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Bobby Amaru, Lead Singer of Saliva Talks With Spinfuel’s Dori Odosso!
…Plus a review for Saliva Vape Juice…
For all of you Alternative and Rock music fans out there this week will be a treat for sure! I have had the pleasure of speaking with Bobby Amaru, the lead singer of the band SALIVA! When you walk into the shop I run, ninety percent of the time this is the type of music I have playing!! I think it’s fantastic to know that Bobby and the band have decided to get their hands into the vape community by releasing a line of eliquids named after the band.
Me: Why did you decide to release an eliquid line?
Bobby: We’ve been a band for years now and just had an idea to launch an eliquid since this whole ecig thing was becoming popular. I never smoked, but some of the band members did and my grandfather had died of lung cancer when my Mom was thirteen.
Me: So, you saw how vaping was helping those quit smoking and wanted to become part of this industry?
Bobby: Yes, absolutely. Also, the community is something that is great to be a part of. Everyone is a team. When you’re in a band and you tour, you only play for a little of the time. It can be boring. We try to go to vape shops while we are on tour to spread the word about our product. Vaping brings different types of people together. You see people in shops hanging out and talking that you would normally never see together.
Me: I agree! The vape community is amazing. I love the different crowds that end up in my shop from time to time. We have cloud competitions to bring the community together and this draws even more people from outside Kittanning in. I like bringing people together.
Bobby: We’ve been to about 20 shops in the country so far. You always learn something new from each shop and the people that come into them.
Me: Where is your eliquid produced?
Bobby: We wanted to work with one of the best products and companies around because we wanted it professionally done. We chose Molecule Labs in California.
Molecule Labs is out of Pittsburg, CA and mixes in an ISO 7 Certified Clean Room. They use USP Grade Kosher Propylene Glycol(PG), USP Grade Kosher Vegetable Glycerin(VG), US sourced flavorings, and Nic Select Brand 100% pure nicotine in their products. They also enforce strict quality control and have highly trained employees. Their famous hashtag is seen on the labels they produce as #moleculemade.
Me: What is the ratio of the Saliva line?
Bobby: 70vg/30pg
Me: What nicotine milligrams are available?
Bobby: 0mg, 3mg, and 6mg.
Me: How did you decide on your first set of flavors for the line?
Bobby: The flavors came by finding out what people liked and asking their opinions. Our guitar player, Wayne, liked grape stuff. Our tour crew liked strawberry cheesecake. The flavors were endless. We wanted the flavors to be on point. We didn’t want to go over the top…..not to knock anyone who mixes complex blends in any way. That just isn’t our style.
Me: So, you said you don’t vape just love what the industry is about and the community. You mentioned that other band members vape and I’m assuming Wayne since you produced a grape flavor for him. Has he quit smoking completely due to vaping?
Bobby: While I don’t vape, I’m around it 24/7. Yes, Wayne has quit smoking.
Me: What flavor would you say is your top seller so far?
Bobby: I would say the Strawberry Cheesecake is the favorite: Click-Click-Boom. That’s followed by Watermelon(Survival of the Sickest) and the Green Apple(Always) in that order I would say. But then you may have a place we stop at where someone comes in and says, “Hey, give me five bottles of the mint chocolate(Ladies and Gentlemen).” Everyone’s tastes are different.
Me: What else would you like to add about the Saliva Eliquid line?
Bobby: We just launched a web site a few months back. Our next step is that we are on the lookout for someone to partner up with for distribution. Also, we are releasing 30ml bottles soon as well. Try our Vape Juice…it takes over your soul…(he chuckles quietly)…
***On a side note Vape juice will really NOT ever take over your soul. I figured in today’s world I had better add that in print.***
Me: Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me today. I know you have a busy schedule.
Bobby: Thank you!
I was lucky enough to sample four of the six flavors from the Saliva line! The 15ml bottles have child proof droppers on them and were shrink wrapped. The labels are definitely eye catching! A black and white skull popping out with other symbols laid out on a black and red design. The Saliva name is in white in a decorative script. Each song title/flavor name is in a different bold color at the bottom of the label along with the description underneath. All the necessary information is on here including a born on date, except what I deem will soon be required and that is a batch code. It isn’t yet though. Let’s take a close look at some of these tasty tunes….!!
ALWAYS is a super Saliva tune and if you can relate to this song, you probably love it even more. Those of you who love green apple will enjoy this eliquid as well. The green apple comes out most as soon as you inhale and fades slowly as the vape goes on. This really captures not only some of your favorite apple candy flavors that we all know and love, but also the essence of a true green apple. Always has a nice, crisp flavor and the right touch of sweetness. It’s a tasty and smooth treat, has a mild throat hit, and great vapor production. I am using my Lotus LE80 with a Production RDA and a .3 ohm coil build for all of these reviews. I find this blend best around 35 watts.
SURVIVAL OF THE SICKEST is a nice, smooth watermelon flavored vape. On the inhale, I taste a light, refreshing watermelon note that is much like eating the real thing. I like the subtlety of this flavor. It’s very smooth and lingers even past the exhale, but in a good way. If you enjoy watermelon vapes, but want something more like the real deal and less like the candy-this is the vape you should check out! I preferred this around 35-40 watts.
Rise Up
RISE UP is a grape pop flavored vape. This has a good, sparkly grape flavor on the inhale and then it mellows out from there throughout the rest of the vape. I think that the sweetness is spot on and the eliquid is just super smooth. The throat hit is mild and vapor production is really nice. I actually like this best at a lower wattage around 30. I feel this is where the grape flavor comes out best.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN is my favorite flavor so far in the Saliva line! This mint chocolate is not only smooth, but scrumptious! The milk chocolate that I taste at the beginning of the inhale is creamy and when the mint mixes into the blend, it doesn’t overpower it at all! It swirls in like the candy melting in your mouth. This takes some skill in my opinion. The balance between the two flavors is spot on!! This is a nice even marriage of flavors and that lovely flavor lasts throughout the exhale. Ladies and Gentlemen has a mild throat hit and a great vapor production! You should definitely check this one out!! I enjoyed this best at 40 watts.
Make sure you go to Saliva’s Vape Juice Website to check out the whole line up. They retail for $10.99/15ml. This is the going price for a premium eliquid as they run $22/30ml. With the name and band image behind it all, I’m sure they could have tried an overcharge and haven’t. I’ve written about brands that charge more per ml at the 15ml size. The 30ml will be available soon. The other two flavors are the strawberry cheesecake(Click-Click-Boom) and vanilla caramel(Superstar).
My ratings are as follows:
Always: 4.5/5 stars
Survival of the Sickest: 4.25/5 stars
Rise Up: 4/5 stars
Ladies and Gentlemen: 5/5 stars.
Interesting Saliva Links
Wikipedia – Information about the band and it’s long history
Facebook – Keep up with the latest Saliva band news here.