Last Updated on April 15, 2023 by Team Spinfuel

5 Fun Alternatives to Vaping for CBD Consumption

5 Effective Ways in CBD Consumption.  CBD, or cannabidiol, is becoming more popular than ever due to its wide range of health benefits and calming effects. It  has been shown to decrease anxiety, help with sleep and insomnia, and provide quick and easy pain relief.

As you might be aware, CBD is one of the most prominent active compounds in cannabis, but unlike THC, does not provide hallucinatory or euphoric feelings upon use. This makes CBD a great way to increase productivity without any negative effects on cognitive ability.

CBD Consumption or Not CBD Consumption

While the most popular method of consumption is through inhaling with a decent vape, recent studies have shown that vaping can have serious negative health consequences. (Mostly on your lungs and heart.) Fortunately, there are many other ways of taking CBD, including some that might pave the way to a new skill or hobby! Here are five fun alternative ways you can consume it.

Sublingual Administration

In order to feel its effects the substance has to make its way into your bloodstream. From there to the brain. While inhalation is one way of accomplishing that, CBD must diffuse into your blood vessels in many other ways. One method is by placing the oil under the tongue so that the salivary glands and surrounding gum tissue absorb the substance into your bloodstream. 

This is called sublingual administration, and it’s one of the most effective ways for your body to absorb CBD by directly entering the bloodstream. Simply place a few drops of the oil under your tongue. Allow the compound to then dissolve, be absorbed by the mouth tissue. Effects typically peak 10-15 minutes after initial application. You’ll feel the benefits in no time!

CBD Consumption – The CBD Edibles

While less effective than sublingual administration, there are many benefits of ingesting CBD rather than allowing it to absorb through the tissue under your tongue. Some people dislike the taste of raw CBD oil, or just want a way to incorporate CBD into their lives without thinking about it too much. CBD oil can be incorporated into various foods and drinks, so you can get your dose without doing anything out of the ordinary! 

Making your own edibles can also be a fun way to get into cooking or baking. CBD oil can be infused into foods for everyday meals. Even candy and baked goods can be effective. There are also CBD drinks that you can buy instead of your regular energy drink. The effects of the same amount tend to be less pronounced when ingested. Compared to some other ways, it’s pretty great. 

CBD Consumption – The Topical Application

CBD lotions and creams are another great way to incorporate CBD into your everyday life without any distinct lifestyle changes. Topical CBD products work by diffusing through your skin. In order to reach your bloodstream, this method of sublingual administration works. These products often contain essential oils and moisturizing ingredients found in skincare products, such as coconut oil and aloe. 

CBD-infused face masks (??) and lip balms are available now.  Complete  same skincare and moisturizing properties as their ordinary counterparts. Since most skincare products already contain relaxing ingredients, with CBD-infused topical products you’ll feel great and look great, too.

CBD Consumption – The Softgel Capsules

Taking the softgel capsules is one of the most convenient alternatives to vaping. Softgels are easier to swallow than hard pills, naturally. You won’t taste anything as long as you don’t chew the pill and break the outer shell. 

Softgel capsules also eliminate the need to worry about dosage, since the doses are measured out for you. The pills are a quick and effective way to incorporate CBD into your daily life… just pop one and go!

CBD Consumption – The Tinctures

Tinctures are an extract made by dissolving parts of the cannabis plant.  The resultant product is less concentrated than CBD oil but has many benefits to make up for it. Tinctures don’t have the same unpleasant taste as its oil. Making tinctures more tolerable to take sublingually. 

Tinctures can come in a variety of flavors, such as peach and vanilla, and can contain various essential vitamins. It can also include essential oils and melatonin to help you sleep. Tinctures also have higher bioavailability compared to CBD oil, allowing for greater absorption despite the lower concentration. You can use CBD tinctures to add flavor to your cooking and baking as well.

Are You Ready to Try CBD?

These five alternative methods can help you find an easy way to find int0 your life. To get started with a CBD protocol, you can simply visit your local cannabis dispensary to purchase most CBD products outlined here, or turn to online retailers. 

However, if you’re interested in CBD, please make sure it is legal in your region or country. In addition, while CBD has numerous health benefits, it’s important to research dosages to stay safe. Newcomers to it should limit themselves to small doses at first before building up to larger ones. If you take the appropriate precautions, CBD can be a fantastic boost to help you relax and work more efficiently!

Further Reading:

CBD Products – 9 Key Considerations When Shopping For Them

Everything You Need to Know About CBD Gummies

How Effective is CBD and What is Mostly Used for?

5 Things You Should Know About Using Prescription-Free CBD Products