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Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie Review
Cosmic Fog and Vaporfi have formed an alliance of sorts, an alliance to create a series of ultra-premium eliquids that will satisfy the palates of most vapers in our community. Blended with top shelf ingredients and just the right amount of flavor, these particular eliquids make terrific all-day-vapes. Their expertise truly shined in our recent review of Raspberry Mocha, and after vaping Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie eJuice these past couple of weeks, we believe that the partnership between Cosmic Fog and Vaporfi definitely has a bright future indeed.
Before we get into the team’s impressions of Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie, here’s Vaporfi’s official description.
“Experience the sugary sweet aroma of your grandma’s house, when a finger licking apple pie sat in the stove baking to perfection. No need to wait for the pie to cool; this dessert is ready for you to vape at a moment’s notice. A brilliant apple front note appears immediately filling the vaper’s tongue with subtle notes of pie crust and tart apple notes. While the vape juice matures to perfection, a burst of flaky crust travels meticulously to the back note leaving a scrumptious after taste. Get your 30ML bottle of Vaporfi Grandma’s Apple Pie crafted by Cosmic Fog today!”
Naturally, there is a lot of pride in the above description, and perhaps a touch of hyperbole as well, and while the team might not use such flowery language to describe any eliquid we review, there can be no doubt that Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie deserves a spot in any fan of apple pie ejuice.
Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie is created in an FDA Registered Lab, using top of the line levorotatory nicotine, a pure, non-tobacco sourced substance, as well as one of the highest quality soybean-based Glycerin, (Grandma’s is a MaxVG ejuice). Without becoming boring, suffice it to say that Vaporfi produces one of the purest, high quality eliquid lines on the planet. That said, we’re not 100% convinced that these steps of purity and quality justify the retail cost of this, and other, Cosmic Fog/Vaporfi eliquids.
Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie is sold in 30mL bottles only (as of January 1st, 2017) at the retail price of $17.99, or 59 cents per mL. For today’s market, $17.99 for a 30mL bottle is too expensive considering many top of the line brands offer 60mL bottles for just $5 more than Vaporfi’s 30mL size.
Vaping MaxVG
A factor to consider when vaping MaxVG ejuice is how quickly that ejuice can disappear. High and Max VG juice is designed to be vaped with low resistance coils and fairly high wattages. The 4-member team used sub-ohm tanks (0.15Ω to 0.5Ω) for this review, with wattage settings from as low as 46W to as high as 160W. A 3mL tank will empty after 45 minutes to an hour of moderate vaping. A 30mL bottle allows for no more than 10 refills with a 3mL tank, meaning that $17.99 ejuice bottle will be empty in 2 days, 3 if the user vapes lightly. As an every day, every week eliquid, the cost can be considerable.
Vape Gear and Settings Used
Julia: For Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie ejuice I chose to stick with a SMOK Big Baby tank equipped with a 0.15Ω Kanthal A1 and organic cotton coil head. Big Baby coil heads at this resistance shine at 46 watts. Vaping at 60W is fine, and will yield a warmer vaper, but for maximum apple pie flavor, 46 watts is best. The mod I used could have been anything that provides 50W or more, but for this review I chose the SMOK Marshal G320 TC Starter Kit ($89.95 at Element Vape) A 320W 3x 18650 mod that I’ve been using for a few weeks now. (review coming). The “kit” includes the Big Baby tank, 3 coil heads and an RBA head.
Tom: The team member use a lot of products by SMOK, so for this review I chose the new G-Priv touchscreen mod, with its easy to use touchscreen interface and 220W of power. ($74.95 at Element Vape) and popped a SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beast equipped with 0.15ohm V8-T8 Octuple Coil (6.6T), which is rated at 50~260W. For me, 122W gave me a warm vape with optimal flavor.
Kiera: I had just received the new SMOK Brit One Starter Kit ($24.95 at Element Vape ), and decided to use it for this review. In the tank I used the 0.3Ω B2 Dual Core, which performs between 20-50W of power. My sweet spot for Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie was just 32W, and because the rest of them vaped lower resistance coils and higher wattages my bottle of juice last substantially longer than theirs.
Jason: I am still very much a SMOK Alien fan, so I chose to stick with the Alien for this review. The Alien Starter Kit is $67.95 at Element Vape, and includes the TFV8 Baby Beast tank. The coil head I chose was the 0.15ohm V8 Baby-X4 Quad Coil, and the best wattage setting for my preferences was 60W, which output warm, sweet vapor and lots of flavor.
Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie Review

General Agreement – The 4 members had slightly different takes on the delivery of the Dutch Apple Pie flavor, but were in total agreement of the massive amount of vapor produced by the eliquid and the tanks used. The MaxVG, despite its soybean base, is most assuredly a cloud maker.
Julia: 5 Stars – We had considered knocking off one star for the retail cost of this Vaporfi eliquid. However, Kiera pointed out that Vaporfi offers sales and discounts for their eliquid several times a month, so if you shop right you’ll never have to pay for price. For that reason we decided against the loss of the star based on price.
Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie doesn’t knock you over the head with a strong apple flavor, and instead the flavor profile is a genuine piecrust and apple combination that provides a smooth vape that maintains its flavor all day long. At no time did I feel vapers tongue coming on, and both vapor and flavor never irritated my throat, the defining factors of a true all-day-vape.
I definitely enjoyed my time with Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie, and it has since become a part of my bi-weekly rotation. My only hope is that at some point Vaporfi begins offering larger bottles at a discounted price. Yes, you can save substantially when buying on sale, but the days of $18 30mL bottles belong in the past.
Tom 5 Stars: As a become a bigger fan of dessert vapes I have learned the difference between dessert vapes that want to clubber you over the head with strong flavors and dessert flavors that extend the enjoyment of the dessert without chasing you off in a couple of hours. Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie is one of the latter eliquids… This apple pie eliquid is neither overpowering or tart. The apples are sweet, the flavor reminds me of Ambrosia apples, and the piecrust flavor makes me think of a warm and flaky piecrust. A very nice combination, especially as a winter vape.
Kiera 5 Stars – There are hundreds of apple pie eliquids on the market, but no more than a dozen are good enough to earn 5 stars from me. Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie, a collaborative effort between Cosmic Fog and Vaporfi, is one of the better apple pie flavors out there. The reason, I believe, is the attention to the piecrust part of the flavor profile. Too often a brand will focus on a heavy apple flavor, sometimes tart apples and sometimes sweet apples, but they go too lightly on a satisfying piecrust. Here, vapers will enjoy the same amount of apple and piecrust that is experienced when sitting down with a warm slice of Dutch apple pie.
Jason 4.5 Stars – The difference between a genuine Dutch apple pie and a regular apple pie is the “streusel topping”. This streusel topping is made with butter, flour, and sugar, all baked on top as a deliciously sweet, crunchy crust. Most apple pie eliquids that I’ve vaped over the years have been regular apple pie, few, if any, ever hit the Dutch apple pie flavor profile. The Dutch piecrust is sweeter than a regular piecrust, and with a sweet apple flavor instead of a tart apple flavor, it makes for a dessert, or dessert vape, that shines in cold weather and the winter months. That is why Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie eliquid is so satisfying.
Having said that, I believe that Cosmic Fog and Vaporfi put these delicious flavors together in a way that would provide an all-day-vape for most vapers, and I would rather they hadn’t. The truth is, Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie tastes exactly like a Dutch Apple Pie, but the awesome blend of these flavors are a tiny bit muted so the eliquid can sustain an all-day-vape, rather than blow the vaper away with an explosive Dutch Apple Pie flavor and massive amounts of vapor clouds, which I would have preferred.
Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie Conclusion
A Dutch Apple Pie is significantly different from a normal, everyday apple pie. Cosmic Fog and Vaporfi chose to go with the genuine flavor of a Streusel piecrust, and that should not be overlooked by potential buyers. Streusel is a sweeter piecrust, and so the flavor of the eliquid is sweeter in the same way. It was hard to believe that a real Streusel flavor could be had from a flavoring, and Cosmic Fog and Vaporfi should be applauded for making it a reality. Hell, the only thing missing is the actual crunch of the flour/sugar/butter crumbles that sits upon every real Dutch Apple Pie.
The only issue we have with Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie is the everyday price of $17.99 for a 30mL bottle. However, the saving grace is Vaporfi’s numerous sales and discounts which can lower the cost 20% or more at times. We highly recommend this sweet apple dessert vape, but we urge our readers to look for a sale before trying it. If you wind up enjoying this eliquid as much as we did, you’ll go through that 30mL bottle quicker than you want to.
Available Now at Element Vape
Julia and Kiera Hartley-Barnes, Tom McBride and Jason Little – The Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team