Last Updated on April 16, 2024 by Team Spinfuel

All of us have experienced skin burns at some point in our lives. Whether it’s a sunburn or working around a hot equipment, the burn on the skin causes a lot of pain. Even though there are various creams and antiseptics available in the market to heal the burn, CBD Oil is the newest and perhaps, the most natural way to soothe that burn on your skin. 

CBD has already taken the wellness industry by storm because of its miraculous ability to relieve people from various health problems, including anxiety, depression, chronic pains in muscles and joints, inflammation, seizures, epilepsy, etc. Now, it is also exhibiting the potential to heal the burns on your skin. To learn more on this, read the rest of this article. 

What is the importance of CBD oil?

CBD or cannabidiol is the product of cannabis plants. However, CBD is known for its therapeutic qualities and analgesic properties, more because, this miracle of a product does not contain or comprises very little THC, another cannabis compound primarily responsible for producing ‘high’ in the human body. Thus, CBD is non-intoxicating or non-psychoactive in nature. Additionally, it has also been legalized in all the states of America. It is no longer a controlled-substance in the country (under 2018 Farm Bill). 

CBD is thus a naturally healing product. It is also safe to consume since it comes with little to no side effects, and is available in abundance. However, it should be the duty of every consumer that they are buying CBD oil or products from a well-reputed company that has no or less than 0.3% of THC and also holds the certificate of analysis and is third-party lab tested. 

CBD Oil Can Heal the Burns on Your Skin

Is CBD oil an effective treatment for all skin burns?

To answer this question, it is important to note how CBD works with the body. When CBD oil is consumed by the body, it starts interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), whose function is to keep the hormones balanced and growth proliferation, amongst other things. The endocannabinoids, which are a component of the ECS activate the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the body.

When the body suffers an injury, the endocannabinoids and receptors help in maintaining the balance between tissues, organs, and cells in the body. When the body needs healing from burns, this system kicks in and starts the healing process. CBD oil helps in boosting this healing. 

In this 2010 study, done at the China Medical University, it is concluded that the CB1 receptor is activated when the wound heals and that they were found in the location of injury, six hours after the injury took place, and they remained there for 14 days. This acts as a binding site for cannabinoids, and thus, serves as an antibiotic. 

How CBD oil helps in healing skin burns?

The first evidence of CBD’s effectiveness as an anti-bacterial came in 1976, in a study done by Ten Ham and Klingeren. It can help in healing burns because of its various qualities and traits. Some of them have been mentioned below-

CBD is anti-inflammatory-:

In a 2009 study, it was concluded that CBD can reduce inflammation through the CB2 receptors in the skin. These receptors also help in relieving the skin from pain of burn. CBD reduces inflammation by weakening the cortisol section and decreasing blood levels. 

It has analgesic properties:

CBD is anyway known for relieving people from chronic pain in the muscles, joints, and skin. CBD oil also contains terpene linalool, which is a group of compounds that help in relieving the pain from the body. This helps CBD in producing a cooling effect on the burnt area. 

CBD is antibacterial in nature:

Another reason why one should use CBD oil on their burnt skin is to keep it clean to prevent bacteria from infiltrating the area around the skin and save it from infection. In this 2008 study, it was revealed that cannabidiol, in fact, does have antimicrobial qualities. It also protects the wounded area from pathogens, such as MRSA, which can infect the wounds. Applying CBD oil on the burnt area also prevents the skin from swelling and pain as well. 

Even though more research is needed in this field, people are already using CBD oil to find relief from burned skin. 


How to use CBD oil on a Skin Burn?

CBD oil is safe to apply on the skin. It can also be taken orally without any problem. However, there is no fixed or ideal dosage of CBD intake. Thus, the best way to consume CBD oil is by starting with a minimum dosage and monitoring the changes in your body. Once you start feeling positive change in your burn or body, stop at your ideal dosage, and continue taking the same for a few weeks. Once you become comfortable in your ideal dosage, start reducing the dosage to notice if you are getting the same results at a low dosage, because people have already experienced building reverse tolerance after a few months of CBD intake. In any case, CBD is absolutely safe to take or apply on skin. It doesn’t overdose and does not have any side-effects either. 


If you are looking for a natural way to heal a burn, CBD oil is the answer. The best part is that it is easily available in the market, is legal, and does not cost a fortune at the time of purchase. It is a naturally-occurring product and thus, comes with zero negative effects. Even so, it is recommended to consult a medical practitioner, or a doctor before starting your CBD course. In a nutshell, CBD oil is the simplest way to heal your burns.