January 10, 2013 – Today, Pink Spot Vapors was awarded 8 Spinfuel Choice Awards for their excellence in eLiquid artistry. The winning flavors are:

  • Washington Red Apple
  • Grasshopper
  • Watermelon Wave
  • Fuzzy Navel
  • Pink Spot
  • Jane’s Wild Juices
  • Honey Cured Tobacco
  • Frozen Lime Drop

Pink Spot Vapor was originally reviewed back in July 17, 2012, and we plan to bring you a sequel to that review very soon.

Pink Spot Vapor eLiquid - Spinfuel Choice Award winner 2013Spinfuel has begun awarding eLiquid flavors that have garnered across-the-board 5-Star ratings during the Spinfuel eLiquid Review process. We are going back through our 2012 eLiquid reviews and awarding the across-the-board 5-Star flavors as well as awarding newly reviewed flavors as they are reviewed by our panel of eLiquid connoisseurs. For more about the Spinfuel Choice Awards, click here.

SpinfuelAn American Vaper Magazine, encourages the 100% American Made eLiquid industry by publishing in-depth reviews to our ever-expanding readership. We are always considering new and established eLiquid companies for review. If you know of a brand you consider being extraordinary and would like to see them reviewed in Spinfuel send us an email and let us know!

Now for the fun part! The single most important part when it comes to vaping is the eJuice. If a person doesn’t like the taste of what they’re vaping, they aren’t going to use their device, plain and simple.

It seems like it should be really basic, you buy some eJuice, and you either like it or you don’t, right? There’s a lot more to that delicious eLiquid sitting in your tank than you might think. At Pink Spot Vapors, we use an average ratio of 60% vegetable glycerin to 40% propylene glycol as the base for our liquids. We are unable to create 100% VG eJuice containing nicotine, because our nicotine is PG based. The PG and VG that is used by Pink Spot Vapors is USP (United States Pharmacopeia) grade and kosher to ensure maximum safety without toxicity risk.

We also use USA made (PG based) pharmaceutical grade nicotine that meets the EU 6.0 standards and is 99.86% pure.

The only other ingredients in our eJuices are U.S. Food grade flavorings. We do not use any alcohol, vitamin supplements, artificial colorings or additives in our juice. Pink Spot Vapors creates flavors using only the best ingredients available in the United States.

Finding your favorite eJuices is one of the greatest joys of vaping. Since taste is 100% subjective, try lots of different flavors, and share them with your friends! Smoking has always been a social activity, and there’s no reason why vaping shouldn’t be also. In fact, a quick Google search may turn up a local “vape club” in or around your hometown.