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Last Updated on April 18, 2024 by Team Spinfuel

Best Kratom For Sleep In 2023

Experience the soothing embrace of restful slumber with Kratom: Nature’s gentle lullaby.

[ez-toc]In our fast-paced world, quality sleep is a precious commodity. Daily life, stress, and other factors make it hard to unwind and get a good night’s sleep. Kratom, a natural alternative gaining popularity, offers a solution.

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. It has a long history of traditional use in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, where its leaves have been consumed for their therapeutic properties for centuries.

Kratom is known for promoting relaxation, relieving pain, enhancing mood, and improving sleep quality.

To find the best kratom products for sleep, look for strains with sedating and soothing properties. These strains contain high levels of alkaloids like mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, which interact with the brain’s receptors to induce a calming effect. This guide explores the top kratom strains known for their sleep-inducing qualities.

Top 5 Kratom Strains for Sleep

  1. Red Maeng Da Kratom –  Overall Best Kratom for Sleep; Editor’s Choice
  2. Red Bali Kratom – Best Kratom Capsules & Powder With Natural Ingredients
  3. Red Borneo Kratom – Top Rated Kratom Strain For Soothing Effects
  4. Red Sumatra Kratom – Best Kratom Extract For Relaxation
  5. Green Malay Kratom – Highly Effective Kratom Products For Insomnia

#1. Red Maeng Da Kratom – Best Kratom Capsules & Powder With Natural Ingredients

Best Kratom For Sleep In 2023Happy Go Leafy’s Red Maeng Da Kratom, derived from the Mitragyna speciosa tree, is a type of kratom known for its relaxing and sedating properties. When harvested from mature leaves and processed properly, Red Maeng Da Kratom can promote a calm and peaceful state of mind, helping individuals unwind and prepare for a restful sleep.

Happy Go Leafy is a reputable vendor that offers high-quality Red Maeng Da Kratom. Their product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure purity, potency, and safety.

The leaves are carefully selected, dried, and ground into a fine powder, making them convenient for consumption.

Using Happy Go Leafy Red Maeng Da Kratom can have several potential benefits. First and foremost, it may induce relaxation and alleviate stress. The alkaloids present in Red Maeng Da Kratom interact with the brain’s receptors, promoting a sense of tranquility and easing tension. This can be particularly helpful for individuals who struggle with racing thoughts or anxiety, making it easier for them to fall asleep.


  • Red Maeng Da Kratom from Happy Go Leafy is known for its relaxing and sedating properties, promoting a calm and peaceful state of mind, ideal for preparing for sleep.
  • Happy Go Leafy is a reputable vendor that ensures high-quality and rigorously tested Red Maeng Da Kratom, guaranteeing purity, potency, and safety.
  • The fine powder form of Red Maeng Da Kratom offered by Happy Go Leafy is convenient and easy to consume.
  • Red Maeng Da Kratom may induce relaxation, alleviate stress, and ease tension, making it beneficial for individuals dealing with racing thoughts or anxiety, helping them fall asleep more easily.


  • Kratom, including Red Maeng Da strain, may have addictive potential, so it should be used responsibly and in moderation.

#2. Red Bali Kratom – Overall Best Kratom for Sleep; Editor’s Choice

Happy Go Leafy’s Red Bali Kratom is a popular strain known for its soothing and relaxing properties, particularly in promoting a restful night’s sleep.

Kratom, derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, has been used for centuries in traditional Southeast Asian medicine for its various benefits, including sleep enhancement.

Red Bali Kratom is named after the region in Indonesia where it is primarily grown. It is known for its high alkaloid content, which contributes to its potent effects.

One of the key reasons Happy Go Leafy Red Bali Kratom is sought after for sleep is its sedating and calming properties. It contains high levels of the alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, which interact with opioid receptors in the brain, leading to a state of relaxation and tranquility.


  • It has a high dose of sedation and potency which can provide long-lasting relaxation throughout the day.
  • GMP-certified and third-party tested
  • The potency of Red Bali Kratom stems from its rich alkaloid content, contributing to its remarkable effectiveness in promoting relaxation and tranquility.
  • Red Bali Kratom’s sedative and calming effects are attributed to the interaction between its alkaloids, such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, and the brain’s opioid receptors, facilitating a state of deep relaxation.


  • While Red Bali Kratom offers various benefits, it is crucial to exercise responsible usage, avoiding excessive consumption to minimize potential side effects such as nausea or dizziness.

#3. Red Borneo Kratom – Top Rated Kratom Strain For Soothing Effects

Happy Go Leafy’s Red Borneo Kratom is a unique strain known for its relaxing and sedating properties, making it an excellent choice for those struggling with sleep issues or insomnia.

Derived from the Mitragyna speciosa tree native to Southeast Asia, Red Borneo Kratom has been used for centuries by the indigenous people for its various therapeutic benefits.

When it comes to sleep, Red Borneo Kratom can help by inducing a sense of tranquility and easing the mind, making it easier to fall asleep and achieve a restful night’s rest. It works by interacting with the opioid receptors in the brain, releasing endorphins and promoting a feeling of relaxation.

Happy Go Leafy’s Red Borneo Kratom is sourced from reputable growers who follow sustainable and ethical practices. The leaves are carefully harvested and processed to ensure the highest quality and potency. The product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it is free from contaminants and meets stringent safety standards.


  • Red Borneo Kratom is known for its soothing and relaxing effects, making it a great choice for improving sleep and alleviating insomnia.
  • It has a long history of traditional use and has been praised for its therapeutic benefits by indigenous communities in Southeast Asia.
  • Happy Go Leafy’s Red Borneo Kratom is sourced from reputable growers who prioritize sustainable and ethical practices, ensuring a high-quality product.
  • The product undergoes thorough testing to guarantee it is free from contaminants and meets strict safety standards.


  • Like all kratom strains, Red Borneo Kratom may have potential side effects such as nausea or dizziness if taken in excessive amounts.
  • Kratom, including Red Borneo strain, may have addictive potential and should be used responsibly and in moderation.

#4. Red Sumatra Kratom – Best Kratom Extract For Relaxation

Happy Go Leafy’s Red Sumatra strain is highly regarded for its sedative and calming effects. When it comes to sleep, many individuals struggle with insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. This is where Happy Go Leafy’s Red Sumatra Kratom can be helpful.

Red Sumatra Kratom contains alkaloids, including mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, which interact with the brain’s opioid receptors. These alkaloids are believed to promote a sense of relaxation and ease tension, making it easier to unwind and prepare for sleep.

One of the advantages of using Red Sumatra Kratom is that it doesn’t typically induce a groggy or drowsy feeling upon waking up.

This can be beneficial for individuals who struggle with sleep quality and wake up feeling sluggish after using other sleep aids. Many users have reported waking up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after incorporating Red Sumatra Kratom into their nighttime routine.


  • Red Sumatra Kratom is an excellent choice for relaxation and promoting sleep.
  • The alkaloids present in Red Sumatra Kratom interact with opioid receptors in the brain, providing a sense of relaxation and easing tension.
  • Unlike some sleep aids, Red Sumatra Kratom typically does not leave users feeling groggy or drowsy upon waking up.
  • Many users have reported feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after incorporating Red Sumatra Kratom into their nighttime routine.


  • As with all kratom strains, Red Sumatra Kratom may have potential side effects, including nausea or dizziness, if taken in excessive amounts.
  • Kratom, including Red Sumatra strain, may have addictive potential and should be used responsibly and in moderation.

#5. Green Malay Kratom -Highly Effective Kratom Products For Insomnia

Happy Go Leafy Green Malay Kratom is a popular strain known for its soothing and relaxing properties. If you’re looking for a natural remedy to improve your sleep, this particular kratom variety might be just what you need.

Kratom, a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, has been used for centuries for its therapeutic effects. The Green Malay strain, in particular, is renowned for its balanced alkaloid profile, making it a favorite among kratom enthusiasts seeking relaxation and tranquility.

When it comes to promoting better sleep, Happy Go Leafy Green Malay Kratom offers several potential benefits.

First and foremost, it may help alleviate stress and anxiety, two common factors that can interfere with sleep quality. The alkaloids present in this strain may promote a sense of calmness and help quiet the mind, allowing you to unwind and prepare for a restful night

Furthermore, Happy Go Leafy Green Malay Kratom is believed to possess sedative properties, making it an ideal choice for individuals struggling with insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. Its unique blend of alkaloids may help induce a state of deep relaxation, paving the way for a more peaceful and uninterrupted sleep.


  • Happy Go Leafy Green Malay Kratom is highly regarded for its calming and soothing effects.
  • The balanced alkaloid profile of Green Malay Kratom offers a well-rounded experience, providing relaxation and tranquility.
  • Green Malay Kratom has the potential to alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calmness and helping individuals relax their minds for a restful sleep.
  • With its sedative properties, Green Malay Kratom is particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, as it can induce deep relaxation and support uninterrupted sleep.


  • Excessive consumption of Green Malay Kratom, like any kratom strain, may lead to side effects such as nausea, dizziness, or digestive discomfort.

How to Choose the Best Kratom for Sleep?

When selecting Kratom products for sleep, it’s important to consider strains that possess sedating and relaxing properties. Here are some tips to help you choose the best Kratom for sleep:

  • Red Vein Strains: Red vein Kratom strains are generally known for their calming and soothing effects. They can promote relaxation and help with sleep. Red Bali, Red Borneo, and Red Thai are popular red vein strains for sleep.
  • Bentuangie: Bentuangie is a fermented Kratom strain that often exhibits enhanced sedative qualities. It’s known for its relaxing effects, making it a potential choice for sleep support.
  • Slow Strains: Kratom strains with slower effects can be beneficial for sleep. They tend to have a more relaxing impact on the body. Look for slow strains like Maeng Da, Malay, or Indo.
  • Potency: Opt for Kratom with a moderate to high potency level for better sleep-inducing effects. This can vary between individuals, so it’s essential to experiment and find the right dosage for yourself.
  • User Reviews: Reading user reviews and experiences can offer insights into the sedating effects of different Kratom strains. Pay attention to feedback from individuals who have used Kratom specifically for sleep support.
  • Personal Preference: Keep in mind that the effects of Kratom can vary from person to person. What works for one individual may not work the same for another. It’s important to experiment with different strains and find the one that suits your needs best.
  • Start with Low Dosage: When trying a new Kratom strain for sleep, start with a low dosage to assess its effects on your body. You can gradually increase the dosage if needed, but it’s crucial to find the minimum effective dose to avoid adverse effects.
  • Quality and Reliability: Ensure that you source your Kratom from a reputable vendor who provides high-quality products. Reliable vendors often provide detailed information about their products, including strain type, origin, and alkaloid content.

Why use Kratom for Sleep?

While kratom is primarily known for its stimulant and analgesic effects, some individuals also use it to aid sleep. Here are a few reasons why people may use kratom products for sleep:

  • Relaxation and Sedation: Certain strains of kratom, such as red vein varieties, are known for their calming and sedating properties. These strains may help promote relaxation and create a sense of tranquility, which can be beneficial for those struggling with sleep issues.
  • Pain Relief: Kratom has analgesic properties and can potentially alleviate pain, including chronic pain conditions that may interfere with sleep. By managing pain, individuals may find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
  • Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Kratom may have an anxiolytic effect, meaning it can help reduce anxiety and stress levels. High levels of anxiety and stress can often contribute to insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. By promoting a calmer mental state, kratom might indirectly support better sleep.
  • Sleep Regulation: Some users report that kratom helps regulate their sleep-wake cycle. It can potentially enhance sleep quality, allowing individuals to experience more restorative sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Dosage of Kratom for Sleep

It’s important to note that its effects can vary from person to person, and scientific research on its efficacy for sleep is limited. If you’re considering using kratom products  for sleep, it’s essential to approach it with caution and consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances and health history. Additionally, it’s worth exploring different strains of kratom to find the one that suits your needs best. Tips for adjusting kratom intake for different strains can be helpful in optimizing your experience and desired effects.

That being said, if you still decide to use kratom, it’s generally recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it if needed. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Start with 1 to 2 grams: Begin with a low dose to assess your body’s reaction. This can be done by measuring kratom powder with a digital scale.
  • Wait for 30 to 45 minutes: Allow sufficient time for the effects to manifest before considering taking more. Some strains and individuals may have a slower onset.
  • Adjust the dosage if necessary: If you find that the initial dose doesn’t provide the desired effect, you can gradually increase the amount by half a gram (0.5g) at a time. Repeat the process of waiting for 30 to 45 minutes to assess the effects.
  • Find your optimal dosage: Continue adjusting the dosage until you find the amount that works best for you. It’s important to note that everyone’s ideal dosage may vary.

Remember to be cautious and aware of any potential side effects or interactions that kratom may have with other medications or substances. Regular and prolonged use of kratom product for sleep can also lead to tolerance and dependence.

FAQs Related To Kratom For Sleep

Q1: Can Kratom help with sleep?

Yes, individuals reported that certain strains of Kratom can help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. However, the effects can vary from person to person.

Q2: How does Kratom work for sleep?

Kratom contains alkaloids that interact with opioid receptors in the brain. This interaction can lead to sedative effects, promoting relaxation and potentially aiding sleep.

Q3: What are the recommended Kratom strains for sleep?

Red vein Kratom strains are often associated with sedative properties and may be more suitable for sleep. Popular strains include Red Bali, Red Borneo, and Red Thai.

Q4: How should I take Kratom product for sleep?

Kratom can be consumed in various forms, such as powder, capsules, or brewed as tea. It is advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. Always follow the dosage instructions on the packaging or consult a healthcare professional.

Q5: Are there any side effects of using Kratom products for sleep?

No, there are no long-lasting effects of kratom on sleep. However, excessive consumption of kratom can have side effects, including nausea, constipation, dizziness, and headache. Additionally, long-term use or high doses may lead to dependence or withdrawal symptoms.

Q6: Can I use Kratom as a substitute for prescription sleep medications?

It is not recommended to substitute prescription sleep medications with Kratom without consulting a healthcare professional. Kratom has different effects and potential risks, and abruptly discontinuing prescribed medications can have adverse consequences.

Q7: Can I use Kratom every night for sleep?

Yes, you can use kratom every night for sleep. However, regular and prolonged use of Kratom may lead to tolerance and dependence.

Q8: Should I consult a healthcare professional before using Kratom products for sleep?

Yes, it is always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before using Kratom or any other supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions, are taking medications, or are unsure about its potential interactions or effects.

Concluding On The Best Kratom To Aid Sleep Disorder

Kratom, particularly its red vein strains like Red Bali, Red Borneo, and Red Thai, is increasingly gaining recognition for its potential benefits in promoting relaxation, relieving pain, and improving sleep quality. Despite the anecdotal success stories, it’s crucial to remember that the effects of Kratom can vary among individuals.

Therefore, it’s always recommended to start with a low dose, pay close attention to your body’s reactions, and adjust the dosage as needed. Always source your Kratom from reliable vendors that assure product safety and potency.

If you’re considering Kratom products for sleep, consult with a healthcare professional to understand its potential effects and interactions better. In the world of natural sleep aids, Kratom may offer an alternative route to better rest and rejuvenation.

Further Reading:

Best Kratom Extract: Top Places To Buy Kratom Extract Online 2023

Best Kratom For Anxiety Depression In 2023