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Last Updated on January 19, 2024 by Team Spinfuel

2023 Cannabis Trends: Top 5 Reasons Behind the Dominance of Pre-Rolls in the Market

Recent reports of cannabis trends released by a Seattle-based data firm have revealed that the pre-roll product category within the marijuana flower market is now the fastest-growing in terms of relative sales growth.

In 2017, pre-rolls comprised 7.9% of the market share and saw $406 million in sales. By 2022, it had seen $1.5 billion in sales and obtained 12.7% of the market share.

Those who aren’t familiar with cannabis products might be wondering how a single product category could experience so much growth. These reasons below may be contributing:

Cannabis Trends of Pre-Rolls Mean Easy Access

With many leading cannabis dispensaries like Spiritleaf Oshawa within driving distance and offering online shopping, it makes sense that more people would choose to explore pre-rolls and other products. You can select the products you like at the click of a button and have them appear at your house. In the past, gaining access to such products wasn’t as easy. In fact, it wasn’t always legal.

Cannabis Trends includes More Purchasing Options

When pre-rolls first became available, consumers didn’t have many choices. They were almost exclusively sold as one-gram singles, making them sometimes less attractive than other more versatile cannabis products.

However, that has changed in recent years. Those seeking cannabis for recreational reasons or therapeutic effects can now choose from various size options like half-gram pre-rolls, 1.5-gram pre-rolls, and multi-pack options like two, five, and 10. A broader variety of products can mean that pre-rolls suit a wider variety of people.

Pre-Rolls with Innovative Infusions are now in Cannabis Trends

While regular pre-rolls are still popular, the infused variety has found favor with consumers, further contributing to the dominant market. Infused pre-rolls are pre-rolls that have been dipped in concentrates like rosin and wax. This infusion typically increases the potency, making them more desirable for consumers looking for an enhanced user experience.

The Pre-Rolls Price Point

Pre-rolls weren’t always the most cost-effective cannabis product, but that has started to change. Wholesale flower prices have been dropping in recent years, which has enabled producers to use more high-quality flower.

This price shift, combined with machinery advancements, has meant that per-unit rates for consumers are becoming more affordable. The more affordable pre-rolls are, the more likely consumers might be to bypass other goods like vape gear and add pre-rolls to their shopping carts.

Convenience of the Pre-Rolls

While many cannabis users still love buying flower and creating all manner of goods with it, there’s no denying it’s not the most practical product on the market. Creating a simple joint can be time-consuming and messy. You also have to buy other accessories and tools like grinders and papers.

In contrast, pre-rolls are ready for use. You can still choose the same cannabis strain you prefer, but someone else has done all the hard work of preparing it for you.

Pre-rolls are a particularly helpful option for people who are consuming cannabis for health conditions like Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis..

These people can struggle with their motor skills and aren’t always able to undertake tasks that require precision.

Pre-roll market domination is showing no signs of slowing down. If you’ve been considering trying any cannabis products, you might decide to choose pre-rolls for some of the reasons above.

Cannabis Trends of Pre-Rolls – A Conclusion

In conclusion, the meteoric rise of the pre-roll market in the cannabis industry is a clear indicator of changing consumer preferences and the evolving landscape of marijuana consumption. The substantial growth from $406 million in sales in 2017 to an impressive $1.5 billion by 2022 underscores a significant shift in consumer behavior and market dynamics.

This surge can be attributed to several key factors that have aligned to make pre-rolls an increasingly popular choice among cannabis users.

The convenience factor stands out as a primary driver of this growth. Pre-rolls eliminate the hassle and time required to prepare cannabis for use, offering an immediate, ready-to-use product.

This aspect is particularly appealing not only to recreational users seeking ease and quick access but also to medicinal users, for whom the simplicity of pre-rolls can be a necessity due to physical limitations.

Furthermore, the diversification in product offerings, including various sizes and the innovative introduction of infused pre-rolls, has broadened the appeal of pre-rolls to a wider audience.

The ability to choose from a range of sizes and potencies allows consumers to tailor their purchase to their specific needs and preferences, enhancing the overall appeal of pre-rolls.

The cnnabis trends that include the affordability of pre-rolls, aided by decreasing wholesale flower prices and advancements in production technology, has also played a crucial role in their growing popularity.

As the price point becomes more accessible, pre-rolls are increasingly seen as a value proposition, competing effectively with other cannabis products like vape gear.

Moreover, the ease of access to cannabis products, facilitated by online shopping and widespread availability at dispensaries, has significantly contributed to the growth of the pre-roll market.

The legal and regulatory shifts that have made cannabis more accessible than ever before have also played a critical role in this growth trajectory.

As the pre-roll market continues to evolve, it reflects the broader trends in the cannabis industry, highlighting consumer preferences for convenience, variety, and quality.

The dominance of pre-rolls in the market is a testament to their alignment with these consumer needs, and it is likely that this segment will continue to see robust growth and innovation in the years to come.

Whether you are a seasoned cannabis user or new to the world of marijuana, this 2023 cannabis trends in pre-rolls offer a compelling and convenient option worth exploring.

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