Last Updated on November 14, 2023 by Team Spinfuel

Logic Pro eCigarettes Are A Disaster

I was about to trash this video… I mean, who wants to watch a video of me talking about lousy products, right? So, I walked away from the review, had some lunch and thought about it. I decided to go ahead and scrap together what I could and build the video despite the product being, well, lousy.

The is not really a review. To be honest, I don’t know what it is. The product I attempted to review was a cig-a-like product called Logic Pro. Chinese eliquid is a capsule, vaped in a cheap battery. No instructions in the box, on the label cards, nowhere. So let this be a video about how cheap products are still permeating the industry. Logic says they are the #1 cig-a-like in all US convenience stores, beating out Blu Cigs, Mark Ten, and VUSE. Is it true? I don’t know. I doubt it, but maybe. Is it the brand most people are buying? Unlikely.

Watch the video and in the comments below tell me, and your fellow viewers, what you think of products like this. Is it acceptable to leave off any and all instructions on how to use it? Is it acceptable to make claims that surely cannot be true, or verified? Is Logic lying or stretching bare threads of truth? Lastly, have you seen this product in your convenience store? Sound off below.

This was not a fun video to make. As someone that cares about this industry it was depressing.

– John Manzione – Publisher – Spinfuel eMagazine

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