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There are many reasons every staff member at Spinfuel VAPE enjoys their own Vape Box subscription, but this last box that arrived in mid-December has been my favorite so far.

I’ve waited until now, early January, to write about my December Box because I wanted to vape my way through all the eliquids, using the truly marvelous, American Made, Sub-Ohm Tank, The Tanker, which was my chosen hardware included in my December Box. (Reviewed Here) Hefty, strong, and engineered with American precision, the threading, the fit, and the vape experience is the absolute best anywhere. However, because it is American Made, the retail price runs about $10 to $12 more than the best Chinese tanks, including the TFV12 Prince. The trade-off is simple; you pay more for an American made tank, but the tank will definitely last years, not months.
The Juice
When it comes to eliquids I’m not nearly as adventurous as some of my office mates. My flavor profile at Vape Box is filled with flavors like, Custards, Vanillas, Bakery, and Pastry types. And, when I discover a new juice that will definitely wind up in my rotation, I can highlight it on my Vape Box dashboard and when new boxes come each month I can request that they include this new favorite.
The newly discovered favorite this month is from Masterpiece Vapours, a beautiful mixture of sweet blueberries, crèmes, vanillas, and perhaps a hint of custards… in other words, perfectly suited to my flavor profile. The name of this juice is “Pikaso”. I highly recommend it. Masterpiece describes Pikaso like this: The smell of a blueberry infused crepe is enough to make anyone think they’re back at the breakfast table. With a light and fluffy crepe coupled with the tart yet sweet aroma of blueberries, our Pikaso juice is the perfect breakfast inspired blend you can enjoy anytime!
Other eliquids I enjoyed this month in my December Vape Box are “Simply Desserts” “Custard”, a “Phillip Rocke” “Crème De La Crème”, and “The Vaping Rabbit”. Adding these four winning eliquids and the incredible Tanker, I received them all in the Vape Box thick, white, cigar-box like crate (great for storing coils and accessories later on), for just $60, about a third of the cost had I purchased them separately.
The Vape Box Subscription Service Advantage is Real
Vape Box is always fine-tuning their member benefits and have recently introduced a few new features that make it the best subscription service out there. We have mentioned them before, back in October, but for those of you that may not have read that overview, here are some of the highlights.
Adding Favorites
Now you can add eliquid brands and flavors to your personal wishlist on your user dashboard. Vape Box will make every effort to include your favorite juices into your future Vapeboxes whenever possible, and whenever you request it.
Rate My Vapebox
Members can earn store credit by rating the juices they’ve received, as well as the products (if you have the hardware plan) in their monthly Vapeboxes. Members will earn $0.40 of store credit per review.
Manage your VPBX points in the Points Section, and before long you will have earned a ton of store credit to apply to anything you want.
Refer Your Friends
For every friend that you refer to Vapebox, both you and your friend will receive up to $15 in VPBX points depending on the subscription plan that your friend subscribes to. Wander through the Vape Box Store and you’ll see just how wide of a selection you’ll have.
As always, when you join Vape Box you can tailor your flavor profile so that each month you’ll vape every mL of juice you get, rather than some of the other services where they toss in whatever they have. This is one of the biggest selling points for us.
Most of us here have the Enthusiast Plan, which is currently $60 a month. In this plan, you receive at least 90ml of e-liquid in 4+ bottles of e-juice, along with 1-2 pieces of hardware and/or accessories. In addition, as a member, you’re entitled to Member-only discounts that can save you a ton of money. Combine that with the Review points and the referral points and before long you’re getting more juice and gear than you ever imagined.
But, just in case you’re not willing to spend $60 a month, or if you’d rather choose your own hardware from a favorite vendor, other Plans include the Sampler Box for just $20. This box will include at least 60mL of eliquid designed by your flavor profile. If you’re a moderate to heavy vapor there is the Juice Lovers Box for just $32 a month. Inside is at least 90mL of your profiled eliquids.
The best-selling plan is the Enthusiasts Plan, my plan. For the $60 I get at least 90mL of eliquid based on my profile and my favorites, as well as one or two pieces of hardware. Hardware in the past has included regulated box mods, the TFV12 Prince with a box of coils, and so on.
I look forward to every new Vape Box that comes along, and every time I’ve been thrilled with the contents.
Start the new year with a Vape Box Subscription and you’ll experience the joy of discovery, and save money too. I’ve experienced several eliquid subscription services since 2014, and I can honestly say I’ve never been as satisfied as I have with Vape Box.
Julia Hartley-Barnes