vapor
- Coumarin Pipe E Juice Baker Vapor
- Havana E Juice Baker Vapor
- Vanilla Tobacco E Juice Baker Vapor
- Salt Water Taffy E Juice Baker Vapor
- Caramel Apple E Juice Baker Vapor
- Caramel Coffee E Juice Baker Vapor
- Nutella E Juice Baker Vapor
- Boom Choco-Latte E Juice Baker Vapor
- Sticky Bun E Juice Baker Vapor
- Butter Pecan E Juice Baker Vapor
You should be aware that all eLiquids we received were at the requested nicotine level of 12MG. eLiquid “blend” was the MBV default, mostly 80% PG, 20% VG. For review purposes we choose to vape the vendors ‘recommended’ ratios.
The Players And Their Equipment
Because our usual leader, Julia Barnes, and her second in command, Keira Hartley, are currently in Boston the responsibility has fallen to me (John Manzione) to assemble the team and decide on the parameters for this review. I decided not to use any cartomizers, save for my trusty Johnson Creek Vea and the JC Vea cartomizers) this time and instead rely solely on clearomizers, well, except for the Vea.
I chose Tom McBride and Jason Little, both true eLiquid connoisseurs if there ever was one, and Angel, our newest recruit and Tom’s main squeeze. And to round out the team, Mr. Jon Locke, our head graphics guy. Nearly all the custom graphics you see on the site are the work of Jon Locke. I believed I put together a well-rounded team and I think the results will bear that out.
As I said, I used my Johnson Creek Vea as well as my ProVari with the Kanger ProTank and iClear 30’s. Tom used his VAMO 2 with a ProTank, a couple of Vivi Nova’s and he was equipped with an adapter so he could also use several bottom-coil Kanger T3’s. Jason used the mini-battery 777 eCigs Bullet system (1.3ML mini-clearomizers), along with a ZMAX, ProTank, iClear, and Kanger T3’s. Angel also used the 777 eCigs Bullet as well as a couple of Vision Spinners and various Clearomizers. An assortment of long-wick clearomizers were used when and where needed, and several adapters to use them on 510-threaded batteries. All in all, the various batteries and eLiquid-filled attachments gave us a good idea of how the flavors tasted under numerous circumstances.
Scoring and the Spinfuel Choice Awards
Our scores range from 1 to 5 stars. Scoring a 1 would mean that the eLiquid under review was deemed ‘unvapeable’ by the person scoring, while 5 stars indicated a great tasting flavor with voluminous amounts of vapor, a more-than-decent throat hit, as well as satisfying ‘vape’. In other words, a 5 star rated flavor was an example of a great eLiquid that the reviewer could not find fault with. If any flavor scored 5 stars from all the team members then that flavor would be awarded a Spinfuel Choice Award.
Keep in Mind
While we choose to assemble 4 or 5 full-time vapers with plenty of experience with dozens and dozens of brands and flavors, knowledge of the process of creating an eLiquid and good judgment about whether or not the eJuice in question is something that many would deem favorably or is better suited as a niche flavor (see below), in the end the choice must be yours. If you’ve found that one of our team members has a similar ‘profile’ to your own then by all means consider their scores and their remarks to be similar to your own.
Something New
In this review we begin something new. We are going to include a remark from each team member about each flavor and whether or not they believe the eJuice flavor to be one that most vapers should consider, or whether it might best be considered a niche flavor, one with limited appeal. Taken to the extreme, you might say that an eLiquid flavored with ‘celery salt’ might be a niche flavor, while a vanilla-based flavor would have a wider appeal, unless it to was blended with celery salt. (There is no such flavor; I pulled it out of the clouds). In any case, a team member might score a flavor the full 5 stars and designate it a niche flavor, and you might want to take that into consideration when deciding whether that flavor is something that might appeal to you.
Mt Baker Vapor Particulars
For those of you that are not familiar with Mt Baker Vapor, here are some of the particulars about their eLiquids.
Bottle Sizes: 15ML, 30ML and 60ML
Prices: 15ML: 4.99 30ML – $7.49 60ML – $10.99
Note* that Spinfuel believes Mt Baker Vapor to be the least expensive “premium” eLiquid vendor. We have labeled them “premium vendor” because of their consistent talent deliver well above average flavors that provide ample vapor and throat hit in most flavors. The number of choices made available to the customer, and their complete cooperation in customer service, as well as their mixing, packaging, and shipping facility are certainly ‘premium’ standards.
Nicotine Strengths: 0mg – 6mg – 12mg 18mg 24mg and 36mg (product pages default to 18mg)
PG/VG Ratios
- PG: 100%
- PG/VG 80/20
- PG/VG 65/35
- PG/VG 50/50
- PG/VG 20/80
- VG70% & Distilled H20 30%
- MaxVG%
Extra Flavoring: Up to 5 shots of extra flavoring are available at 25 cents per shot.
Ship Times: Ships within 24 hours unless otherwise noted – No Spinfuel Staffer has never waited longer than that for any MBV order to ship.
And Now… The Team Delivers…
Flavor descriptions are not available, instead each flavor contains the following: Our 100% USA made Nicotine juice comes in a variety of blends and strengths. Please select the options to complete your juice order. The Mango e juice is made with the highest quality flavors and ingredients and will satisfy your taste buds and nicotine cravings. All our e liquids come in 15 ml childproof dropper bottles. The Mango E Juice is freshly mixed when you order so you will never get any old product from us. In order to add the item to your cart you will need to select all of the options. All our e juices ship out within 24 hours of order time. Most of the time sooner. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please send us an email via our contact page.
Mango E Juice Baker Vapor – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – This particular mango flavored eLiquid is the 3rd one I’ve tried in as many months. It is also the one that tastes ‘most’ like Mango. Mangos are one of my favorite fruits, despite being allergic to them as a child living in Miami. Mango reminds me an earthy, lust-filled fruit. To be frank, eating a mango is almost erotic.
I enjoyed this mango ejuice quite a bit. A nice throat hit, plenty of vapor, though not as much as some others, and a nice delivery. For fruity vapers I highly recommend it. Cons: My desire to vape a mango flavor that delivers as much mango flavor as a fully ripened red mango the size of a nerf football.
Tom: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – This is my 2nd mango flavored eLiquid and it tastes more like mango then the other one, yet not mango enough. I was recently introduced to this fruit and it has a very distinct flavor, almost musty, very juicy, and full of texture. I think MBV is using the best mango concentrate available but I also think that mango concentrate needs to improve. Still, I enjoyed this one quite a bit and highly recommend it to vapers that enjoy fruit flavors.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I fell hard for this ejuice. I am a fruit Vaper and this is something new, different, and delicious. Tons of flavors, deep, rich fruit flavor, along with more than enough vapor for my needs, and a decent throat hit. I was very satisfied as a Vaper. Highly recommended.
Jon: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I can’t think of anything I don’t like about MBV Mango. For fruit vapers looking for something new you cannot go wrong with it. While not as heavily flavored as a real mango from a tree, it comes really close. Kind of sweet, earthy, and a really pleasant vape. This will become one of my most vaped fruit flavors.
Jason: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I think it would be natural for many people to consider Mango to be a niche flavor because the mango fruit is not as popular as most other fruits at the grocery store, or even a fruit stand in Florida. I like the level of sweetness this one provides, and as an eLiquid I think it is very satisfying. If you’ve been holding back from trying a mango-flavored ejuice this is the one you should try. At $4.99 for 15ML how can you pass up the opportunity to vape something really new?
Cinnamon Roll E Juice Baker Vapor – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I was glad to see this flavor included because the cinnamon roll flavor is one of my favorite eLiquids. This one from MBV does not disappoint. Truly sweet, fully flavored, with plenty of authentic cinnamon roll flavor, this one is already a part of my collection. If you are a Vaper of cinnamon flavors this is one you have to try. Note – if you are expecting a hot cinnamon flavor you won’t find it here. This is a sweet cinnamon “roll”, emphasis on the roll. Cinnamon Roll offers outstanding vapor; a true throat hit and is very, very satisfying.
Tom: 4.75 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I have to admit my “like” of this eJuice flavor has improved. I don’t know if MBV tweaked the recipe or not, but I enjoyed this one much more than before. More than enough vapor output, and a long inhale will provide an excellent throat hit, even at 12MG nicotine. I would have given this a 5 Star rating, but I held back a quarter of a star over the sweetness. There is another MBV that’s even sweeter, but this too was a little over the threshold for me. I don’t think there are many vapers out there that wouldn’t love this flavor if they like other cinnamon roll, or cinnamon bun eJuices.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – One of my all time favorite flavors, cinnamon bun/roll is a great flavor for vaping. So sweet, so rich, so satisfying, how can anyone not love it? If you’ve enjoyed other cinnamon bun/roll eLiquids before this is one you simply must try. I bet you would find it one of your favorites. Vapor, Throat Hit, satisfaction all scored extremely well for me.
Jon: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – For me, what makes this particular cinnamon roll flavor so good is the emphasis on the “roll” part. I love the fact that the taste of the ‘bun’ is right there and exactly the same taste you would get if you bit into a real cinnamon roll. Great vapor production, a decent throat hit, and afterwards you feel very satisfied, especially if you have a sweet tooth.
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – This is one of the best MBV flavors I’ve had, though I don’t think we’ve had more than 30% of their total flavors. A sweet cinnamon roll is exactly what you get when you vape this one. Deep flavors of a real cinnamon roll and a satisfying vape with plenty of vapor define this eLiquid. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a great breakfast bun eLiquid.
Coumarin Pipe E Juice Baker Vapor – Choice Award – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – Not every Vaper looks for tobacco blends, but for those that do, this is one of the finest MBV offers. I sense a sweet tobacco, a real pipe tobacco, with strong flavors, amazing vapor production and throat hit. Best of all? This is a very satisfying eLiquid for the tobacco Vaper in our midst.
Tom: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – Tobacco flavored ejuice is not everyone’s cup of tea, so I can’t say this will have mass appeal, but it’s certainly not a niche flavor either. Kind of a sweetness to it, like a good pipe tobacco, as well as an overall extremely satisfying experience. If tobacco flavors are what you are looking for than I highly recommend it, unless pipe tobacco doesn’t sit well with you. For myself, this is certainly an all-day vape.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – If I were scoring this for myself, as one of the only available flavors for me to personally vape I would have scored it lower than I did. I’m not much for tobacco flavored eLiquids but I will say for those that do enjoy a good tobacco flavored eLiquid this one you would most probably like. I’ve seen Tom and John both enjoy Coumarin Pipe tobacco ejuice so I know that it’s a good one. Just not one I have much use for. But I know an excellent eLiquid flavor when I taste one, and it should not be penalized because I’m not a tobacco lover. Highly Recommended For Tobacco Vapers
Jon: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – A great pipe tobacco eJuice that is on my rotation right now. I think the best way to put this is that without looking I don’t know if I’ve ever reviewed a MBV tobacco flavor before this one, and now that I have I will always remember it. Coumarin Pipe Tobacco eLiquid is such a great blend of sweetness and flavor, topped of with the power to produce plumes of vapor that anyone would enjoy as well as a throat hit that a real smoker would envy. I enjoyed the hell out it.
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited: Coumarin Pipe Tobacco eLiquid is such a joy to vape that I can tell you that any Vaper looking for a good pipe tobacco vape would fall down and die of happiness upon vaping this one. So powerful a flavor, so robust in the vapor production, and such a magnificent throat hit combine to make it one of the most satisfying eLiquids to come along in a long while. I don’t know why we didn’t vape this one sooner. Better late than never I suppose. I recommend this to any tobacco Vaper. You should also know that if you do like tobacco flavors this is one that you can vape all day long.
Havana E Juice Baker Vapor – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 4 Stars – Appeal: Limited – Not as good as the Coumarin Pipe tobacco but just as satisfying. Packed with flavor, and less sweet than Coumarin, Havana also packs a whollop of a throat hit. If I had to choose between Havana and Coumarin I’d choose the latter every time. Having said that, for tobacco vapers looking for something closer to a cigarette or cigar vape, this might be your best choice in the MBV line.
Tom: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – Havana is a more traditional tobacco flavor than Coumarin. Whereas the Coumarin replicates the pipe tobacco experience Havana seems more concerned with the cigarette/cigar smoker. Though that’s not exactly right either. I don’t mean to say that Havana vapes like a Marlboro or Winston, it has an authentic tobacco taste all its own. Recommended for tobacco Vapers.
Angel: 3 Stars – Appeal: Limited – Sometimes I can’t believe I was a cigarette smoker. I mean I should like Havana because it is less ‘pipe’ tobacco than Coumarin, and as a smoker I smoked tobacco all the time. Regardless, I didn’t enjoy it much at all. Better than some other tobacco juices I’ve reviewed, but far from my preferred flavors.
Jon: 4.5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – You think “Havana” you think cigars, and that’s what you get with this juice from MBV. Cigar flavors are night and day different than pipe tobacco flavors. I like cigars, and when I smoked tobacco there was nothing better than a huge cigar at a poker game. Havana is an eLiquid I could see me vaping at our card games. Recommended to any cigar-smoker that now chooses to vape,
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – Definitely a really good cigar flavor with tremendous vapor and a great throat hit for a 12mg nicotine juice. If you’re looking for a cigar vape without having to buy a cigar eCigarette then this is it. Wicked vapor production and ample throat hit make Havana a damn good liquid.
Vanilla Tobacco E Juice Baker Vapor – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve tried various Vanilla Tobaccos, only a few better than this one, and many more worse. I happen to really like Vanilla as well as Vanilla Tobacco eLiquids so I found it difficult to dislike this one, not that I was looking to dislike it. Unlike a straight up vanilla flavor, vanilla tobacco blends are a little less sweet, and provide a bigger throat hit. Vapor production can vary by the vendor, and MBV’s vapor production was excellent for this juice. Will replace the Vanilla Tobacco I have in my rotation? No, but only because I’m used to the one I have, they taste about the same. Although MBV’s version is much less money, so…maybe it will.
Tom: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Anytime a vendor mixes anything with a tobacco flavor they take a risk. Many flavors can lend themselves to a good tobacco blend, vanilla especially, but the determining factor in the overall quality of the eLiquid is the type and quality of the tobacco concentrate. MBV uses a damn good tobacco concentrate in this juice, enough so that I enjoyed vaping Vanilla Tobacco by MBV quite a bit. Good vapor production, a nice sweetness to the vanilla, and a good throat hit round out the essentials of this particular blend. So yea, I liked this Vanilla Tobacco enough to say that I would consider adding this to my rotation and vape it a couple of times a week. That’s pretty major.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – A surprisingly fantastic eLiquid. Plenty of vanilla goodness, nice and sweet with ample vapor yet gentle and satisfying. I enjoy a pure vanilla eLiquid the most, but sometimes when you’re in the mood for something more complex this is an excellent choice. Even if you think pure vanilla flavors are what you like most I would recommend trying a vanilla tobacco flavor, and in particular, the MBV Vanilla Tobacco. The price is unbeatable and the satisfaction that comes from vaping something that gives you great pleasure; is something I recommend highly. Try this if you like vanilla flavors at all.
Jon: 4.5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Vanilla Tobacco came “this close” to scoring full 5 Stars with me but just missed out because the tobacco flavor was a bit underpowered. Some people will like it, no, I think many people will like the natural vanilla flavoring and the luxurious tobacco flavoring mixed so well together. Vanilla Tobacco by MBV is stronger as a single blend than it is two separate blends. Even if you already have a vanilla and tobacco mix in your current collection I recommend giving this one a try.
Jason: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I’m giving Vanilla Tobacco a 4 star rating because it deserves one, of course, but there is nothing in particular that stands out. I don’t mean that has a negative, or a positive. It is a good, solid, vanilla tobacco ejuice. A bit boring because it is a standard for all vendors. But I did like it, and there are plenty of occasions to want to vape a vanilla tobacco juice. If you don’t already have your vanilla tobacco picked out for your collection then yes, by all means try this one. If you do have one picked out then pick up a $4.99 15ML bottle and compare it to the one you’re using now. You might like it better, you might not. But at $5 for 15ML, how can you not try it?
Salt Water Taffy E Juice Baker Vapor – Choice Award! – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I would have never believed that any eLiquid could be fashioned so as to taste exactly like salt-water taffy but this one sure is. Sweet, with a definite taffy flavor. I love it, really love it. Nice vapor, decent throat hit, highly recommended. This was a treat!
Tom: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I couldn’t agree more! Exactly like salt water taffy, which is one of my all time favorite things, having enjoyed the real thing a million times at the Jersey Shore. Loved the vapor output with this juice as well. There are times when a sweet candy vape is the right call, and when that happens I plan on it being this one. Highly recommended!
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal :Wide I’ve never had taffy but this was a true delight! Such an original flavor! Sweet, yet with a distinctive flavor. Excellent vapor and lots of fun to vape. Deservingly so, I award this a 5 star vape!
Jon: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide –Honest to God, I cannot believe MBV replicated the taste of salt-water taffy! It’s amazing that so many eLiquid can be achieved through concentrated flavorings. Of course, it’s not only the concentrate; it’s the ability to know exactly how to build a successful recipe. I really enjoyed salt-water taffy vaping, and I am planning on keeping a bottle of this around for times when I want a delicious sweet candy vape. Bravo MBV!
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Excellent vapor, an unexpected throat hit, and a pure salt-water taffy flavor. This is my idea of a great fun vape. Ever since I vaped this I’ve wanted to go buy some taffy. Being here in Florida makes it easy in fact (so why haven’t I?). This MBV juice has become one of my favorite eLiquids by these guys.
Caramel Apple E Juice Baker Vapor – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – MBV is using the same caramel concentrate that they use in their amazing Caramel Coffee flavor, which means that the taste of caramel is strong in this recipe. Loved the amount of vapor it puts out, the throat hit is better than expected, but most of all the clear cut flavors of caramel and apple mix so well together in this blend. I say it has a wide appeal because apple flavored vapes are popular, and mixing the amount of caramel in this recipe was inspired. Highly recommended for Vapers that enjoy apple flavors as well as caramel flavors.
Tom: 4 Stars – Appeal: Semi-Wide – Totally agree about the caramel, and this is something a lot of vendors have difficulty with. Caramel is supposed to be a strong addition to a flavor, not just a ‘hinted at’ flavor. MBV does a great job of providing a good dose of caramel in the front and a nice apple taste at the end. Tons of vapor and a lovely throat hit round this out to be a damned nice vape.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – How can anyone not love this flavor? Take a good dose of caramel flavorings, surround it with a sweet apple taste and you get this marvelous eLiquid from MBV. Plenty of vapor to please anyone, and a nice throat hit too, it reminds me of the fall in NH when we would slice up apples and dip them in caramel. Highly recommended to anyone looking for the taste of a caramel apple.
Jon: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – It took a while for me to figure out the final score for this flavor. I like caramel apples and that is what I wanted to find here. This MBV flavor almost makes it, but in my mind I taste a granny smith type apple whereas want I wanted to taste was a red delicious apple. The caramel was more than fine, and had the eLiquid had the sweetness of the caramel blended with the sweetness of a red delicious apple it would have been perfect. I still recommend it because I think a lot of people will love this version of caramel apple.
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – In every way possible this is a caramel apple in vapor form. Everything about it screams caramel apple. Sweet caramel and the deliciously sweet apple combine to create a wonderful vape with plenty of vapor and a good throat hit. Recommended to Vapers looking to add a sweet, fruity/candied vape to their collection. Best of all, it was better on the 4th day then it was the 3rd, so it gets better with age. Wonderful and highly recommended.
Caramel Coffee E Juice Baker Vapor Choice Award – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – My first drag of this incredible blend of caramel and coffee was like the first time I kissed a girl. I will remember it forever. Such an incredible and intense mix of flavors! Very deep and rich coffee with a nice sweet mix of caramel makes this an award-winning flavor like never before. I wanted to keep this all to myself, I really did, but I knew I couldn’t. After this is published I’ll be ordering more pronto. Recommended to anyone looking for an intense coffee vape with a sweet caramel finish.
Tom: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – I hated to call this incredible ejuice “limited” in appeal but when you think about it, the flavors are so intense, so rich and dark, it’s far from an everyday vape. I would almost say it was a “special” flavor for special times, but it’s not like it’s rare or hard to get. Definitely on my rotation and will stay there. Not for the fruity or candy Vapers, but if you’re the kind of Vaper that wants deep, dark and delicious, with a extra helping of intense, then you’ve been waiting for this one.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – So intense, so rich, but so instantly recognizable as an excellent coffee flavor with a healthy dose of caramel. I enjoyed this flavor a lot more than I thought I would. The vapor was good, but not extreme, and the throat hit was better than I thought, and I thought it was going to be a good one. So much flavor in every puff! I couldn’t put it down. Surprisingly I was able to vape Caramel Coffee for hours, something I rarely do with such intense flavors.
Jon: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – If you like coffee flavored eLiquids you’re going to love Caramel Coffee! From the first drag onward I knew this was going to be a flavor I would not be able to do without. So incredibly intense, such deep dark coffee flavor with a sweet caramel coming at you then you simply can’t believe what you’re vaping. Of the 12 eLiquids in this review, this is the one I loved most. Yet, at the same time, I believe this one will be the most controversial. Its intensity is stronger than I imagined it would be, and the flavor stays with you for a while. If you’re looking for intense flavors this is it.
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – What makes this flavor so damned good is the intensity of both the coffee and the caramel working equally well. Sure, the coffee is your first impression, but immediately thereafter you get a nice slap of caramel and they mingle among your taste buds until you almost can’t take it anymore. I don’t think anyone can argue with what I am about to say to sum up this marvelous recipe. For most people this is a short vape sensation. Probably no more than 15-30 minutes at a time. Then they’ll have to put it away and switch to something more mainstream. But for the few that love intense flavors this could be your ideal all-day vape. You really have to have a thing for intense flavors cause this will lay you out if you don’t. Deep dark coffee roast with a sweet rich caramel overlay, Caramel Coffee will make you remember it long after you’ve changed to a milder juice. I am over the moon with this one.
Nutella E Juice Baker Vapor – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 2 Stars – Appeal: Very small – I had a small hope that I would enjoy this flavor. You see I love Nutella on toast. But, the way I make it is that I put a layer of butter on the bread that has been nicely toasted and then slather on the Nutella. Delicious! Vaping Nutella is altogether different though. The juice tastes just like Nutella, but Nutella, as a vapor, is awful. Just awful.
Tom: 3 Stars – Appeal: Limited – I was afraid of this flavor because Nutella is such a strange blend of hazelnut and chocolate. Yet, there is hazelnut and chocolate flavors that taste nothing like Nutella, so I had no idea what I was going to taste. As it turns out, this tastes exactly like Nutella, and nothing like a hazelnut/chocolate eLiquid. I did enjoy it some. It produced a lot of vapor and a wicked throat hit, but the overwhelming taste of Nutella vapor was too much. So I vaped this flavor in small doses, and in that way it wasn’t bad. I can’t imagine MBV sells a lot of this though.
Angel: 1 Star – Appeal: Narrow – First, you have to understand that I can’t stand Nutella, so that was strike number one. Strike number two was that I was afraid that since MBV can replicate flavors so well that there was every chance this would taste just like Nutella. Well, it did. I couldn’t stand it. In fact, I couldn’t vape it for more than a couple of minutes, a total or about 6 or 7 puffs.
Jon: 3 Stars – Appeal: Limited – For people that enjoy strange flavors this might be just the thing they need or want. I agree with the rest of the team, this tastes just like Nutella. If you really truly like the taste of Nutella then you will probably like it. If not, you won’t. I actually thought it was pretty good, but I think it will have a limited audience. Good vapor, good throat hit, but otherwise one strange eLiquid.
Jason: 3.5 Stars – Appeal: Limited – Since I’ve never had the pleasure, or displeasure, of tasting Nutella I didn’t know what to expect. I was told that Nutella was a hazelnut and chocolate mix, and there is one such hazelnut and chocolate eLiquid on the market that John and I vape all the time. How different could this be, right? As it turns out, quite a bit. Nutella tastes really strange, but it wasn’t bad. I sort of liked it a little at a time. I filled a clearomizer and vaped, took it off, put it back on, many times over 4 days. It got better, but still not something I could vape very long. I know others on the team didn’t like it at all, probably because it was so far off the beaten path. I got the rest of the bottle, and I plan on using it up and then deciding whether or not to make it a part of my rotation. As far as my recommendation all I can say is this; if you are expecting a hazelnut and chocolate flavor combination don’t bother because it doesn’t deliver. That said if you want something really out there in left field, then buy a small bottle of it and try it. You never know, you might just like it a lot.
Boom Choco-Latte E Juice Baker Vapor – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 4 Stars – Appeal: Semi-Wide – I’ve been enjoying some good chocolate flavors lately. This has become one of them. I can’t prove this but it seems to me that over the last year chocolate concentrate has gotten much smoother, with a truer taste. About a year ago I thought all chocolate flavors were terrible, and harsh. Not so today. Boom Choco-latte is a good chocolate latte flavor that isn’t harsh at all. I liked the taste, the vapor was excellent, and the throat hit was much better than I thought it would be. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys chocolate flavored juices, with a nice mild coffee/latte finish.
Tom: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Much better than I thought it was going to be. MBV is trying to be clever with the name, and maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t. From the name I expected some powerful heavy chocolate coffee, a non-sweet vape. Instead what I got was a smooth chocolate latte, or mocha latte, that lacked the usual harshness of most latte eLiquids. Surprisingly good. Recommended to anyone that enjoys any kind of latte ejuice.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Such a deeply delicious chocolate latte! I could, and would, vape Boom Choco-latte all day long. Whatever chocolate concentrate they use it is marvelous. So full-flavored, without over powering the senses. More ‘chocolate’ that ‘latte’, to me anyway, this was like a frozen mocha latte with extra sweetness. I want more!
Jon: 4 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I’m not keen on latte ejuice, though I drink latte’s from Starbucks all the time. I wasn’t expecting to love this flavor, though I wasn’t expecting to hate it either. Turns out though, that the blend of just the right amount of chocolate and the right amount of coffee latte makes this one original recipe. I enjoyed it immensely. Recommended to anyone looking for a smooth chocolate latte flavor.
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Underrated if you ask me. I hear a lot about MBV flavors yet no one has even mentioned this one to me. I have to wonder why because this is a marvelously smooth chocolate latte flavor its hard to believe that no one’s mentioned it. A very smooth chocolate flavor with a compelling latte taste. Excellent vapor, great throat hit for 12MG, this is one of my favorites from MBV. Whoever added this one to the list is my new hero.
Sticky Bun E Juice Baker Vapor Choice Award – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – My all-time favorite eLiquid of the 3 MBV reviews. If you think sticky buns and cinnamon rolls are the same you couldn’t be more wrong. Sticky buns have a great maple-icing flavor with a similar ‘bun’ flavor of the cinnamon roll ejuice. The maple icing makes ALL the difference. Man, I vaped so much of this juice and I’m still not tired of it. Like Sticky Buns? You’re going to love this. Recommended to anyone that enjoys the taste of maple and/or the taste of sweet rolls.
Tom: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – What makes this flavor a 5 star flavor to me is that it hits my weak spot, which are sticky buns. Sweet maple icing dripped over a sweet roll, warm and definitely sticky, it is what I order for breakfast when I go out to breakfast. More vapor than I expected, a light throat hit, and a plain old pleasure to vape. No, it’s not a tobacco flavor, my usual favorites, but outside of the vaping world my favorite food is that of a sticky bun, so imagine my amazement when I vaped this for the first time and my immediate reaction was seeing the staff and myself surrounded by sticky buns.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – If you like the taste of maple syrup then this is going to be a real pleasure for you. The fact that you’re getting a maple flavor and a sticky bun flavor the combination is killer. But, if you don’t like maple there’s no need to bother with this one. Maple is the key to this blend of flavors, and it works magically. Easily tempted once you vape this, so don’t do it unless you’re ready to commit. You will want to keep this around.
Jon: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Sticky buns! I couldn’t believe it. Even before I vaped it I knew there was something special with this blend. Who doesn’t love maple flavors? And who doesn’t love those big sticky buns you get from the local bakery? This ejuice delivers the same great taste that you get from real honest-to-god sticky buns. The excellent vapor, the throat hit, and the awesomely satisfying feeling of tasting sticky buns just makes this one great juice!
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Yes indeed It’s Sticky Buns! A New England favorite! For me, this one made me a little nervous. I just didn’t want to be disappointed because I love sticky buns as much as anyone else in New England. So I am happy to report that the flavor is every bit as authentic as a real maple syrup sticky bun. Add to that amazing vapor and you have a great combination for a sweet juice that’s great any time of day. Sticky Buns is on my shortlist for top dog. Highly recommended!
Butter Pecan E Juice Baker Vapor Choice Award – Flavor Description Not Available
John: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – Like I said earlier, whoever picked these flavors did such a great job. So many fantastic choices and only a couple of disappointments. Butter Pecan is another fantastic choice and a deliciously sweet vape. How do you describe the taste of butter pecan? It’s almost a praline flavor, sweet, buttery, with a hint of nuttiness. Tremendously awesome vapor from this one, and a light but satisfying throat hit. I enjoyed every minute I spent with Butter Pecan and would recommend it to anyone that reads my description and says, “I might like that.” If you think you might, you will.
Tom: 5 Stars – Appeal: Semi-Wide – A sweet creamy and buttery flavor with a nice touch of pecan. Very satisfying, very flavorful, this is a flavor that I will gladly recommend to anyone looking for a sweet, buttery delight. Don’t forget the pecan though, because you will taste it…and it is soooo good.
Angel: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – I was looking forward to vaping this flavor so I put it at the top of my list. It was the first flavor I vaped in this collection. Let me tell you, when you start out with such a great flavor and then follow it up with Nutella it can be a shock to the system. But I so enjoyed Butter Pecan that I instantly added it to my permanent collection. The vapor wasn’t as good as some of the others I reviewed here, but that didn’t bother me. It’s such a smooth full-flavored buttery and nutty flavor that all I wanted to do was sit back and vape slowly, with deep drags and very slow exhales.
Jon: 5 Stars – Appeal: Semi-Wide – I was very impressed with Butter Pecan, so much so that I deliberately took more time with it then I was supposed to. So creamy, so nutty, so intense and full flavored that to vape Butter Pecan is to love Butter Pecan. (Alright, that was corny as hell). But seriously, this is a wonderfully sweet, creamy vape with a more than a hint of pecan. If this sounds like something you’d like then order a bottle, you’ll be really glad you did.
Jason: 5 Stars – Appeal: Wide – On the last day of this review we all wondered what we had saved for last. Some people save what they think will be the worst, and some people want to get the worst out of the way and vape it first. I saved Butter Pecan for last because I wanted to save what I thought would be the best of the bunch. Was it? No, that would be Sticky Buns, but Butter Pecan is a close second. What a great dozen flavors from MT Baker Vapor!
Butter Pecan is like a bowl of butter, pecans and praline ice cream by Blu Belle. If you buy a bottle of Butter Pecan I urge you to open the bottle, close it, shake it up, and keep it in a cool dark place for 48 hours. Then, load up a clearomizer and let the clearomizer sit for at least an hour, especially if it’s a long wick clearomizer. Make sure you have a fully charged battery and plenty of relaxing time. Please don’t vape it at work or driving the first time you try it. Be at home, relaxed in your favorite chair or in bed. Then take a nice long, deep drag, 8 seconds or so long, and then very slowly exhale…that my dear readers, is about as close to the perfect moment you will get as a Vaper on planet earth.
Last Words
As you can see, this was a special collection of flavors. The 96 hours we spent with them was a great period of vaping. One of the only times the team didn’t mind keeping their personal favorites off their batteries the whole time. Out of the 12 flavors we awarded 5 Spinfuel Choice Awards, and a few more just missed it. That is one hell of a score.
They say the Third Time’s The Charm, and it seemed to hold true for Mt Baker Vapor and Spinfuel. I asked the team to pick their #1 favorite eJuice from the 12 eLiquids more than a week after their review notes were handed in and our group talk had taken place. I did this because I think it would reveal what flavored stuck with them the longest or made the deepest impression. It could have been what they believed when they wrote their notes, or it could have changed afterward. In any case, it came out like this:
Tom: Sticky Buns
Jason: Salt Water Taffy
Angel: Sticky Buns
Jon Locke: Sticky Buns
John (me): Caramel Coffee
The Takeaway
So, since Mt Baker Vapor scored so highly and they are priced so low, are they the vendor you should buy from exclusively? Certainly not. We would never suggest that. There are many great eLiquid vendors in our industry, and in the United States, that to stick to a single vendor would be a terrible idea. One vendor’s Vanilla Tobacco could, and often does, taste very different from another vendor. Recipes are always different; prominent features of one blend are completely different from another blend, and on and on it goes. The biggest joy in vaping is discovering new and exciting flavors. But make no mistake, just because Mt Baker Vapor prices their eLiquids lower than 99% of the other premium vendors, it doesn’t mean they are not a premium vendor.
This review covers a mere dozen of the couple of hundred that Mt Baker Vapor offers. Some are incredibly wonderful, others not so much. This collection was chosen brilliantly, but it is but a small number. We will do a 4th review…and soon.
Buying Advice?
Experimenting with Mt Baker Vapor is easy. Being able to buy eLiquids starting at $4.99 for 15ML means being able to pick up flavors you might never otherwise risk spending money on, and then discovering some awesome new flavors that will become permanent fixtures in your eJuice collection. How can you refuse to order a bottle of Sticky Buns, or Salt Water Taffy, or Caramel Coffee after reading this review? So go ahead, go nuts. We only live once, and because we all stopped smoking and started vaping we’ve added some years to our once-lived life. Enjoy them!
John Manzione, with Tom McBride, Jason Little, Angel, and Jon Locke