Last Updated on November 14, 2019 by

Get your Ass out of my Vaping Store!

As a prominent FDA director waits to spill the beans on future regulation of vaping industry on the 22nd and 23rd April, there is growing concern amongst the vaping community. There are a number of issues which need to be addressed sooner rather than later which include: –

Who is running the show? FDA?

Despite the fact that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has apparently been in “charge” of the vaping regulatory review, what exactly have they got to show for it? Absolutely nothing!

Slowly but surely the regulators and the state authorities are creeping up towards vaping store doors with the intention of a smash and grab. Rumours of taxes, bans and restrictions continue to dominate the headlines but so far the authorities have lacked the bravery to push through what they are discussing in private. True, we have seen the introduction of relatively small taxes, restrictions and bans in some places but are the politicians and the regulators willing to take on the public and the vaping community?

Is this incompetence or detailed deliberation?

Those in favour of the vaping community would suggest there is incompetence on behalf FDA while critics would suggest that detailed deliberation is required. The fact remains, if the FDA does not get itself into gear then by the time their new regulations are released they will be out of date and likely have been superseded by state regulations. In reality once states begin to take over the regulation of vaping products these new laws will never be reversed!

We are surprised that they have not been more legal actions against the FDA because this period of inactivity on the regulatory front is impacting investment in the industry. To recap, this is a sector which was ignored by its critics for decades, ridiculed and dismissed as nothing but a niche market. However, at the turn of the century the popularity of vaping products began to grow and we now have an industry which is set to turnover in excess of $2 billion in the US alone during 2015. Was this a big mistake by the regulators?

Governments can crush vaping stores

While it is unlikely that the US government will introduce regulations which will effectively crush vaping stores, we have seen the introduction of crippling regulations in countries such as Spain. Indeed overnight it is rumoured that around 80% of Spanish vaping stores disappeared due to the introduction of heavy handed and badly managed regulations. Some would argue that the Spanish vaping community needed a shakeup, there were more stores than the community could support but the fact is that governments around the world have flexed their proverbial muscles.


Regulators, critics and state authorities are slowly but surely creeping up on vape stores across the US. However, when you see these dark shadows emerging in your nearest vape store tell them what to do, where to go and maybe suggest that they – “Get their A** out of my vaping store!”

Mark Benson

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