Table of Contents
- 1 Real Vape Tanks, Real Honesty Based On Real Experience
- 2 The Best All-Around Vape Tanks for 2018 (so far)
- 3 SMOK Resa Prince
- 4 SMOK Spirals Plus Flavor Sub-Ohm Tank
- 5 Aspire Nautilus 2
- 6 Vaporesso Guardian cCell Ceramic Tank
- 7 Kanger Protank 4 Ceramic Tank
- 8 Council of Vapor Defiant Ceramic Tank
- 9 VOOPOO UFORCE Sub-Ohm Vape Tank
- 10 Asvape Cobra Sub-Ohm Vape Tank
- 11 Aspire Cleito Tank
- 12 Vaporesso NRG Vape Tank
- 13 SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beast
- 14 SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beast Tank Features:
- 15 Uwell Valyrian Sub-Ohm Vape Tank
- 16 Sense Blazer Pro Sub-Ohm Tank
- 17 Uwell Crown III Vape Tank
- 18 iJoy Captain X3 Sub-Ohm Tank
- 19 FreeMax FireLuke Mesh
- 20 Sense V-Jet+ Sub-Ohm Vape Tank
- 21 SMOK TFV12 Prince
- 22 Innokin Zenith MTL Tank
- 23 Vaping AMP The Tanker
- 24 SMOK TFV8 Big Baby Beast
- 25 The Wrap Up
In Part One of the Best All-Around Vape Tanks we discussed what vape tanks are, their components, and what makes them tick. Vape Tanks are much more than Cloud Chucker’s, or Flavor Makers. There are the Direct Lung and Mouth to Lung types, some that actually do specialize in chucking clouds, and others that specialize in flavor fidelity. There are tall ones, short ones, fat ones, and skinny ones… you get the idea… there are hundreds and hundreds of Vape Tanks, and even more Coil variations for these tanks. So how do you decide which ones are the Best ones?
Like everything else in the world, “best” is subjective. So, why create a list in the first place? Well, I’m glad you asked, because there is an excellent reason for these lists. Are you ready?
Every single day (including Sunday!) we are asked; “Which So-and-So Tanks/Mod/Whatever should I buy?” The answer isn’t easy, but one thing is for sure…. The Vape Tankmarket is vast, and confusingas hell, especially to those that do not have much experience buying Vape Tanks.
I mean, come on, when you see a Best Of list and see a VaporFi product on it, how serious (or honest) is that list going to be? The end result of these fake, paid for, “Best of”, or “Top 5” lists is just more confusion. There has to be a better way.

Real Vape Tanks, Real Honesty Based On Real Experience
Our list of the Best All Around Vape Tanks is comprised of Vape Tanks this entire staff has experience with. We love these tanks, and we’re not being paid a penny to convince you to buy one. We offer them here for one reason; to help you buy a great tank, period. Whichever one you choose, based on the parameters you set for the type of vape experience you want, you cannot go wrong with any of the vape tanks that made it onto this list.
This “Best Of” List will include sub-ohm, plus-ohm, direct lung, mouth-to-lung, flavor, and cloud tanks. For Vapers looking for the Best RDA/RTA/RDTA experience, we have a list for those too. . We’re going to make it easy to bypass bad purchases, buyer’s remorse, and most of all, you’ll have the confidence that buying from the vendors WE buy from, you’ll never have to worry about buying a counterfeit tank, mod, or whatever.
Lastly, when it comes to All-Around Vape Tanks, we cannot include some of the “monster” Sub-Ohms on the market, like the TFV12 Cloud Beast King or the Vaporesso Cascade. The reason is that neither of these tanks qualify as an All-Around Tanks. They are powerful cloud machines, designed to create the most massive vapor possible. An All-Around tank is a tank you can attach to your Mod and go about your day… All day, every day… but while these monster tanks can create huge clouds of vapor, they are tough to use all day long. Those tanks, and others, are featured in our Best Sub-Ohm Tanks for Cloud Chasers published here.
The Wrap Up
Well, the above list of “Best All-Around Vape Tanks” certainly produced more than we expected. Asking the home office writing staff to go through all their notes on every tank they used since the beginning of the Sub-Ohm experience, the responses were far more than we thought it would be. Even worse, each one fought hard to keep their selections on the list.
Choice is a curse when it comes to vaping. There are so many Mods and Tanks to choose from, how in the world is anyone supposed to know exactly which device is right for them. While we believe in the “trial and error” method for most things, in the vape community it could cost a fortune to seek out the right device(s). This list, and the others we recently published, as well as the ones we’re working on now, are aimed at helping Vapers cut through the garbage, the counterfeits, the clones, and the “paid for” marketing hype.
All vape tanks on this list deserve to be recognized as excellent All-Around Vape Tanks. Having said that, we urge you to read the comments by the writers who have the most experience with these tanks in order for you to see if their comments match your needs. If they do, then you’ve found your match.
You can have confidence in your purchase, whatever it is. And you can be assured that no vape tank listed here, when purchased through Element Vape, is the authentic tank. Element Vape is a vendor that would never stock a counterfeit device. They purchase straight from the source, to make it absolutely certain that the stock they carry is genuine.
Lastly, we could have added many more Vape Tanks to this list, and perhaps in a few months we will create a new list, a Part 3. While at first, we wanted to include the SMOK TFV12 Baby Prince, we decided to hold off because we just haven’t spent enough time with it to be sure, and sure we must be.
Feel free to leave comments about any of the vape tanks listed above, or other tanks you think we should spend time with for our future list. We welcome your interaction!
– Team Spinfuel VAPE