Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by Team Spinfuel

The CBD industry is booming in the United States because of hemp’s ability to treat various conditions that often include frequent pain.  Headaches and migraines are on the top of that list and preliminary studies show very promising results.

User reports and medical research show that CBD can alleviate the pounding, pulsing and throbbing commonly associated with migraines and headaches.  Plus, the gentle, organic action CBD offers means there’s hardly any side effects and it works well with and appropriate to the body’s natural functions.

CBD for Migraine and HeadachesCommon Medications for Headaches & Migraines

Many doctors and other healthcare professionals are referring patients to CBD rather than aspirin, sodium-naproxen and ibuprofen.  This is because adverse side effects are practically non-existent when using CBD for migraine and headache pain.

With most recommended medications, there’s a severe risk of side effects.  For instance, aspirin contains an active ingredient, acetaminophen, from willow bark that some people are allergic to.   Plus, ibuprofen has connections to heart attacks and liver issues.  If you take too many of either these common medications, you can die.

Pain Relief with Cannabinoids

Hemp and marijuana contain constituents that coalesce with the body’s Endocannabinoid System.  This system comprises receptors to communicate messages to other body functions for regulation, relief and relaxation.  All this translates to a feeling of overall sense of calm and well-being.

CBD works with these cannabinoid receptors, they influence or activate them (depending on what the body needs).  This means once the cannabinoids detect an imbalance in the receptors, it quickly acts to correct or regulate it.  When that occurs, pain relief is on the way.

Headaches vs. Migraines

Headaches are a primary source of pain that many people experience.  This can happen for a number of reasons with some people being more prone to headaches than others.  Medications, stress, hormonal shifts, a shot of bright light in the eye and past head injuries are only some possible culprits.

According to the American Migraine Association, migraines are severe, recurring headaches that affect nearly 12% of the American populace.  Some of the issues that cause migraines are, but not limited to:

  • Medications for Other Conditions
  • Hormonal Imbalances or Changes
  • Insomnia
  • Diabetes or Hypoglycemia
  • Stress ; Tension
  • Mood Disorders or Shifts
  • Poor Diet or Lack of Nutrition
  • Pollution
  • Changes in Environment

With both headaches and migraines, the nerves around the brain, neck and head feel the sensation of pain.  An inflammatory agent triggers this pain, which debilitates the Endocannabinoid System.

CBD Studies ; Research on Migraines ; Headaches

Although research is still underway, there’s a lot we know about CBD’s ability to mitigate the pain associated with migraines and headaches.  One of CBD’s best known and proven properties is it’s anti-inflammatory action.

According to a study done by the University of Eastern Finland, cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antiemetic and analgesic effects which provide short-term but severe and preventative treatment against the horrid pain of migraines.

Early Results Show Promise

Current Opinion in Neurology published a review in 2019 that galvanizes this idea.  Evidence confirms CBD can alleviate the pathways responsible for migraine pain control.  It may also reduce the frequency with which migraines occur, which means living a better quality of life.

In medical marijuana studies, participants report a reduction in experiencing migraines; on average, 10 per month went down to only four.  For chronic migraine sufferers, that’s as close to magic as you’re going to get.

Anadamide, the Happy Receptor

Anandamide is the neurotransmitter responsible for feeling happy and regulating pain.  Early research shows it has definite links to migraines and headaches.

When the blood has a lot of anandamide, pain reduces.  Lower levels can indicate an impairment to the body’s Endocannabinoid System.  The British Journal of Pharmacology proved this in 2007, when they found those with frequent migraines have inadequate anandamide levels, as taken from samples of cerebrospinal fluid.  In addition, CBD can enhance these signals to increase anadamide production, thereby mitigating migraines and their frequency.

CBD Works to Alleviate Headaches & Migraines

CBD shows a lot of promise against migraines and headaches by addressing pain at its source.  The soothing constituents alleviate the throbbing associated with these conditions while providing relief from stress, tension, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure and hormonal changes.

So Few Side Effects

Since side effects are so few and far between with CBD, it’s a safe and natural treatment for even the worst headaches and migraines.  It’s a no-brainer when comparing it to other popular medications, with some being highly addictive.

CBD is organic and non-habit forming, so you can’t go wrong.  It helps to regulate all neurotransmitters and receptors, targeting what’s most deficient and providing rapid relief.  But, if you’re on prescriptions, you want to check with your doctor or healthcare provider to ensure CBD will be right for you.