Table of Contents
“Best of” lists are tough. Just ask my colleagues, who have been busy compiling thorough collections of recaps to help vapers of all types make the best possible buying decisions. Now it’s my turn to recap the best of my personal favorite rebuildables, RDA’s, RTA’s, and RDTA’s for 2018.
Of course, we should preface by saying that these are the opinions of one author – a particularly choosy and critical one – who prefers rebuildable tank atomizers. Like any good “best of” list, these selections are highly subjective and open for a metric ton of debate. How could they not?
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’re going to cover all types of rebuildables here, from tanks to drippers, and even one tank we can’t quite place (but love anyway). First, let’s see if we agree about the rebuildable tank atomizers (RTAs).

Why Create a List in the First Place?
That’s a simple question with a simple answer. With hundreds of choices on the market, and new ones constantly being released, or rather, unleashed on the vaping public, how can anyone possibly choose without someone pointing the way? Google “Best RDA” or any Best list involving vaping products and you get dozens of websites offering up their opinions. But, are they really “their” opinions, or are they being paid to write them?
We’ve been publishing reviews for 6+ years now, and the one thing we know for certain is that folks just don’t have the access to vaping products that companies like ours do. And since we refuse to join any affiliate programs, or to be paid by any manufacturer to promote a product, who better than Spinfuel VAPE to cut through the confusion of choosing a new Tank, be it an Sub-Ohm, or an RDA, RTA, or even an RDTA?
Every rebuildable on this list deserves to be here, has earned the right to be here. Choosing any rebuildable on this list that satisfies your “wants” in a rebuildable, can be trusted to serve you well. Not because we’ve been told this, but because we KNOW this, from experience.
Now, let’s take a look at this list…
The Wrap up
For those seeking the maximum amount of versatility, return and sheer performance from their investment, the iJOY Combo RDTA II should be on the top of any list.
So, there you have it rebuildable atomizer fans! As always, these types of lists are always subjective, and always open to arguments. But, you can believe these devices are on here because they belong on here. Let us know how YOU feel! Which Rebuildables would you put on your list, and why? Reach out to us in the comments or on our Facebook page, to let us know what your selections are for the best rebuildable atomizers of 2018. Make your case – we’d love to hear from you!