Caring for hair on a daily basis is one of the easiest ways to ensure its strength, beauty, and health in the long term. So it isn’t that surprising that certain hemp products have been found to be excellent for daily hair health.


Natural healthcare brands have redefined beauty industry standards for products that are good both for our health and the planet. Organic hair care combines botanicals, minerals, and vitamins. 

However, some of the natural cosmetics are not entirely pure and nothing can compete with a custom vitamin without parabens, alcohols, and perfumes.  These elements damage hair and can lead to dermatological issues. 

Anyway, we are not here to blame the beauty brands for unscrupulous business. We decide to share with you insights about the natural products for better hair health. 

5X Ways to Use Hemp Products for Better Hair Healthsource:

Natural Essentials for Hair Health 

If you are looking for efficient ways to improve the conditions and the looks of your hair, don’t forget about the natural essentials. 

Evaluate your eating habits to see which may be lacking. Include in your diet products containing protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. The last one helps your hair grow and shine. 

You will be surprised, but the high level of omega-3 is not only in fish and nuts but also in the hemp seeds. 

Is It Legal?

The University of Seville research conducted in 2014 had detected that hemp seeds oil, or CBD could be useful for pharmaceutical and beauty products. 

Students of the university were also involved in the studies and making of research. They have been discovering the hemp seeds oil components and their impact on the human being. 

Actually, a lot of academic papers are being dedicated to this topic. And while many learners in the universities globally facing trouble with this particular assignment used professional assistance at, some did as much as reading the finished works and became sure about the benefits of hemp seeds.

The mentioned study mentions that CBD also contains minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, and other essential fatty acids, including linoleic. All of these components can enrich one’s hair and can be used by natural and organic healthcare brands in the nearest future. 

Even though cosmetics producers may still require a license to use CBD in manufacturing, it’s already available in the local pharmacies. 

Medical cannabis products are legal until they contain more than 0,3 percent of THC. So you can use hemp seeds oil as everyday care or hair treatment and recovery. 

Now, we are going to share with you the info on some homemade hair care tricks.

Rub Hemp Oil in the Scalp and Hair

The easiest way to use hemp seeds oil is to rub it into the scalp and roots before washing. Make a light massage and leave it for up to ten minutes. 

Then wash your hair. You may repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week to stimulate its growth. 

Prepare DIY Hemp Oil Masks

If you prefer to take a bath and relax in foam for hours, prepare one of the homemade masks according to your needs. We have gathered some really working recipes for you.

Mask for Growth and Better Hair 


  • egg (1 pc)
  • natural yogurt (3 tbsp)
  • honey (1 tsp)
  • CBD (3 drops)

Mix all ingredients and apply the mask onto the scalp. Massage and brush out to the ends. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse well.

Mask for Dry Hair


  • hemp oil (40 ml)
  • jojoba oil (40 ml)
  • almond oil (40 ml)
  • honey (60 g)

Mix up all ingredients and apply them on the scalp and hair. Leave it for an hour and rinse thoroughly. 

Mask for Shiny Hair


  • strawberries (1 handful)
  • coconut oil (1 tbsp)
  • honey (1 tbsp)
  • CBD (3 drops)

Blend the ingredients and apply the mixture. Keep the mask on for half an hour and rinse thoroughly with the shampoo. 

Mask Against Hair Loss


  • hemp oil (50 ml)
  • essential oils, such as tea tree, rosemary and coriander (5 drops)

Warm-up hemp seeds oil and mixes it up with the essential oils. Massage the mask onto the scalp and wrap your head in a towel. Rinse after one hour.

Mask for Dry Ends


  • avocado (1 ripe)
  • olive oil (2 tbsps)
  • hemp seeds oil (3 drops)
  • honey (2 tbsps)

Blend the ingredients and apply to clean damp hair. Cover with a shower and let soak for up to an hour. Rinse with shampoo.

Use Hemp Oil Shampoo and Conditioner 

If you don’t have time to struggle with the homemade cosmetics, purchase the hemp oil shampoo or conditioner. Mixed up with other ingredients, such as coconut and jojoba oils and minerals, your hair will receive all benefits from hemp usage. 

Add Hemp Oil to Hair Dye

If you dye your hair on a regular basis, it could be dry and exhausted. So in order to treat it properly and make it shine, you can mix hemp oil in with the dye you’re using. 

This way, you will protect your hair from damage caused by the color.

Make Hemp Oil Spray


  • water (1 cup)
  • CBD (2 drops)
  • your favorite essential oil (1 drop)

Mix the ingredients and spray the mixture on dry and clean hair. You don’t have to rinse it after usage, so it’s the perfect way for hair treatment if you are out of time. 

Try Overnight Hemp Oil Care

If you want to get good results of CBD hair care after the first usage, try to apply it overnight. Massage up to ten drops of hemp seeds oil into your scalp and hair before going to bed. 

Wash your hair as usual in the morning and use CBD spray on dry hair. 

Why Not?

If you suffer from hair loss, brittleness, and have tried a bunch of cosmetological products that do not give any result, try alternative natural and organic cosmetics. 

Someone may say that a hemp seeds oil for hair care and treatment could be a weird choice. But what is the difference once it’s efficient? 

CBD is an excellent source of vitamins, essential minerals, and acids that are critical for healthy, strong, and shiny hair. Hemp products improve skin, nails, and hair conditions.

5 Ways to Use Hemp Products for Better Hair Healthsource:

The Bottom Line: CDB Benefits for Beauty and Health 

Dry weather and climate tend to spoil skin and hair. CBD prevents the water loss of the body. Besides, it’s easily absorbed by the hair and scalp and does not leave a mess with the oily spots. 

Moreover, hemp oil stimulates the growth with the help of the omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids. The oil improves blood circulation on the scalp, so the follicles are nourished enough to maintain rapid hair growth.

CBD also helps those who suffer from the breakage by supporting hair’s natural texture and improve its wellness. We could continue with tens of other benefits from the hemp oil, but it worth saying that it’s a perfect solution for hair health improving.