Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Team Spinfuel

Can CBD Oil Help Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease? CBD continues to prove useful due to its numerous medical benefits. Many chronic illnesses have no cure. All that is required is alleviating the symptoms. One such ailment is Crohns disease that affects the digestive tract in your body.

Crohns disease is also called IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and can lead to severe abdominal pain. Apart from acute pain, you also get inflammation, fatigue, and even diarrhea.  If left untreated, it can get worse and become life-threatening.

Crohn’s Disease - Can CBD Oil Help Symptoms and Relief in 2020?
Crohn’s Disease – Can CBD Oil Help Symptoms and Relief in 2020?

More research is necessary for the effectiveness of CBD oil in helping with IBD. But, so far, the results are proving its effectiveness. CBD products continue to show they have more medical benefits.

How Effective is CBD with Crohn’s Disease?

CBD products come in numerous forms, including CBD sprays, CBD tincture, CBD Capsules. But the most revered one is CBD oil because it is easy to administer and acts quickly.

Crohn’s disease causes inflamed red patches in the intestinal tracts. The most affected areas are those of the small intestine. Common symptoms you can experience are diarrhea, blood-stained stool, fatigue, severe stomach pain, and weight loss.

CBD oil comes in handy to help alleviate some of these symptoms and offer you relief. You have to decide on the CBD category to use. Choices available are full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. Full-spectrum is the most effective of the three but has THC in it.

THC is psychoactive and is best to avoid if you intend to use these products continuously. You can consult your physician to get the proper dosage. CBD has proven effective in alleviating pain and helping with fatigue.

Also, you need to consult your physician to see if the current medication you are on works with CBD. The doctor can help you monitor your body’s response to various doses.

What research says on CBD and Crohn’s Disease

A study on the benefits of using full-spectrum CBD was conducted in 2018. The study included 93 patients with Crohn’s disease. The results showed immense improvement in their health and quality of life, and the severe symptoms put under control.

Effects of CBD Oil on Crohn’s Disease

CBD has proven effective so far in helping alleviate Crohn’s disease that affects many people. The main symptoms are pain, inflammation, and fatigue. You start feeling better and not in constant pain due to IBD.

Still, it’s crucial to note CBD is not without effects to watch out. For some people, they get sleepy even though this is not the case for the majority of CBD users. As a beginner, monitor your body reaction to using different doses.

Also, remember full-spectrum CBD contains THC that causes a ‘high’ feeling. Frequent use of THC can lead to dependency. CBD is yet to be approved by the FDA, but legal in most US States on the “state level”. Check what the laws are in your state in regards to using its products.


As we’ve delved into the potential of CBD oil as a therapeutic agent for Crohn’s Disease, it’s clear that this area warrants further exploration.

While some studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD oil may offer symptomatic relief, particularly in terms of inflammation and pain management, the medical community is still in the early stages of understanding its full impact and efficacy.

It’s crucial for patients to remember that CBD oil should not replace conventional treatments for Crohn’s Disease. Instead, it may serve as a complementary therapy, potentially enhancing the overall management of the condition. The importance of consulting with healthcare professionals cannot be overstated.

They can provide personalized advice and ensure that any use of CBD oil is safe, especially considering the potential interactions with other medications.

As research continues to evolve, it is hoped that more definitive answers regarding the role of CBD oil in managing Crohn’s Disease will emerge. For now, patients considering CBD oil as a part of their treatment plan should proceed with caution, stay informed, and maintain open communication with their healthcare providers.

This cautious yet hopeful approach reflects the current landscape of CBD oil use in chronic conditions like Crohn’s Disease—a promising field, but one where more scientific backing is essential for conclusive guidance.

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