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Introduction to the Feedlink Revvo Squonker
Let’s cut right to the chase – the Aspire Feedlink Revvo Squonk mod kit arrived on my desk with a big fat “URGENT” sticker right on the box. Apparently, this one is making some noise among bottom-feed vape enthusiasts. I’m not sure if it’s the mod’s design, or the unique squonk tank/RDTA setup, but people are buzzing.
Is the buzz warranted? Well, while the experience lasts, the Feedlink Revvo offers a damn good vape. But don’t be surprised if you need a separate RDA on standby, not to mention another squonk bottle. Let me explain…
Right from the outset, you’re going to be surprised by the size of the Feedlink Revvo, since it’s probably the smallest squonk mod we’ve seen in a while. This compact, single 18650 device feels more like an entry-level, low-to-mid-wattage vape mod, not a semi-regulated squonker. But the pistol-style grip and knurled side panels are extremely comfortable, not to mention attractive – if you’re against squonking because of the boxy devices, this might be the one that changes your mind.
Speaking of the side panels, it appears they’re removable and interchangeable. But I haven’t seen any replacement panels for sale, in stores or online. Let’s hope Aspire follows through on this one.
The frame is made entirely of durable zinc alloy, which gives the Feedlink Revvo a nice, hefty hand feel, and a good, solid grip. The angled, top-mounted fire key is going to be a bone of contention for some (including this reviewer) but the button itself is well-constructed and clicky, though the bottom half of the key is looser than the top, which leads me to believe it might break or warp over time.
My problem with the grip is that it forces you to assume a thumb grip, as long as you want to keep the squonk bottle in the front near your middle or ring finger. Given the trigger-style shape, I found myself defaulting to a trigger grip, which effectively nullified the convenience of having the squonk bottle where it is.
Personal preference? Of course. But there seems to be several other ways Aspire could have configured the button layout here.
The squonk bottle itself is also a topic of concern. It’s soft, pliable and feels good to use. But it’s a proprietary part, thanks to the screw in top and thin metal housing around the bottle, rather than the traditional feed tube design. It works FANTASTICALLY well, but don’t plan on using any spare bottles you have lying around, because they won’t work.
(Oh, by the way, the Feedlink Revvo kit only comes with one of them. Treat it well until Aspire starts making spares available.)
Finally, one MAJOR problem I have is the traditional (read: old) screw cap battery door, which has rough threading, and is particularly hard to grip without pinching your fingers. Other companies have managed to master the space-age technology known as “a hinge” and I wish Aspire had done the same here. This old fashioned design isn’t nostalgic, it’s just annoying, and needs to go the way of the Boge cartomizer.

Features and Highlights
As a relative newbie to squonking, I’m not sure if bottom-feeding tank/RDTAs have been a thing before, but the Revvo Boost tank caught my attention from the outset. And to be honest, it’s earned it. From the butter-smooth squonk filling, to the rich, potent flavor coming from the flat-disc ARC coils, the pairing really knows how to hit hard.
Plus, the top-airflow control is easy to adjust, creating some unique experiences, depending on how much air you want to cut off. However, the non-removable, proprietary drip cap isn’t very good at all. Not only does it get unbearably hot when the Revvo pushes to heat the coils, but it’s also pretty uncomfortable on the lips. I really wish Aspire would have added a replacement option somewhere here.
But that’s not my primary problem with the ARC coils. No, that belongs to the coil longevity, which is practically nonexistent. I’ve had coils fail after a few days plenty of times. In 2018, I rarely have one tap out after five hours of moderate vaping. But that’s exactly what happened to me… twice…
Yep, after a combined 10 hours of vaping exclusively on the device IT CAME WITH, the ARC coils were both waving the white flag in no time flat.
If the experience was middling, I wouldn’t even blink. But the ARC coils offered a really flavorful, enjoyable vape while they lasted. And the Revvo Boost tank was a solid little RDTA-type tank. Each draw was rich and deep, and the throat hit was potent using 3mg juice. It was surprising on all fronts, and I was sad to see it end so quickly.
Because of the coils, I was forced to use separate RDAs to complete the review. While it was passable when used in this manner, more problems began to surface… which I’ll get to in the next section.
One MAJOR highlight (completely unrelated to the above) is the protection system Aspire put in place to ensure newcomers to unregulated vaping stay safe. Build appropriately and know the device limits before starting with the Revvo… but know that the technology is behind you, no matter what.
Aspire Feedlink Revvo Squonk Kit Features:
- Regulated Device
- 3.0 to 4.2V Output
- Bottom Feed Bottle
- 7ml Maximum Capacity
- Screw-In Cylinder Casing
- Single 18650 Battery Powered
- Screw-In Cap Door
- Battery Sold Separately
- Single Button Control Face
- Oversized Firing Button
- Press Five Times to Lock/Unlock
- LED Will Flash Orange and Blue Three Times
- LED Light Indicator
- Under the Fire Button
- LED Will Glow to Indicate Battery Life When Pressed
- Blue
- Above 3.8V
- Blue and Orange
- Between 3.8V to 3.5V
- Orange
- Below 3.5V
- Blue
- Safety Features
- Automatic Firing Cutoff
- 10 Second Maximum Fire Time
- Short Circuit Protection
- Over Discharge Protection
- Over Heat Protection
- Automatic Firing Cutoff
- Ergonomic Device Body Design
Aspire Revvo Boost Sub-Ohm Tank Specs:
- 24mm Diameter
- Stainless Steel Protective Glass Sleeve
- Bottom Fill Squonk Pin
- 2ml Tank Capacity
- Triple Top Adjustable Airflow
- 10.5mm by 2.5mm Each Airslot
- Fully Closeable
- ARC (Aspire Radial Coil) Coil Family
- Horizontal Orientation
- 0.10 to 0.14 ohm
- 70 to 80W Wattage Range
- Kanthal AF Wire
- Organic Cotton
- Wide Bore Delrin Drip Cap
- Drip Tip Acts as Drip Cap
- 12mm Wide Bore
- Stainless Steel, Plastic, and Glass Construction
Product Dimensions:
- Feedlink Squonk Mod
- 87mm by 48mm by 30mm
- Revvo Boost BF Tank
- 24mm by 41mm
Aspire Feedlink Revvo Squonk Starter Kit Includes:
- One Feedlink Squonk Mod
- One Revvo Boost Tank
- Two Arc Coils Replacement Coils
- 0.10 to 0.14 ohm
- One Spare Glass Tube
- Eleven O-rings
- User Manual, Warning Card, and Warranty Card

Personal Observations
As a semi-regulated, mostly mechanical squonker, the Feedlink Revvo is surprisingly reserved when it comes to power. “Reserved” in that it doesn’t seem like there’s enough power coming to the atomizer from the single-18650. Even when fully charged, the Revvo never QUITE got up to speed.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s enough power here to offer a satisfying vape. But with so many high performing squonkers out there (including some fantastic regulated ones), the Feedlink Revvo just doesn’t have a lot of oomph, especially when using a different RDA.
Though it’s not explicitly stated, it appears the Revvo has a max output of about 80 watts. Yet I never felt like the mod came close. My low-resistance coils hit with roughly the same power as those reading 0.5-0.75 ohms. In other words, it felt like the Revvo capped out well short of its maximum stated capabilities.
And, since it’s just a single-18650 device, the Feedlink Revvo also tends to duck out of work a little earlier than expected … and a lot earlier than most other squonkers in this range. I averaged less than two hours of mild-to-moderate vaping on each fully charged cell – and this includes the low-power hits I got as the battery reached its minimum capacity before calling it a day.
If you plan on taking the Revvo out for the day, pack a lot of batteries – it’s not a warrior, by any means. Given the design of the mod, and relatively small stature, I’m surprised Aspire didn’t try to work 20700/21700 cells into the mix. Our experience with these cells hasn’t been stellar, but anything is better than having a sleeve of 18650s in tow, just to use one mod.
I also wanted to come back to the proprietary bottle. While my experience was largely positive, I can’t help but wonder why Aspire wouldn’t pack a second bottle in the box. AT the VERY least, they could have offered a rebate coupon for a discounted spare. I have countless squonk bottles of all sizes in my collection, and none of them can work with the Revvo, simply because of a design decision.
Finally, while some people love the simplicity and no-fuss approach that comes with a semi-mechanical mod, I would have loved to see some of the technology Aspire uses in its mid-wattage devices on the Feedlink Revvo. That might have gone a long toward improving the battery life, power distribution and overall experience.
Bottom Line
I feel like I’ve been mostly negative about the Aspire Feedlink Revvo Squonk Mod, but when the stars aligned, and things were performing at their peak, I enjoyed using it. But proprietary parts are a problem – not only with the squonk bottle, but also with the Revvo Boost Tank, which is basically the only atomizer that makes the mod work as intended.
With other RDAs, the experience is passable at best, and not nearly long-lasting or powerful enough to make me drop my other squonkers. A shame, because the mod’s design and aesthetics suggested a much different result.
Score: C
Pick up the Aspire Feedlink Reevo Squonker at Element Vape, along with the other recent Aspire “Revvo” Mods, including Skystar Revvo, (review) Typhon Revvo, and Speeder Revvo (review).