Spinfuel Choice Award - Ginger's eJuiceThis review is the compilation of input, notes, and verbal discussions from the entire staff of Spinfuel eCigs Magazine for Gingers eJuiceLead Writer: Julia Barnes, with, Chelsey Laney, Lisa Johnston, Tom McBride, Jon Locke, and John Manzione. 


The owner of Gingers e-Juice, Inc., Christin Ginger Murvin, was inspired to offer her DIY e-juice to the public by Russ Rankin, owner of Toot Suite, a vaping brick-and-mortar store in Wildwood, FL.

Christin Murvin, or ‘Ginger’ as her friends call her, had tired of wasting money on “mediocre pre-filled cartomizers and lackluster e-juice” from other companies, but loved vaping. She began to dabble in creating e-juice just for her and a few close friends. Being a very creative individual, Ginger found much joy in creating e-juice, and a wonderful way to express her creativity.

At first, Ginger had no intention of building a company, she just wanted to vape something she loved, and something she knew was safe to use. Having studied Engineering in college (and even received ‘Straight A’s in advanced chemistry!’) she knew what it would take to make good juice. That knowledge allowed Ginger to tap into her creative side as well as her proper sense of chemical “magic” (alchemy perhaps?) into something productive, and profitable.

During the early days Ginger had asked Rankin to become one of her “go-to” tasters, someone she could trust to give her honest feedback on how her juice recipes were coming along. She knew what she liked, and wanted to see what others thought of the juice she was creating.

Once Rankin tasted her creations he urged her to continue, to explore, to experiment, and to finally offer her juice to the public through Toot Suite. It was a first step toward creating the company that exists today.

In a very short time Ginger’s e-juices went “public” and the company’s line of flavors began selling like crazy. Her e-juice was readily embraced by the very experienced veteran vapers that frequented Toot Suite. They marveled at the terrific flavors and vapor production of the juices she bought into the store. They loved the consistency from batch to batch and especially her much heralded commitment to her customers and her juices.

Ginger’s commitment to use only the purest of ingredients, (and never from China), select flavorings from only the finest suppliers, and meticulous craftsmanship of a true artisan began to pay off big. The feedback from her new “fans” gave Ginger the confidence to continue, to become even better, and then, as time went by, the idea to launch a company that would offer her e-juice to more people than her Toote Suite clientele. A Business Plan was needed.

A new company was born

Ginger’s e-juice sprang into existence because of a passion to create very special, very personal, e-juice to a hungry public that wanted something better. And so it was. Ginger’s e-Juice Inc. began a very real company.

It didn’t take very long for Ginger to realize that her line of e-Juice was about to become one of the fastest growing startups in the vaping industry. Bottles of her juices were flying off the shelves. Soon, more and more resellers began knocking on her door (and sometimes she went knocking on theirs). Even our own Wendy Bivona, owner of Premium eCigs in Melbourne Florida became a reseller once she had tasted the excellent flavors, and learned about Ginger’s commitment to safety and purity (the highest priority for any product Wendy sells).

And the word spread…like fire…

Passion & Commitment in Abundance

We’ve gotten to know Ginger fairly well these past many weeks and if we’ve learned anything it is just how passionate she is about her juices, and her incredible commitment to her product line. She is, in a word, a perfectionist.


We were pleasantly surprised to learn that Ginger’s excellent e-juice goes through many trials, formula adjustments, and testing to get it ‘just right’. It takes weeks, sometimes months, for Ginger to work out the exacting specifications for the next flavor in the ever expanding line of flavors, and it is only through this trial and error method does this master artisan know that her creation is as good as it can possibly be, and ready to be ‘born’ and shared with her customers.

Every nuance of flavor has to be ‘just so’ when creating a juice that customers will want to vape more than once. Though everyone’s palette is different, the one thing that we all share is the ability to understand consistent flavor.

If you like the “Silk Road” tobacco blend for instance, then every time you reach for it and fill a cartomizer or a tank, it must be recognized by your taste buds to be the same blend from bottle to bottle. The flavors cannot waver. And this is where so many other e-juice companies fail to deliver, the “batch to batch” commitment of creation, the quality of the ingredients, and everything else that must be identical each and every time. While there are other American Made e-juice companies that are committed to this level of excellence, you cannot say the same about any e-juice coming from China.

We have yet to be disappointed in Ginger’s e-Juice and we’ve vaped our way through many bottles these past few weeks. In order to know if a particular brand of juice is going to go into your own e-juice rotation it takes several bottles of vaping before you know if you can count on that company to deliver each time.

Below are the collected thoughts of each staffer at Spinfuel eCigs Magazine of Ginger’s e-juice line. We go over each juice in her current lineup with an honest assessment. There are many hits, and a few misses, as you will see. For the most part, Ginger’s e-Juice is truly an excellent, high quality line of American Made  juices that we are proud to kick off our “July is e-Juice Month” celebration.

[box type=”info”] To learn more about Ginger, and the specifics about her process from idea to final product, we interviewed Ginger and urge you to check it out. [/box]

And so it begins…

Nicotine Levels: 16MG (1.6%), 24MG (2.4%), 36MG (3.6%)… (Unless otherwise stated.) 7 flavors are offered at Zero nicotine as well. Please check the individual flavor for specific options available)

Zero Nicotine e-JuiceGinger’s e-Juice Inc. offers a limited selection of 0-nictone e-juice at this time. While the selection will grow, the e-juice available in zero-nic offer tremendous flavors and thick vapors, and is wonderful for those that enjoy a non-nicotine vape. Flavors available as of July 1st, are: Artic Mist, Fireball, 7 Leaves of ‘Baccy, Blueberry Sweet-Hart, Juicy White Peach, Spearmint, Tree-Ripened Tangerine and Vanilla Sunrise.

Characteristics of Ginger’s Juice: Ginger’s e-Juice is excellent for use in all types of PV setups. Juices are not thick so dripping into a cartomizer will fill easily. Flavors come through clean without any aftertaste, will not clog up atomizers. Descriptions written by the company are accurate.

Sizes available: 12ML, 15ML, 30ML, 60ML, (Some 30ML and 60ML flavors are also offered in nice amber glass bottles for as little as 50 cents more.)

Shipping: USPS 2-Day Priority Shipping. FREE Shipping by USPS Priority Shipping for all orders totaling $75 or more. In addition, worldwide shipping is available, contact Ginger for complete details.

Pricing: Ranges from $10 for a 10ML bottle to $40 for a glass 60ML bottle. It pays to buy larger sizes, price drops considerably. Sampler Packs are available as well; choose any 3 flavors, 7.5ML bottles for $17.50 or any 6 flavors in 7.5ML bottles for $33.50.  (Note* Ginger’s 15ML e-juice comes exclusively in amber glass bottles.)

Opinion on American Made e-Juice Pricing: You can certainly pay less for e-juice made in China or other ‘suspect’ countries, but when you consider that this product is vaporized and inhaled into the lungs, isn’t it worth a little more to know that what you’re inhaling is pure, safe, and  American made? We do.

Points of Interest: The Liquid Nicotine used in Ginger’s e-Juice is pharmaceutical grade 100MG, lab tested and certified for purity. ALL flavors are 80%/20% PG/VG (Contact Ginger if your needs are particular.) Read our Interview for more information.

Judging:  All six (6) staffers partook in the tasting of every flavor in the Ginger’s e-juice line. Private voting, and the awarding of stars are the “averaged” scores from private voting. The comments are a distillation of all discussions. Honest, straight forward. No BS. At the end of the process each staffer was handed a printout of the review, and each staffer signed off on it as being the true representation of our evaluations. This process is standard for Spinfuel eCigs Magazine e-Juice evaluations.

Hardware used for evaluating:

  •  Johnson Creek’s Vea, blank JC Cartomizers filled with juice and left overnight.
  •  ProVape’s ProVari Mini with assorted cartomizers (Boge 3.0-ohm standard resistance cartomizers)
  •  VapeDudes Texas Tuff Tank DCT’s (Dual Coil Cartomizer Tanks) 3ML and 6ML tanks, filled and left overnight
  • Apollo eCigs VTube with Apollo DCT’s along with their atomizer/cartridge setups, filled and left overnight
  • Apollo eCigs TGo – atomizer/cartridges, filled and left overnight
  • VaporKing “Storm 2.0” equipped with their atomizer/cartridge setup, filled and left overnight
  • Totally Wicked DCT’s, cartomizers, cartridges and atomizers.
  • Various 510 and KR808 batteries and blank cartomizers, various brands, filled and left overnight.

The 5 Star Rating System –    

  • 1 star –     Not good, not worth the time
  • 2 stars –   Eh, probably pass on it
  •  3 stars –  Not bad, not bad at all
  •  4 stars –  Good, real good
  • 5 stars –   Excellent. Buy it. Now.
  •  “and then some” – We wish we could we could transport it to your location right this                                           second so you could vape it as well.

A Warning: It is vital to stay hydrated when vaping any e-Juice, even pre-filled cartomizers. We all know that vapers “vape” more than smokers “smoke”, but what you might not know is that vaping dehydrates your body. This can affect your taste buds, give you headaches, and sometimes you can even feel nauseous after vaping. The Staff of Spinfuel eCigs Magazine made it a point to stay well hydrated while evaluating Ginger’s e-Juice and we urge that if you vape, drink more water, or tea, or whatever it is you use to quench your thirst. As the most interesting man in the world says, “Stay Thirsty My Friend.”

Top 10 Picks by the Staff: As difficult as it was, the staff managed to choose a Top 10. They are:

  •       Classy Tobaccy
  •       Carolina Blend
  •       Peaches & Cream
  •       Root Beer Float
  •       Vanilla Sunrise
  •       Fireball
  •       Fizzy Grape Soda
  •       Juicy White Peach
  •       Tree-Ripened Tangerine
  •       Tuscan Tabacchino

The e-Juice Lineup: 35 Flavors … and counting.

Tobacco Flavors: Ginger’s e-Juice offers plenty of selections of tobacco flavors. So many in fact that they are divided into 3 categories, Classic, Exotic, and Menthol.

Tobacco, Classic – If you enjoy the genuine taste of tobacco, these are some great selections.

7 Leaves of ‘BaccyOur Take: Using 7 different tobacco flavors this flavor is both smooth and mellow. A good vape for any occasion. – 4 Stars

Carolina BlendOur Take: A favorite of our Editor, John Manzione. He’s already ordered 3 additional 30ML bottles. Smooth and rich, a classic. One of the best tobacco blends on the market. 5 stars and then some.

Classy TobaccyOur Take: Excellent taste and vapor. Close to a real cigarette. No sweetness to it, but satisfying to every ex-smoker on the staff – 5 stars

Tobaccy LightOur Take: A lighter version of ‘Classy Tobaccy’. For light ex-smokers. A good vape for many, for some it may be a little too light. – 4 stars

Exotic Tobacco – Simply put, these blends are a bit richer, more exotic blends. Interesting mixes of flavors, some bold, some subtle, all good flavors.

4 Leaf CloverOur Take: A clove flavored blend.  Those that enjoy clove cigarettes, its one of the best out there. For those that don’t like clove, leave this one alone. –  4 Stars

Kinda Sorta ShadyOur Take: This juice changes depending on the time of day, your mood, and even your location. Our Editor says it reminds him of the 1970’s, on the beach in Clearwater, with his girlfriend. We have no idea why. A favorite of the staff – 5 Stars

Silk Road TobaccyOur Take: A must have. Carolina lovers would love this one as a ‘contrast’ to Carolina. Hints of spices, you cannot possibly make up your mind with a single vape. A favorite and a stand out blend. – 5 Star

Tuscan TabacchinoOur Take: Ginger’s inspiration was the fine cigar. Smooth, yet rich. Very very satisfying. A must have, 5 Stars

Warm Shady BreezeOur Take: Rich tobacco taste, this one was heavily vaped by the staff during the rainy days in June. Excellent for days where time slows down. 5 Stars

Menthol Blends – Ginger’s e-Juice offers two (2) menthol flavors at this time. Both are good, one is excellent. For menthol vapers these are satisfying blends.

Artic MistOur Take: A Light menthol but exceptionally ‘cool’. If you like menthol you need to try this one. – 4 Stars

Menthol TobaccyOur Take: Close to menthol cigarettes. More tobacco taste than the Artic. It’s a menthol. – 4 Stars

Non-Tobacco Flavors: Here’s where the most of the fun begins for vapers that love to experiment. So many flavors they had to be broken down into several categories. There are many winners here, and a few, well, not losers, but rather geared toward specifics likes and desires of individual vapers.

Deserts & Candy Flavors:

Fireball: Our Take: Starting off with a bang, Fireball is a real treat. Bold cinnamon, like sucking on the famed Fireball sucker ball. Not an all day vape, but one that will get you going. Bold and Beautiful – 5 Stars (Currently on sale for the 4th of July)

Blueberry Sweet-HartOur Take: A definite taste of blueberry comes through, plenty tangy, sweet and tart, like the name. Heavily divided score; some loved it and some hated it. Like sweet tarts? You’ll love this one, period. – 3 stars (divided!)

Cherry VanillaOur Take: heavy on both flavors, this is a bold cherry vanilla that will have cherry lovers talking. Make no mistake this is a winner. 5 Stars

Chocolate Coconut AlmondOur Take: Like vaping an Almond Joy. We don’t know how, but each flavor comes through equally well. How does she do that? 5 stars

Cinnamon CandyOur Take: Like your cinnamon without the Fireball heat? This is your flavor. Cinnamon lovers love this one. 5 Stars

Giant GumballOur Take: Exactly like it sounds, a giant gumball taste. An amazing accomplishment. Great tasting but not a favorite. 3 Star (divided!)

Green Apple Hard CandyOur Take: Apple Candy, pure and simple. Unique Apple flavors that come through with flying colors. Sweet. Excellent. A must have. 5 Stars

Limon DropOur Take: Lemon and Lime, a perfect combo for vaping. Candy flavored and sweet. Delicious! 5 Stars

Peaches & CreamOur Take: We never thought an all-day vape could be a peach blend, until now. An awesome flavor, some here vape it ALL the time. 5 Star and then some.

Root Beer FloatOur Take: Like Root Beer? AWESOME! Root Beer VAPING. It doesn’t get better than this, wow. 5 Stars and then some…

Vanilla Iced CupcakeOur Take: Sweet, almost too sweet. If sweet vanilla is your thing, this is your flavor. NOT a favorite with us though. 3 Stars (too sweet)

Drink Flavors – These kinds of flavors are growing in popularity because e-juice cooks are coming ever closer to the real thing. Ginger’s e-Juice is already there. Some of the best flavors yet.

Fizzy Grape SodaOur Take: Delicious grape flavors, the best grape we’ve had to date. Like Grape? You’ll love this one. 5 Stars and then some.

Hawaiian PunchOur Take: If you like Hawaiian Punch you will love this flavor. True to the historic taste of this favorite drink. Divided opinions3 Stars

Pompous PomegranateOur Take: Pomegranate? Really? Two of us loved it, 4 did not. Then again, the 4 dislike all pomegranate drinks. 2.5 Stars (Divided!)

         Fruit Drinks – This is where we had the most fun. The Tobacco blends were a serious affair. Fruit drinks? Fun fun fun…

Basket o’ BerriesOur Take: Complex tastes, every berry is represented here in a nice balance. Awesome stuff! 5 Stars

Juicy White PeachOur Take: We ALL love Peach; the peach flavors are abundant here without being overpowering. Love the heck out of this one. 5 Stars and then some!

Rockin’ RaspberryOur Take: Raspberries!!! We love Raspberries in everything! This is a tangy and sweet blend with real raspberry flavors. Wonderfulness in a bottle – 5 Stars

Sweet StrawberryOur Take: In the early days of Spinfuel we vaped Strawberry pre-filled cartomizers. Didn’t like them at all. This one? A sweet, authentic strawberry flavor that gets better and better. A winner – 5 Stars and then some!

Tree Ripened TangerineOur Take: This one reminded us of JC’s Valencia, but slightly sweeter and richer. A terrific flavor. More people should vape Orange and Tangerine flavors, better than you think it is. 4 Stars (lost a star because of one citrus hater, Boo!)

Vanilla Sunrise – Our Take: An unbelievably smooth and rich vanilla-based vape that is sure to be a favorite of so many! This was a hit with all of us. A real “creamy” whole-bean vanilla. – 5 Star and then some!

         Minty Flavors – So far there are three offerings in the Minty category. For those that are looking for good mint flavors look no further.

PeppermintOur Take: We hate peppermint pre-filled cartomizers, yet we loved this. Peppermint here is sweet and smooth with the real taste of genuine peppermint. 4 Stars

SpearmintOur Take: Wow! All 6 of us loved this one. Spearmint has a unique flavor all its own, and Ginger’s e-juice captured it exactly. Like chewing Spearmint gum. All day vape too! 5 Stars and then some!

WintergreenOur Take: Christmas! Seriously, wintergreen reminds us of Christmas because we are all New Englanders that relocated to Florida. Makes us miss New England and Christmas. You cannot NOT love this. 5 Stars (and a few tears).

Some things to keep in mind:

“Taste is subjective.”  We use that line a lot because it is important to keep it mind when reading any kind of review. What “I” love you may hate, what I hate you might love. That’s the way it works. Having said that, when you have six (6) people tasting the same flavors, who all vape, who all love to vape, well, then, you get a much better idea on what you can expect. If the majority of our staff like or love a juice the chances of you liking it too are substantially higher than say, a single reviewer giving a single opinion. It’s why we attempt to do the same with hardware reviews.

Ginger’s e-Juice Inc. is a new company, launched this year. When you consider that there are already brick and mortar stores carrying her line, and a few online shops as well, with very little marketing, you begin to see the larger picture. Ginger’s e-juice just may become a major player.

What we would like to see from Ginger’s e-Juice (take these suggestions with a grain of salt.)

We expected to see a Pina Colada in her line up. It wasn’t there. It should be. Pina Colada makes a good vape, and with Ginger’s commitment to quality and taste we can only imagine what she could do with it. That said, there are very few Pina Colada’s that we have liked, most were coming from China though, so we expect good things moving forward.

We would also like to see Ginger’s e-juice offer different PG/VG mixes, but we completely understand that as a start up that would be nearly impossible to do now. As the company grows we expect to see the options grow accordingly. A few flavors in pure VG for those that react badly to PG might also be a good idea. Good things come to those that wait.

Lastly, and this is something we’re going to repeat many times this month as we review other brands.

All of us here at Spinfuel, both our Florida and New Hampshire office, are suckers for Limited Editions. When it comes to companies that offer quality products we’d love to see some of their best juice offered in limited edition decanters, bottles, and sizes. Limited Edition’s always have higher margins, are sold in limited quantities, and for fans of a particular e-juice it could make a huge difference in juice loyalty.

For instance, one of our favorite juices from this company is the Carolina Blend tobacco, a rich and smooth, everyday, all-day vape. That being the case, we would gladly pay a premium price if Carolina was offered in a particularly gorgeous bottle that would contain something like 120ML of juice, with a special label, something like “Ginger’s e-Juice Limited Edition Carolina Blend”, perhaps bump the flavoring up by 10-20% for the limited editions only. Like I said, we’re suckers for that kind of thing. Sort of like having a special bottle of very expensive Scotch or Bourbon for when you have certain guests over, or a celebration that requires something unique, hard to find, that speaks to the situation by saying “This is special”. We’re just throwing it out there…

[box type=”info”] Want to order some of the Ginger’s e-Juice? Head on over to the website here: (they also have a Store Locator)[/box]

It’s also available here (as of July 6th) Premium eCigs – (Watch for a great introductory promotion)

Ginger’s e-Juice Inc. is a Florida based Corporation.

Head Writer: Julia Barnes, with, Chelsey Laney, Lisa Johnston, Tom McBride, Jon Locke, and John Manzione. Additional notes on selected e-juice from the New Hampshire office, Mike Manzione and Jim Sabatini.

 All copyrights to this review are 2012 Spinfuel Design Studio/Spinfuel eCigs Magazine. “The Art of Vaping” is trademarked, 2012.